Title Page
Site conducted
Select Campus
Select Building
Select Precinct
Select Precinct
Maximo /Project Number
Prepared by
Conducted on
Name of Company and Contractor
Works Description
1. Contractors
Are all staff inducted to be on site and displaying their contractor ID ?
Has a Risk assessment/JSA?HAC been completed
Are control measure being implemented
2. Working at Heights
Are the works at heights
Have all risks of fall been identified ?
Have all the identified controls been implemented ?
3. Scope of Works
Has a Scope walkthrough been completed
All scope items agreed
Have all colour finished been confirmed
Confirmation of choice required
Are any PTWs required to complete the works
What Permit is required
4.Emergency Response
Are the Emergency procedures known to all and documented?
Is there available first aid kits for site?
5. PPE
Is there adequate PPE for the task?
6. Working Environment
Are staff aware of appropriate amenities? (toilets, wash areas, lunch rooms, etc)
Is there sufficient lighting for the works?
Is there adequate housekeeping?
Is there adequate noise
7. Administrative Procedures
Have the necessary permits been and available on site ( including any GIS drawings)
Have all inductions been completed for all on site
Are there adequate Safe Work Method Statements for any high- risk work?
Is there a process to change SWMS throughout the works as needed