Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Personnel interviewed and accompanying auditor
Is there a written and approved site procedure for alcohol and drugs?
Has it been communicated to the employees and contractors?
Alcohol Testing
Are random tests conducted and all levels of staff included?
Are tests conducted for all vehicle accidents?
Are units used calibrated?
Have people conducting tests been trained?
If positive test are follow up tests (balloon or printout) conducted by OPJ or medical staff within 30 min?
Drug Testing
Are random tests conducted and all levels of staff included?
Are tests conducted for all vehicle accidents?
Have people conducting tests been trained?
If positive test are follow up tests conducted by medical staff within 30 min?
Are people who ran away treated like they had a positive test?
Are positive tests followed up with disciplinary action?
Are employees always dismissed?
Are contractors always permanently removed from site and is this checked?