Document No.
Site / Company
Conducted on
Prepared by
Personnel interviewed and accompanying auditor
Is there a written and approved site procedure for alcohol and drugs?
Do company support employees with drug and alcohol problems?
Do employees and contractors know that the company has a zero tolerance to drug and alcohol in the workplace.
Has it been communicated to the employees ?
Has it been communicated to the contractors?
Alcohol Testing
Are random tests conducted and all levels of staff included?
Are tests conducted for all vehicle accidents?
Does a test program cover a 10% minimum number of all employees to be tested each month?
Does a test program cover a 10 different shift as a minimum number to be tested each month?
Are units used calibrated?
Does a program ensure high risk employees such as Heavy equipment driver tested more often than office staffs?
Have people conducting tests been trained?
Is a positive followed up with a second test (balloon or printout) conducted by OPJ or medical staff at least 20 minuets and as a maximum one hour after the first reading?
Drug Testing
Are random tests conducted and all levels of staff included?
Are tests conducted for all vehicle accidents?
Have people conducting tests been trained?
Are positive tests followed up with disciplinary action?
Anybody with positive a alcohol test or illicit drugs test is subjected to summary dismissal?
Does site induction cover discipline action for alcohol and illicit drug abuse?
Is documentation of the positive tests provided to the HR department who follow due disciplinary hearings?