Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Personnel interviewed and accompanying auditor
Is there a written and approved site procedure for blasting?
Has it been communicated to the employees and contractors?
Permits and certification
Is a copy of a valid blasting permit displayed in the explosives mafgazine?
Are copies of valid blasting certificates for each blaster displayed in the explosives magazine?
Are only employees and contractors with a valid blasting certificate allowed to issue and receive explosives and to conduct blasting?
Use of explosives
Are explosive magazines locked and guarded 24/7?
Are explosive magazines equipped with fire fighting equipment?
Are there no smoking and no mobile phone signs and rules?
Are all people handling explosives trained on the associated risks?
No loose detonators to be transported inside the cabin or tray of a light vehicle
Are all explosives and accesories received, stored and used accounted for?
Are charged blasts sleeping overnight guarded, baricaded off with hard barriers and well lit?
Blasting and misfires
Are blasts announced by email (date, time and location) at least a day in advance?
Are blast notices posted at all offices, barrier gates and acces roads?
Before any blasts is the area adequately evacuated?
Before any blasts is the folowing in place? radio announcement on all radio channels warning of the blast to come
Before any blasts is the folowing in place? siren on a vehicle travelling around the pit used
Before any blasts is the folowing in place? blast guards with red flags and 2 way radio posted at all entry points to the blasting area
Do shotfirer and assistant travel in 2 vehicles and seek adequate cover during a blast?
Are employees ignoring blast guards always dismissed?
Are contractors igmoring blast guards always permanently removed from site and is this checked?