Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Personnel interviewed and accompanying auditor
Is there a written and approved site procedure for Mining Driving?
Has it been communicated to the employees and contractors?
Are only site licensed drivers considered for mining driving permits?
Does the mining manager approve all driving permits?
Are annual theoretical and practical tests conducted prior to the issue of a driving license?
PPE and safety rules
Do all drivers and passengers wear seatbelts?
Are people being transported in the open back of a pick up without roll cage, sets and seatbelts?
Is standard PPE (hardhat, safety glasses, uniform with reflective stripes or reflective vest, steel toe capped boots) worn by all drivers and passengers in the mining areas?
No use of headphones in the mining areas.
Are security staff aware of the authorisation requirements and do they apply the rules?
Are roadsigns being obeyed?
Are blasting rules adhered to?
No vehicles or people are allowed near a potential or actual wall failure.
No person may enter a danger taped area without prior permission by the Mining Manager. Restricted areas may only be entered by authorised personnel.
LV and HV interaction
Haul trucks have right of way over all other vehicles except working graders and dozers.
A minimum of 15 meters distance will be kept to a loaded haul truck.
Light vehicles may not overtake in the mining areas except (when indicated by operator it is safe) working graders, working dozers, tramming excavators and tramming drill rigs).