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Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
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Are the pot plants throughout the mall free of rubbish? Remove any rubbish in pot plants and call trough to cleaners for assistance if unable to rectify.
Are the mall bins free of rubbish ready for start of trade? If not call C1 and report it through
Is the floor clear of any noticeable marks, damage or hazards? If marks are visible attempt to remove and/or call C1 to report. Damage should be reported through trello or directly to operations staff depending on the severity
Are the furniture pods aligned and clean (free of scuff marks, rubbish, stains, spills, etc). If not realign furniture, wipe and clean where required and/or notify C1 if cleaners are required.
Are there any visible hazards that require assistance from the car park team or operations department to rectify? If visible hazards exist (e.g concrete car stopper not in place) notify car park team for immediate remedy.
Is there any hoardings that require painting as stickers have been removed overnight causing unsightly damage? If so notify operations team immediately and ask them to rectify, take a picture of the damage and send it through to the marketing team to report.