Title Page
What is the Job name?
Where is your job location?
What is the date, and time for this daily safe task inspection?
Who is performing this daily safe task inspection?
Describe the Activities to be performed?
Use the Action option to record additional instruction / controls or actions. e.g. Validate that all employees are face fit tested? If in doubt use the STAR appraoch (STOP , THINK , ACT, REVIEW)
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Assess the Activities?
Confirm Tasks are ready to go!
Add descriptions, actions, images as needed to support the inspection. If you have answered no to any of the questions then work may not proceed until this action has been addressed.
I have checked that all personnel have been briefed in the activity, Method statement, risk assessments, etc
I have checked that all employees and contractors involved in this project are appropriately trained and competent for the task.<br>Are the operators trained and competent for their respective activities (e.g. Joinery Operative, Firestopping Operative)
I have checked that all personnel have the appropriate PPE for the activities (e.g Safety Glasses, Ear plugs, Dust mask or respirator, Safety Boots, Company issued workwear, Hard hats if defined)
I have confirmed that the environment is in accordance with the brief? Excessive tripping hazards are controlled, perform housekeeping as needed to ensure work area is safe.
I have assessed the environment, Weather, Wind, Rain and is deem it acceptable for the task to be performed
I have checked that there is safe access and/or suitable plant people segregation? Consider Barriers, spotters, marshals.
I have checked that all necessary Permits/Tags are in place to start work (e.g. Ladder inspection tag, podium inspection tag, hot work, isolation, lifting etc.)
I have reviewed the asbestos survey or register and communicated the effected areas with my team and am satisfied that the work area is either controlled, or not affected?
I have checked that there are appropriate controls in place for occupational health (e.g. Dust suppression/ Extraction/HAV monitoring, RPE controls, Noise controls)
I have assessed the work area and believe all obvious hazards have been identified/addressed/controlled (e.g. exclusion zones, pinch points, work at height controls, segregation)
I have briefed my team in any task specific rescue plan required for this works (e.g. work at height), and you have briefed all team members?
I have checked that where a risk from manual handling has been identified, a manual handling assessment has been conducted as part of risk assessments and method statements.
I have checked that the necessary emergency personnel are available and ready for works (e.g. First Aider)
I have checked that fire escape routes are clear and unobstructed & Signage is available and suitable. assembly points Identified & clear. Emergency vehicle access is possible, no significant obstructions.
I have confirmed the location of your nearest A&E or are prepared to contact emergency services in an emergency event?
I have checked that waste is managed and removed from work area to suitable waste skips or van. Waste arrangements are in place to remove excessive waste from site.
I have considered residents, pedestrians or any other stakeholders that may be affected by our activities and am satisfied they are controlled?
I am performing lone work, I am ready and my controls are in place?
Other comments or observations
Sign Off
Signature below is to confirm that this Daily Safe Task Inspection has been reviewed and all hazards identified,
suitable works brief provided and all appropriate control measures are in place to allow work to
commence. -
Supervisor Sign Off
General comments