
  • Store Standards Audit

  • Conducted on

  • Conducted by:


  • Is the service leader in place?

  • Are public computers switched on and operational?

  • Is the in store kiosk switched on and operational?

  • Enter photo of in store kiosk

  • Is coffee & tea station clean, filled & to standard?

  • Enter photo of coffee station

  • Comments


  • Is the front of the store clean and tidy?<br>

  • Please attach photo

  • Is all signage up to standard?

  • Are the bollards painted red with no damage or scratches?

  • Attach photo of bollards if applicable

  • Are all walls graffiti free?

  • List monthly maintenance calls


  • Are trolleys handles in good working order and not faded?<br>

  • Are the correct trading hours visible at the front of the store?

  • Is the catalogue stand full including business account sign up and "Tell us what you think" grouches?

  • Does the Competitor Board have 2 or more current catalogues?

  • Please enter photo of catalogue board

  • Is ink & toner stand clean & tidy?

  • Is the Mailman unit working?

  • What issues do you have?


  • Are registers free of product and rubbish?

  • Is the people greeter in place and do they have Mobile POS?

  • Comments

Click and Collect

  • Does People Greeter have PDT in place to process C&C customers collects? Do they understand the process?

  • Is the Click and Collect Receiving bay set up as per process with correct templates?

  • Take photo of Click and Collect bay

  • Comments


  • Is current Trading plan set up as per plan?

  • Comments

  • Take photo at start of Trading plan from front of store

  • Take photo of loose pen stand trade plan merchandise. Monthly take photos of all sides of loose pen stand

  • What is missing

  • Are all sidestacks and clip strips full and ticketed?

  • Have all aisles been recovered ?

  • Is correct 2.0 night fill process in place in your store?

  • Have night fill adjustments been completed?

  • Comments

  • Do all empty gaps have OOS cards with expected delivery dares or TBA?

  • What are the key OOS categories in stationery?


  • Are all ends merchandised as per trading plan?

  • Do all OOS articles have a blue OOS card with order date or TBA?

  • What categories are you having issues with for stock replenishment?

  • Are all monitors and laptops switched on with correct company messages?

  • Is all high risk merchandise protected?

  • Is all live stock on show eg Beats Headphones

  • Are all displays tidy, dusted and operational where required?

  • Are all phone, camera & GPS displays on show with correct FABS and take me to the counter cards?

  • Take photo of phones, & camera & GPS

  • Comments


  • Are all displays tidy, dusted and ticketed?

  • What furniture lines are damaged and need replacing?

  • Take photos of damaged furniture

  • Does furniture floor layout match store plan?

  • Comments

  • Take photo of furniture floor


  • Is P&C work area tidy and safe?

  • Are all counters clean and tidy?

  • Are all Kodak machines operational, full and counters clean?

  • Take photo of behind counter

  • Issues with self serves or Kodak in store


  • Are all clearance dump bins price pointed as per process?

  • Is all clearance located at back of store as per promotional plan?

  • Take photo of clearance area

  • Comments


  • Is receiving neat and tidy as per standards?

  • Is receiving bench set up to standard with no chair and one folder?

  • Take photo of receiving bench

  • Has RLO and repairs been actioned?

  • Take photo of RLO and soiled & damaged areas

  • Comments


  • Are desks clean and free of rubbish & paper work build up?

  • There are no products kept in offices?

  • Enter photo of office

  • Is tearoom tidy and clean?

  • Are rest rooms clean?

  • Comments

Team Communication

  • 30/5 filled in and communicated to the team

Daily Checks

  • Tickets printed and actioned

  • Line alarms and EAS gates checked

  • Check and review store scans


  • Comments

  • Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.