• Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

General Cleanliness Exterior / Interior

  • Does exterior and interior appear to be clean and in clear condition - overall view ? Check list completed ?

  • Is the front area of Shop Clean and free from Litter ? No Gum, Cigarettes etc.

  • External Signage or Logo was light (at Night time) and ceiling lights too ? Cleaned or free from dust particles?

  • Does the shop window area appear to be clean and free from the dust

  • Marketing elements at the shop (operating hours, Push & pull sign, the cover for air curtains, any government post any other object related to marketing)

  • Are the ceiling, and ventilation clean and clear in condition ?

  • Are the Decoration clean and in good condition ? Properly Arranged

  • Are the counter elements available ? Product sources, Allergen notice, Marketing Displays

  • Is the Internal Signage (menu or screen display) clean and well maintained and up-to date ?

  • Are Dustbins clean and clear ? Pedal type, Covered, no unpleasant odor.

  • Is Internal Plants in good condition ? Are they following plant SOP ?

Employees & Customer Experience

  • Are the employees Deployment acceptable and as per schedule ?

  • Is the Music played as per the approved play list ?

  • Are the service Station (all delivery aggregators) Working ?

  • Did the Cashier Welcome the customer, smile, use suggestive selling and bid farewell by saying thank you at the end (Customer Service SOP) ?

  • Did the preparation time of order - Normal ? and packaging used like box etc. as per SOP ?<br>All employees were active ?

  • Product served for Guests are as per SOP ? Quantity, Boxes, Pieces etc.


  • Is the product quality fresh ? Tasty, Smell free and well cooked as per SOP ?

  • Taste the product Freshness, Check the daily taste or waste count book and verify ?

  • Is there enough quantity prepared to cover peak hours and huge orders ? Initial preparations done ?

  • Product Specification, Ingredients has been followed as per SOP ?


  • Are Hand washing procedures being properly executed correctly and consistently at a properly stocked Hand washing sink ?

  • Food Temperature, Sanitizer, Spray Bottles, Cross contamination apparent in a designated station or storage as per SOP

  • Product Expiry, Ingredients in use. Food product labels (Name, Date and coded)

  • Are all staff government documents available ? Baladiya cards, Iqama, Health Insurance, License, Government documents.

  • Is any maintenance work Pending ? Mention all the issues in your Notes

Storage - Preparation Areas & Handling

  • Are the Ceiling and ventilation clean and in clear condition? Floor area, Walls, proper placing.

  • Dustbin clean, Storage draining and plumbing (if present) are clean and in good condition

Restaurant Systems

  • Are staff knowledgeable about cooking time ? Temperature - as per SOP

  • Is waste being tracked in the book and entered by day part ? Recorded

  • Is the critical checklists being completed as required ?


  • Check all receiving invoices and correctly entered in foodics. Proper verification and if found any mistakes - Actions been taken at the same time

  • Check all the orders - Transfers within branches - Receiving from Central Kitchen - verify through foodics

  • Check all inventory (availability) verify with invoices

  • Are production and stock checklists are correctly followed ?

  • Are product shelf life posted for employee at the shop ?

  • Are Pest control Report based on monthly visit available at the store ?

  • Check all the daily check list ? Is it up-to date ?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.