Title Page
Document No.
Daily Store Walk
Conducted on
Prepared by
The Store walk is designed to give the management team a quick overview of the store before 9am to allow time to rectify problems before they impact the customer. It is there to point out any areas that need attention before our customers spot them. It will give you the opportunity to assign tasks to people as the situation occurs and to identify any issues early.
Fresh Departments are a priority due to the perishable nature of the product and as management you must be encouraged to screen these departments so that they are up to an above average standard early in the day.
Is the car park and store entry clean of rubbish, cigarette butts, dockets, cobwebs, dirt etc.? Are the mats clean?
Store Entry
Are the windows clean with no sticky tape or blue tak?
Are there any unauthorised posters or signage on windows? Are the Covid-19 tracing QR code signs in place and in good condition?
Is the entry uncluttered and well presented?
is there hand sanitiser available at store entry points?
Are floral arrangements displayed, watered and at a standard fit for trade?
Tobacco and Checkouts
Are the registers clean and clear?
Are the Cigarettes and Tobacco price board up to date and ticketed?
Are customer bins including self service area bins empty?
Are all registers in working order? Are customer facing screens active and displaying relevant information?
Are all staff well presented with preferred dress, name badges, appropriate clothing and shoes?
Is the loading dock / receiving area secure? Are doors closed when not in use?
Are all unused registers physically closed off?
Are trolleys and baskets clean and rubbish free? Are there adequate quantities of trolleys and baskets available for customers?
Are all fire exits and fire equipment clean, clear and accessible?
Is the department well presented and ready for trade?
Is the department appropriately stocked and well merchandised?
Fresh Departments - Produce
A quick tour of the department - is the rotation of a satisfactory standard with no obvious poor quality stock, check on highly perishable lines and overstocked items?
Have all lines been ticketed?
Is the department appropriately stocked for the time of day?
Is the department well presented with no obvious hazards? (e.g. Grapes on the floor etc)
Fresh Department - Deli
Are all staff well presented with preferred dress, name badges, appropriate clothing and shoes?
A quick tour through the department - is the rotation of a satisfactory standard with no obvious poor quality stock, check on highly perishable lines and overstocked items?
Is the department appropriately stocked for the time of day?
Is the department well presented with no obvious hazards?
Are all lines ticketed, tickets upright, windows cleaned, back area visible to customers clean?
Fresh Department - Meat
A quick tour through the department - is the rotation of a satisfactory standard with no obvious poor quality stock, check on highly perishable lines and overstocked items? Select 4 random lines to check rotation.
Have all lines been ticketed?
Is the department appropriately stocked for the time of day?
Is the department well presented with no obvious hazards?
Is shelving, rails, grates and top of cabinets free from dirt and dust?
Are markdowns completed with an appropriate discount?
Are specials ticketed?
Is the department well presented?
Is the department appropriately stocked and well merchandised?
Is there evidence of stock rotation and appropriate action on markdowns and shrinkage?
Is the Cheese Bar tidy and well stocked for the time of day?
Is there evidence of good rotation and appropriate Markdowns?
Is the Sushi tidy and well stocked for the time of day?
Is there evidence of good rotation and appropriate Markdowns?
Health and Lifestyle
Is the department well presented?
Are markdowns completed and is rotation good?
Are all glass doors clean?
Are stock levels adequate?
Is the department clean? Is the shelving clean? Are front rails, grills and grates clean?
Grocery/General Merchandise
Are floor stacks only located in spacious areas with a minimum width for traffic flow of 1.2 meters and department looks uncluttered?
Is all merchandising appropriately displayed, minimal cardboard exposure, maximum stock displayed and ticketed?
Is the department well presented in all aisles?
Is there stock left on the floor unattended or underneath grocery aisles?
Are all end/wing displays adequately merchandised and ticketed?
Are drinks cold fridges filled and presented for the days trade?
Is the department well presented?
Are markdowns completed and is rotation good?
Are all glass doors clean?
Are stock levels adequate?
Is the department clean? Is the shelving clean? Are front rails, grills and grates clean?
Is the loading dock clean and tidy, bin lids down, no cardboard or rubbish around the loading dock?
Is the storeroom neat and tidy? No rubbish, empty pallets, 6 wheelers etc.
Is all stock in the Produce Coolroom date coded?
Is the cardboard compactor and composter area clean and clear?
Offices and Lunch Room
Is there any retail stock stored in this area?
Are desks and benches clean and clear ready for use?
Have lunch room fridges and cupboards been checked for out of date food and non check sealed items?
Notes gathered from observations while doing Store Walk.
Are there any maintenance issues that need attention?
How do you rate your Store overall?
Please note the reason that you gave the store the rating that you did.