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Are eating and drinking areas provided away from work areas?
Are staff aware of working alone and out of hours procedure?
Are security arrangements in place and adequate for current access restrictions?
Is there a documented "Lock-up" procedure for end of workday?
Are the names and contact details of the local HSA and HSR displayed?
Have emergency exit routes been identified and signed?
Are emergency exit lights operational?
Are emergency exit doors easy to open?
Are general kitchen areas kept clean? Eg. Removal of rubbish, cleaning floors and surfaces?
Are storage of cupboards, fridges, microwave ovens, dishwashers, kitchen utensils and other appliances kept clean and tidy?
Are combustible materials kept at a safe distance form hot surfaces and naked flames?
Is there adequate provision of soap, dish cloths and towels?
Are toilets and washing facilities kept clean and hygienic, including doors, walls and bench tops?
Is there adequate provision of soap, hand drying facilities and toilet paper?
Are electric hand dryers maintained and in good working order?
Are ate bins clean and emptied regularly?
Are evacuation maps and emergency numbers prominently displayed and up to date? I.e. on appropriate walls and phones.
Has chief warden been assigned for the building and contact details displayed?
Have fire Wardens been assigned and contact details displayed?
Are staff aware of the emergency and evacuation alarm signals, procedures and plans?
Have emergency alarms been checked and tested?
Is emergency equipment readily available (first aid, eye wash kits)?
Is emergency equipment regularly available? (check for inspection date on tag)
Are fire extinguishers placarded and are they easily accessible without obstruction (I.e. 1 clear square met in front of extinguisher)
Are all fire extinguishers and fire blankets within test period (6months)
Are flammable substances stored appropriately?
Are first aiders for the area appointed and trained?
Are names and contact details of first-aiders signposted in work areas?
Has a first aid cabinet caretaker been assigned for the lab?
Is the first aid cabinet contents regularly checked? (Check last documented inspection date)
Are locations of the first aid kits labelled, easily visible, easily accessible and known to staff?
Bi-annual staff well being workshop (discuss issues to reduce stress, student wellbeing discussions, supportive community)
Promotion of exercise and group activities.
Maintain well being room (interior design and program's I.e. student discussions, meditation, yoga, relaxing music and tea)
Have staff and students been trained in the use, selection and maintenance of PPE?
If PPE stored and maintained correctly?
Is PPE supplied to visitors in hazardous areas. Eg. Safety shields in workshops.
Is policy on encoded footware being enforced?
Are disposable respirators adequate for the tasks being performed?
Are respirators and replacement cartilages within "use-by" limits?
Have staff involved in manual handling tasks and have they been trained in manual handling techniques?
Is the a MHE register and is it maintained and actions recorded? (Servicing, inspections and repairs).
Are staff qualified to use specialised lifting or MHE equipment (I.e. forklift, gantries, cranes etc).
Ae lifting slings clean and in good condition and correctly marked, inspected and maintained?
Are suitable ladders or step equipment provided where needed?
Have ladder users completed safe use training and sign off documents?
Has a register of any been established and has it been updated within the last year?
Have risk assessments for major plant equipment been conducted?
Is there a logbook for significant plant and equipment and maintenance actions recorded in registers?
Is there a system for planning and scheduling equipment maintenance?
Are plug or switch lock-outs used on equipment undergoing maintenance or repair?
Are "DANGER" or isolation tags used during maintenance and repairs?
Has portable electrical equipment been tested and tagged as appropriate?
Are operating manuals available?
Is a risk to staff and students from exposure to noise?<br>Has an assessment of that exposure been made?<br>Is the assessment available in the work area?
Are hearing hearing protection areas clearly designated by signs?
As audio metric testing been completed for staff members working in noisy areas (who are required to wear hearing protection).
Are staff trained in notice exposure limits and hearing protection use?
Do staff have access to chem watch and have they been trained in its use?
Is the appropriate type of PPE available for chemicals use.
Are all chemical containers properly labelled?
Are chemicals that are decanted from bulk put in appropriate containers? I.e. not food and drink containers.
Is a manifesto of dangerous goods available?
Has a hazardous substances register been established and has it been updated in the year?
Have risk assessments for hazardous substances been documented and revised past five years?
Have all risk assessment corrective actions been implemented and reviewed?
Has ear monitoring been conducted where SDS sheets indicate an exposure level to the substance?
Has scheduled maintenance check been undertaken for the air compressor?
Are compressor gauges and relief valves in working order?
Are staff familiar with chemical waste disposal procedures?
Are waste containers correctly labelled?
Are waste containers stored appropriately?
Are there spill kits for waste storage areas?
Is the recycling and reuse of materials taking place? I.e. are recycling containers uncontaminated and in use.
Is lab access adequately controlled?
Are there signs specifying access to the lab?
Have procedures for working alone and out of hours been complied with?
Is the university WHS policy on display / available for all staff?
Ae the local HSA and HSR available to staff?
Have safety problems or hazards identified in previous audits been adequately addressed?
Is the register of staff and student and inductions for the Design Lab up to date?
Is the induction checklist for visitors and contractors up to date?
Is there a record of staff training on specific equipment?
Is there a record of staff training on specific equipment, processes and procedures? I.e. chemical handling, manual handling.
Does the Design Lab keep up to date written procedures on;<br>- safe work procedures <br>- risk assessments<br>- standard operating procedures<br>- workplace safety manuals<br>- hazardous manually handling risk assessments <br>- hazardous substances risk assessments
Do staff use SPRI procedures to report accidents, incidents or safety problems?
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