Title Page

  • Auditor Name

  • Conducted on

  • Location
  • Region

General Process

  • Have supervisors submitted their checklists (SORT Supervisor Checklist) before the shift start?<br><br>By checking the Iauditor Safety Report (Date)

  • Once damaged package received, DEX to inform the relevant team of such an incident and hand over the package to the Reverse Sort Team against email received (flag raise in LOP with proper Reason)?<br><br>By physical verification

  • Mis-sorted packages (NBS DRTV) sent to wrong FM hub are inbounded back to sort center?<br><br>Through LOP

  • All the received packages are inbounded within 24 hours (This point will be exempted only in cases of high backlog)?<br><br>Through LOP


  • Are the Barcodes on MU/Packages scanned using LOP with his/her own ID (across all the Operations)?<br><br>Observe the Off-Loading Dock Scanning process and verify the Operator LOP ID and Check the knowledge such as What is AWB, How to Inbound Packages and MUs in System (General Overview).


  • MU after being inbounded are placed in the Racks as per the FIFO Strategy (specially for REVERSE)?<br><br>By checking the Holding Area/Racks

  • Are the MU Outbounded from the Racks as per the FIFO Strategy?<br><br>By checking the Holding Area/Racks

  • Are all the MUs stacked on racks (for ISC on Pallets)? (no MU should be on floor)?<br><br>By observing MUs Holding Area

  • During rack loading and unloading, ensure all MUs being inbound or outbound are scanned with the correct rack assignment using the G-Sheet, and that the updated data is reflected on the FIFO visualization dashboard?<br><br>Google Sheet Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z22PVpoj5LS0jaB7M6ihs3LmApKxKLXcVYest_Q9Scg/edit?invite=COX6lN0O&gid=0#gid=0<br><br>Check the G-Sheet and verify with the Rack Location

  • Are the MUs offloading from racks done with using ladder with proper Package handling Guidelines?<br><br>By observing Offloading Process (No Throwing of MUs from the Racks)

Forward Shipment 3PL (Intracity)

  • MST (Manifest ID) is created after dispatching containing TN of packages to respective 3PL?<br><br>Through recent email

  • MST (Manifest ID) is created after dispatching containing TN of packages to respective 3PL?<br><br>Through recent email

  • Once 3PL receives the shipment, email receiving is given?<br><br>Through recent email

  • Sort to keep the record of last 2 months PODs (Printed manifest) on which 3PL receiving is given?<br><br>By physical verification

Forward Shipment DEX (Different City)

  • Email is dispatched to the relevant SC containing the MUs, and TN of the packages being sent?<br><br>Through recent email

  • Once the SC receives the shipment, email receiving is given?<br><br>Through recent email

  • Once the LM hub receives the package, email receiving is given?<br><br>Through recent email

Line Haul Shipment

  • For 3PL LH, receiving is given on excel printout and email is sent to their facilities as well?<br><br>By physical verification

Line Haul through 3PL (Intercity)

  • Email is sent to 3PL containing the MUs and TN of the packages being sent?<br><br>Through recent email

  • Data is maintained on a specified format of all the MUs that are handed over to 3PL<br>(3PL Tracking Sheet)?<br><br>By physical verification

  • Email is sent to the relevant Hubs containing the MUs, and TN of the packages being sent<br>(Transfer Letter Attached in Email)?<br><br>Through recent email

  • Once the 3PL and Hubs receives the shipment, email receiving is given?<br><br>Through recent email

  • For DEX/3PL linehaul "Shipping Provider" is selected while setting next leg of runsheet?<br><br>By physical verification

Manual Sorting

  • During manual sorting, unprocessed and processed MUs kept separately (FWD)?<br><br>Check the Processed Packages and backlog Packages segregation and properly tagged

  • Flyers are stored in sacks/vertical trolley while semi bulky are placed on pallets/ trolley?<br><br>By physical verification

  • Name plates are used for area wise sorting, for LM hub and 3PL partners?<br><br>By physical verification


  • Are the package handling protocols being followed at the inbound conveyor?<br>(Referred to the Video shared by regional Team : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QjhclAoT8OCu8KwtHjM7TJkSQ2zVn6f2?usp=sharing)<br><br>Packages are not throw into the Conveyor -Are the Fragile Packages separately handle -Don't place Bulky packages on the Conveyor

  • Are induction bins available at stations?<br><br>by observing the induction Cluster

  • Are the induction bins filled and used as buffer only when the induction conveyor is empty?<br><br>By observing the Operator at the Induction Cluster

  • The packages in the rejection chute (overflow) should be handled according to the reinduction SOP.<br>Refer to SOP: SOP/WI: Reinduction of Packages from Chute 126<br><br>By following the work instructions near the rejection chute: rapidly replace the sack bag when it is full, tag it with the chute number, and keep it separately in the designated area. Reinduct these MUs before changeover

  • Is the designated supervisor aware of rejection chute, troubleshoot & re-induction work instructions?<br><br>By interviewing Supervisor and Ask Question<br>What are Rejection Chute, Troubleshoot and Induction Protocols

  • Are the Work Instructions related Rejection Chute, Troubleshoot and re-induction pasted on the Floor?<br>

  • Are the packages that have been dropped from the cart trolley onto the floor, instead of the chute, being handled according to the Work Instruction for Troubleshooting at the chute?<br><br>Non-Bulky Packages fall from the Sorter, Manually Scan on LOP and check the Parcel Management > Drop to Chute >Drop to Chute # and dropped the Package in the specific Chute

  • For Forward & Reverse waves, respective colours of sacks are used in chutes (Green for RVS & Orange for FWD)?<br><br>By Physical Observation

  • Are MUs from 3PL chutes transferred to the 3PL area?<br><br>By Observing the Forward MUs and Packages


  • Are the packages (Bulky/Super Bulky) meant to be shipped being separated during manual sorting (After reshipped MUs/packages are placed at the designated 3PL area)? <br><br>By taking Observations of the Shipped Packages/MUs<br>Segregated and send it to the separate Area

  • SLA: Are the packages shipped on the same day or not?<br><br>By Observing the AWB of Tracking at the Backlog Area

Problematic Scenarios at Outbound (3PL)

  • Separate excel file for each 3PL is created for Not Found/Offline/Bugged Packages(which are shipped to 3PL). Receiving is taken on it as well?<br><br>By physical verification

  • Miscoded parcels (System Error when Tracking# is scan) are escalated with CS team?<br><br>By physical verification

  • If shipping provider is not correct as per SOP (i.e. non-bulky (flyer/box) have OLE tracking), they are reshipped?<br><br>By physical verification

  • If there is a data sync issue email is escalate to Transport Team on spot. If issue is still not fixed the package is shipped?<br><br>By physical verification

  • If 3PL refuses to pick up the packages due to packing issue, the case is escalated to PSC team with images, in real time?<br><br>By physical verification


  • MUs are not overflowed with packages (Check the Seal not broken or supported by the Tape)?<br><br>By physical verification

  • Instead of using manual made MU labels, user is using system printed labels for MU identification?<br><br>By physical verification

  • 3PL handover is done by printing manual excel format system generated detail manifest and handing over to 3PL partner?<br><br>By physical verification

  • Gate pass containing the count of MUs, is handed over to admin by DEX/3PL on his departure from SC?<br><br>By physical verification

  • Package status is updated from ""TTS"" Transit to ship to ""Shipped"" within 48 hours?<br><br>By physical verification

Receive from FM Station

  • If an inbound team finds any package empty / leakage / broken / improper packaging then these packages are handed over to First Mile by escalating an email. (flag raise in LOP with Proper Reason)?<br><br>By physical verification


  • Are the scrap packages sent to charity within 7 days?<br><br>By Checking the Email

  • Are the scrap, abandoned, lost approved and duplicate packages stacked with proper tagging/designated place?<br><br>By Physical Observation

  • Are the bins tagged with proper identification i.e. scrap, abandoned etc?<br><br>By physical verification

  • Are prohibited items being segregated before charity?<br><br>By physical verification

  • Are prohibited items and packaging material discarded as per SOP?<br><br>By physical verification

  • Are the scrap packages found?<br><br>By physical verification

Sender Receiver Protocols

  • Are the reverse MUs/packages received from LM, FM or SORT proper information tagged for example (identification like origin, destination, offline packages, lost approved packages, delivered, Scrap, and route segregation)? <br><br>By Observing the Reverse MUs and Packages

  • Are all the MU numbers and TNs of bulky packages scanned properly and added in Transfer letter?<br><br>By reading sender receiver protocols

  • Are all the details like destination, contact, seal no. etc added properly in transfer letter?<br><br>By reading sender receiver protocols

  • Does only single extra seal provided to the driver i.e. 3 seals for 2 destination?<br><br>By reading sender receiver protocols

  • For multiple destinations, a separate transfer is prepared?<br><br>By reading sender receiver protocols

  • For each destination, 3 copies of transfer letter taken? i.e. Driver, sender, receiver copy?<br><br>By reading sender receiver protocols

  • In case of any extra packages received, email escalation is done as per the Sender-Receiver Protocols?<br><br>Check the Recent Email

  • In case of Short Received shipment, email escalation is done as per the Sender-Receiver Protocols?<br><br>Check the Recent Email

  • For LH, receiving is given on Transfer letter and on email to the respective facilities is sent as well?<br><br>Check the Recent Email

  • Proper Record Keeping of Transfer Letter in an organize File for at least 2 Months?<br><br>By checking the File Dates and availability


  • Are the MUs/packages loaded as per LIFO (Nearest destination at last)? <br><br>By reading sender receiver protocols

  • Are the MUs/packages loaded in the vehicles stacked Correctly (Weight of Packages uniformly distributed, Lightweight Packages placed on the Heavyweight Packages) without any risk of breaking, falling, and damage, with no throwing of MUs, bulky and super bulky Packages into the Vehicle while Loading it?<br>Reference: Package Handling Protocols Training by Regional Team?<br><br>By Observing the Offloading Docks

  • MU’s are loaded into the vehicle properly and doesn't allow any packages to slip or move out of position during the motion of vehicle. Lashing Belt is also installed in vehicle.(14ft and above)?<br><br>By physical verification

Package Handling

  • Boxes/carton/package is not kept on floor?<br><br>By physical verification

  • Boxes are stacked in such a way that they don't fall off due to imbalance with proper weight distribution?<br><br>By physical verification

  • Fragile packages (LED TV, Fridge and Glass Product etc) must be kept according to the correct orientation?<br><br>By physical verification

  • No throwing of any sort of package into trolley/carton from distance?<br><br>By physical verification

  • Sacks are not dragged on the floor?<br><br>By physical verification

  • MU's are being stacked on pallets properly with no threat of falling down?<br><br>By physical verification

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.