Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Contract Number

  • Contractor Name

  • VicRoads Business Area

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Current Temperature
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  • Personnel on site

Contaminated Material

Contaminated Materials

  • Have contaminated materials been encountered on site?

Upon encountering contaminated material on site

  • Has the contractor notified the Superintendent and where applicable EPA?

  • Has the contractor engaged an environmental specialist to undertake sampling & analysis to determine the type and levels of contamination?

  • Have documents on the investigation been provided to the Superintendent?

  • Has the opportunity to reuse the contaminated soil/material as fill on-site been investigated?

  • Attach Photo's / Documents

  • What was the resulting treatment?

Reusing contaminated material

  • Has the contaminated material been assessed by a suitably qualified consultant to verify that it is suitable for reuse on-site?<br>(Record document used in the photo's / comments section)<br>

  • Has the contractor developed an Environmental Improvement Plan (EIP)?

  • Has the EIP been approved by the EPA?

  • Has the appropriate documentation been provided to VicRoads including the source, location, type and volume of contaminated material reused on site?

  • Attach Photo's / Documents

Disposal of contaminated materials

  • During storage and removal of contaminated material, are works being monitored to ensure that it is contained? <br>(Review monitoring records to confirm that monitoring has been undertaken at the required frequency).<br>

  • Is the contaminated material being disposed of off-site using an EPA licensed vehicle and transported to an EPA licensed facility?

  • Company, Vehicle and Facility Details

  • Has the contractor signed the EPA transport certificates?<br>(Review transport certificates)<br>

  • Attach Photo's / Documents


  • Has visual assessment of the site for contaminated soils and materials been undertaken?<br>Monitoring should be undertaken at the following intervals<br>• When stripping – Daily<br>• During excavations – Daily<br>• When importing filling material - Daily

  • Attach Photo's / Documents

Environmental Incident

  • Has an incident occurred resulting in soil contamination?

  • Has the incident been reported through the contractor’s quality system (i.e. non-conformance raised)? <br>(Provide details of incident in the comments section).

  • Has the contractor identified procedures/actions that need to be implemented in the NCR and have they been undertaken?

  • Attach Photo's / Documents


Environmental Management Plans (EMPs) Does the EMP adequately address the management of the flora/fauna sites:

  • Has a risk assessment been undertaken for work activities that may impact on flora & fauna?

  • Have the control measures/processes been identified to address those risks?<br>(Review the procedures against the requirements of the contract and the scaled drawings to identify the location and extent of environmental controls.)

  • Has all contractor and sub- contractor’s staff been informed of the flora/fauna issues and identified management and mitigation measures to address them?<br>(Review and assess the induction records. Assess whether personnel working in proximity to vegetation are aware of contractual and EMP requirements.)

  • Have the required permits been obtained prior to the disturbance of flora/fauna sites or relocation of native fauna?<br>(Refer to PEPS Commitments table and Specification for the list of permits required.)

  • Attach Photo's / Documents

Identification & protection of significant flora & fauna before removal

  • Has an inspection been undertaken to identify and agree on the extent of vegetation to be protected and removed?<br>(Review the Contract Specification to determine who is required to attend and agree on the extent of vegetation removal.)

  • Is the extent of vegetation removal consistent with the conditions of the relevant permits and the Specification?<br>(Review permit conditions and the Specification for the list of vegetation/habitat sites and native flora/fauna areas of significance)

  • Attach Photo's / Documents

Vegetation Protection

  • Has ‘No Go Zone’ fencing and signage been erected around designated areas to be retained and established prior to the removal of vegetation?<br>Vegetation protection is required for vegetation identified in the specification as well as that agreed on- site.

  • Drip Line Diagram

    Drip Line.png
  • Has all plant, equipment, material or debris been placed or stored beyond the limit of the root zone/drip line (canopy of the tree) or agreed No-Go Zone for vegetation to be protected?

  • Attach Photo's / Documents

Clearing and ground works

  • Have the appropriate sedimentation controls been installed prior to any clearing/disturbing activities?<br>(Refer to sediment and erosion checklist for a detailed surveillance checklist on sediment and erosion management.)

  • Has a zoologist and/or botanist, with an appropriate permit/licence been present at the time of vegetation removal to identify, capture and relocate fauna identified within the zone to be cleared?<br>(Review ITP’s, invoices or letters from the zoologist/botanist to verify presence on site at the time of vegetation removal.)

  • Attach Photo's / Documents

Management of felled vegetation

  • Has the removed vegetation been managed in accordance with the specification (and the following table)?

  • Waste Management Option

    Felled Timber.png
  • Attach Photo's / Documents

Weed control

  • Have declared weeds been treated prior to the commencement of ground disturbing activities?<br>(Review weed management records created by subcontractors using herbicides. Inspect the site for presence of regionally prohibited weeds.) <br>

  • Refer to the Agriculture Victoria website for a list of regionally prohibited weeds.

  • Is plant, equipment clean:<br>• Prior to arrival on site;<br>• Prior to departure on site;<br>• Prior to movement within the site from infested to non-infested area.<br>(Review records that verify that plant and equipment is inspected prior to entering or leaving the site. Undertake and record the observations of a visual inspection of any plant and equipment as it arrives, leaves or moves between sections of the site.)

  • Attach Photo's / Documents


  • Has monitoring been undertaken to verify that controls established for the protection of vegetation & habitat are effective at the recommended intervals:<br> Everyday when construction activities are in place in the vicinity of the sites; and<br> At least every 7 days at other times unless as specified in the contract<br>(Review site monitoring records to verify that weekly monitoring has been undertaken. Undertake a site inspection to verify that controls have been maintained. Note - Daily records will generally be by exception. Review foreman diary/notes.)

  • Has monitoring been conducted to verify the presence of any declared weeds, pests and diseases?<br>(Review site monitoring records to verify that monitoring has been undertaken. Undertake a site inspection to verify that declared weeds, pest and diseases have been treated)

  • Attach Photo's / Documents

Air & Water Quality Control

Dust Control

  • Does the EMP state requirement for dust control measures?

  • Have the required controls been implemented?

  • Are the implemented controls performing to the required standard?

  • Is monitoring of the controls and site requirements being conducted?

  • Attach Photo's / Documents

Water Quality

  • Does the EMP state requirement for Water Quality measures?

  • Have the required controls been implemented?

  • Are the implemented controls performing to the required standard?

  • Is monitoring of the controls and site requirements being conducted?

  • Attach Photo's / Documents

Incident Reporting

  • Have incidents (impacts on water quality) been reported to the Project?

  • Has an incident report been generated in the contractor’s quality system?

  • Attach Photo's / Documents


  • Please attach documents, photos or comments on any other concerns you may have:

  • Comments

  • Sketch any details if you wish e.g. location

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