Title Page

  • Site

  • Client

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

  • Weather Conditions & Temperature

Supervisor safety Visit

  • Type of Work?

  • Persons being observed working and details of task being completed?

  • Examples of Excellent Practices/Standards

Risk Management

  • Is a suitable risk assessment being used?

  • All operatives aware of risk assessment content?

  • Have all operatives signed on to the risk assessment?

  • Is the risk assessment being kept alive for on going work?

  • Is the risk assessment completed to a good standard?

  • COSHH Assessments in place/date?


  • Has the work area been suitably segregated with adequate signage and have all SIMOPS (simultaneous operations) been considered with suitable and sufficient control measures in place?<br>

  • Are all required work permits in place/site files in place?

  • Is everyone aware of emergency arrangements e.g. alarms, evacuation routes and rescue plans? Is there an effective means of communication between the whole of the team involved in the works?

  • Are all working in adherence to the risk assessment?<br>

  • Work completed to the correct standard e.g. steel erecting, decking, painting, etc?

  • Environmental controls in place ‐ spill kits, waste management etc?

Work Equipment

  • Equipment used is fit for purpose (harness, hand tools, compressors etc)?

  • Have applicable inspections been completed e.g. daily, 3/6 monthly?

  • Is the equipment being properly stored when not in use?

  • Have all the operative been trained in the use of the equipment?

  • Are tools tethered and are they suitable and sufficient?


  • Is the work area as clear as possible from slips and trips?

  • Are access routes to and from work identified and clear?

  • Are materials/equipment correctly stored when not in use?

  • Are all storage areas for material organised?

  • Is waste being properly managed and organised?

Training and Supervision

  • Have all operatives completed standard company training i.e. induction, RA?

  • Do all operatives have correct trade training for task?

  • Are TBTs being completed?

  • Are all involved trained in and are using the correct PPE/RPE?


  • Are all actions from previous inspections closed out?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.