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1.1.1 Vision and Mission
Top management endorses the vision and mission statements.
Top management is involved in developing the vision and mission.
Documented review of the vision and mission (at least once every two years).
Documented process of setting the vision and mission.
1.1.2 Communication to all stakeholders
Management team communicates the vision and mission to all staff.
Management team communicates the vision and mission to students.
Management team communicates the vision and mission to external recruitment agents.
Vision and mission are displayed within school premise(s).
Management team communicates the vision and mission to key educational partners.
PEI reviews (at least once a year) the effectiveness of the communication channels.
1.2.1 Values and Culture
Top management endorses the values and culture statement.
There is a plan to inculcate the values.
There is a plan to build the desired culture.
Top management is involved in developing the values and culture.
Documented process of setting the values and culture.
Management team translate the values and culture into context for staff.
Plans to inculcate the values and culture are executed.
1.2.2 Communication to all stakeholders
Management team communicates the values to all staff.
Management team communicates the values to all students.
PEI reviews (at least once a year) the effectiveness of the communication channels.
1.3.1 Strategic planning process
Strategic plan is endorsed by the top management.
Strategic plan is cascaded down to unit/department plans.
Strategic planning is conducted at least once a year for key areas.
Management team is involved in the strategic planning process.
There is alignment between the strategic plan and the vision and mission.
There is alignment between the strategic plan and the unit/department plan.
There is a review (at least once a year) of the strategic plan, KPIs and targets.
Management team reviews (at least once a year) the strategic planning process.
1.3.2 KPIs and targets
All strategies have KPI(s).
Management team communicates the values and culture to all staff.
There are KPIs to track studentsÂ’ educational experiences (proxy indicators include student satisfaction rate and number of feedback/ complaints received).
All targets are SMART.
Management team reviews (at least once a year) the KPIs and targets.
1.4.1 Defining Responsibilities
Every staff has clearly defined duties and responsibilities.
Duties and responsibilities of the staff are reviewed (at least once a year) to ensure relevance.
1.5.1 Management Representative (MR)
MR appointment is official (letter or in job description).
Documented evidence that MR appointment is announced to staff.
MR is very responsive to CPE.
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