Title Page
Resource / Equipment :
Process Control Document #
Conducted on
EEHS reviewer:
Which type of change applies:
If change involves construction, renovation, building demolition, new property ,modifications to existing HVAC or pollution control equipment, changes in operation, equipment installations or removals that may require pollution control( welding painting- changes to ECA permit operations, changes in plant or process) Magna Environmental Department MUST be notified as soon as possible.
Information on change or modification
Will approved production limits on ECA permit be affected or require a increase ?
Does the process /change include the use of flammables or combustibles?
Will quantities for chemicals ( resins, adhesive, lubricants ect) or metals ( stainless steel, aluminum , wires) increase ? If yes verify Substance notification requirements, NPRI, Spill plan
Does the process/change use acids , corrosives or alkalies?
Is there any Designated Substances used in this process?
Is there any potential for a spill from the change or process?
Is there a fire risk associated with the change or process?
Can any of the waste generated be recycled?
Are there any hazardous wastes or by-products from this process or change?
Waste class :
Are new or specific recycling, hazardous waste or additional garbage bins required ? List type /details
Would the machine / process increase the energy usage ? Water , Electricity ,Gas
- Increase Hydro / KWH
- Increase Water consumption
- Increase Gas consumption
- Decrease Hydro /KWH usage
- Decrease Water usage
- Decrease Gas usage
- Not relevant to change
Does equipment qualify for energy rebates or energy savings ?
Is there more energy efficient equipment ,systems or methods available? Detail what energy rating comparisons were made and where they can be found
Does this process need to be added to the Environmental Aspects list?
Does this process need to be added to the Significant Environmental Aspects list?
Is a Controlled Environment needed for this process?
Is this a modification to an existing process already documented?
Does this process vent or exhaust to the outside?
If Yes, Stack or Exhaust number or location:
Is an exhaust system or air scrubber required? (Laser , chemicals hazardous/ combustible fumes or dusts created in process, check dust is not accumulating on items )
Is any Environmental Legislation affected by this process?
Are any permits / certificates or testing required before process begins?
Industrial hygiene testing recommended for Air, Noise or Vibration?
Internal Noise Measurement db Reading ( if applicable )
Does Electrical equipment have the ESA sticker?
Has a Pre-Start Safety Review been completed by an engineer and all non-conformances corrected?
Has a Ergonomic Design Checklist been completed by the line engineer ?
Has a Hazard assessment / Risk assessment been completed by Engineering ?
Does all equipment conform to Reg. 851 for Industrial Establishments?
Has a lock out / tag out placard been posted? Lock out points identified and labelled ?
Have Operator Instruction sheets been completed and posted? (JES )
Have equipment specific Pre-Use Inspection sheets been implemented?
Are additional emergency response or specific procedures or postings required ( robot placards , press specific entrapment, chemical warnings ect)
Additional Personal Protective Equipment Recommended
Enter requested PPE ( if applicable )
Training : EEHS training plan for this change need updating ?
- EEHS training plan needs updating
- Not relevant
- Will be reviewed with HR
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