Annual Performance appraisal.
Please enter the staff members' name.
Conducted on
Prepared by
1.0 Knowledge of the job.
1.1 Follows Company policy. <br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
1.2 Knows and understands procedures.<br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
1.3 Learns new responsibilities quickly and thoroughly. <br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
2.0 Quality of work.
2.1Thoroughness of work. <br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
2.2 Accuracy of work. <br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
3.0 Quantity of work.
3.1 Consistency of output. <br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
3.2 Utilisation of time. <br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
4.0 Adaptability.
4.1 Quick to learn new duties. <br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
4.2 Responds to constructive criticism.<br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
5.0 Attitude.
5.1 Responds to training<br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
5.2 Interested in the work.<br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
5.3 Adjust well to new duties. <br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
5.4 Assists other employees.<br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
6.0 Dependability.
6.1 Effective under pressure.<br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
6.2 Follows instructions.<br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
7.0 Judgment.
7.1 Follows through on assignments.<br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
7.2 Considers all sides before committing to action. <br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
7.3 Eager to improve own performance.<br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
7.4 Pays attention to detail.<br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
8.0 Initiative.
8.1 Takes on difficult jobs.<br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
8.2 Sees things to be done and does them.<br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
9.0 Appearance.
9.1 Appropriate for the job.<br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
10.0 Attendance.
10.1 Number of days absence since last report.<br><br>
10.2 Overall dependability re attendance and punctuality.<br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
11.0 Recommendations re further training or other action.
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