
  • APLNG - Gathering Implementation Cambabula / Reedy Creek

  • Pressure Zone:

  • Contractor:

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Personnel

Air Quality

  • Dust suppression activities effective in preventing excessive dust (1.10)

  • Long term stockpiles (>28 days) evaluated and stabilised (1.11)

  • Trucks carrying dust generating loads covered (1.12)

  • No visible air emissions from plant, vehicles and equipment (1.16)

Noise and Vibration

  • Construction activities only occur between 6:00am and 6:00pm 7 days a week (2.7)

  • All construction equipment must be fitted with appropriate noise abatement devices (2.11)

Water Management

  • Creek crossings stabilised using protective materials until vegetation cover is re-established (3.13)

  • Clearing slopes leading to creeks delayed until construction of the crossing is imminent, or alternative measures are employed to prevent erosion and sedimentation risk (3.19)

  • No increase to water turbidity of creek or wetland due to construction (3.29)

  • Sediment laden water from excavations must not be discharged within 100m of any watercourse. No discharge of sediment laden water to creek

  • Chemicals and hazardous substances are not permitted to be stored within 100m of any wetland, waterway or watercourse (3.53)

Land Management

  • All vehicles, equipment, plant, materials and personnel within the approved areas (4.7)

  • Appropriate spill kits readily accessible (4.12)

  • No spills or potential land contamination visible (4.13)

  • All vehicles on designated access roads and tracks (4.25)

  • Slope stability assessment completed for slopes great than 10% (4.29)

Soil Management

  • Soil and surface stability maintained (5.4)

  • Erosion control measures installed in accordance with site ESCP and maintained in working order (5.4)

  • Excavated soil must be stockpiled separately from other materials (eg vegetation and mulch) (5.8)

  • Stockpiles do not impede he movement of fauna, stock and vehicles across the construction area (5.11)

  • Stockpiles do not impede natural or constructed surface drainage channels or access tracks (5.12)

  • Stockpiles located above the ARI 1:50 year flood levels (5.12)

  • Topsoils stripped to recover the maximum amount of topsoil based on site conditions (up to 300mm) (5.17)

  • Topsoil stockpiles are not mixed with subsoils, mulch or other materials (5.19)

  • Topsoil stockpiles less than 2m (5.22)

Erosion and Sediment Control

  • All requirements of the approved Australia Pacific LNG site specific Erosion and Sediment Control Plan implemented (6.6)

  • Sediment control structures constructed / installed as specified (6.8)

  • Sediment control berms constructed to ensure run off does not lead to erosion or sedimentation by:

  • Discharge to stable / vegetated lands. Where vegetation is absent, erosion prevention and energy dissipation measures used

  • Closely follow land contours

  • Direct run off to the down slope side of the construction area

  • Sediment control structures maintained in working order (6.17)

  • Emergency sediment control devices / materials readily available (6.19)

  • Stockpiles and exposed soil areas which are exposed for prolonged periods or have been identified as problem soils (erosive / dispersive) are stabilised (6.30)

  • Exposed embankments stabilised / covered (6.33)

Fire Management

  • All construction vehicles equipped with portable fire extinguishers (7.7)

Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Materials

  • All fuels and oils bunded (8.7)

  • All liquids with the potential to cause environmental harm stored in an effective containment system (8.7)

  • Temporary bunding, drip trays or impermeable matting used to prevent spillage from any in field refuelling or maintenance (8.26)

  • Refuelling conducted >100m from creeks and wetlands (8.27)

Waste Management

  • No waste or litter on site including in trenches and excavations (9.8)

  • Waste bins readily available (9.11)

Protection of Flora

  • Staffed briefed of ESAs and threatened species present or likely to be found on site (10.8)

  • No NCA listed flora disturbed without permit (10.9)

  • No disturbance outside approved area (10.10)

  • Vegetation to be retained marked and protected (10.19)

Protection of Fauna

  • No active breeding places disturbed without approval (11.11-13)

  • Nest relocation agreed and monitoring conducted (11.14-15)

  • Fauna Spotter Catcher present during clearing - for low risk sites environmental advisor present and Fauna Spotter Catcher available (11.18)

  • Trenches and open excavations inspected for trapped fauna - inspected morning, evening and prior to backfilling (11.38)

  • Pipe caps over ends of all strung sections of pipes (11.38)<br>Spare pipe caps available on site

Mosquito and Midge Management

  • Water holding containers, ponds and vessels free from mosquito and midge larvae (12.11)

Weed and Pest Management

  • No declared weeds present within construction area - including stockpiles, laydowns, ROW etc (13.6)

  • All vehicles and plant hold valid OE Vehicle Hygiene inspection reports (13.10)

  • Vehicle / plant have not come into contact with declared weeds (13.10) if so, inspection and wash down required prior to moving into clean areas or leaving site

  • Wash down facilities in good working order (13.14)

  • Wash down water contained

  • Weed material trapped

  • Weed material kept separate from soil and vegetation / mulch (13.20)

  • All high risk materials received on site have weed declaration certificates - weed free (13.26)

Reinstatement and Rehabilitation

  • All cleared vegetation except for identified habitat trees / logs mulched and stockpiled <2m (H) x <10m (W) (14.11)

  • Disturbed subsoils ripped prior to topsoil replacement (14.20)

  • Topsoils lightly scarified prior to seeding (14.21)


  • Environmental Hold Points signed and up to date

  • Any PDNs approved and conditions implemented


Additional Comments

  • Comments


Contractor Representative

  • Role:

  • Signature

Origin Energy Representative

  • Role:

  • Signature:

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