Conducted on
Prepared by
External Items
Are the external grounds clean and tidy?
Are the pathways & paving in good condition?
Are all fences and boundry walls in good condition?
Are the smoking bins in good condition?
Is there any dumped rubbish or large items in the external areas?
Are there any 'for sale' or 'to let' signs on display?
Is the correct external service cupboard signage in place?
Is the correct road name signage in place?
Is there a car park?
Is the car park in a good condition?
Are there any abandoned vehicles?
Is there Car Park Ventilation?
Is the car park ventilation system in working order?
Are there any faults on the car park ventilation system control panel?
Is there a bin store?
Is the bin store in a good condition?
Have the residents dumped bulk items in the bin store?
Do the doors close and lock properly?
Is the correct bin storage signage in place?
Is there a bike store?
Is the bike store in a good condition?
Do the doors close and lock properly?
Mechanical & Electrical Equipment
Is there a door entry system?
Is the entry system panel clean and the properly numbers clear to read?
Does the entry system trades button work correctly?
Does the entry system successfully call to a property?
Are there lightening conductors?
Do the lightening conductors appear to be in good condition?
Are the inspection pits free from obstruction?
Are there mechanical gates?
Are the gates in working order?
Do the gates stop moving when they meet or sense an obstruction?
Is the correct signage in place?
Is the paintwork on the gates in a good condition?
Is there a foul pump?
Does the foul pump appear to be in a good condition?
Is the foul pump control box securely locked?
Are there any faults showing on the foul pump control panel?
Meter Readings
Is there a electricity meter to be read?
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Water Meter
Water Meter Reading
Meter number
Upload Picture of Meter Reading
Other Items
Is there another issue to report?
Is there another issue to report?
Is there another issue to report?
Is there another issue to report?
Is there another issue to report?
Is there another issue to report?
Is there another issue to report?
Signature of Inspector