Conducted on
Prepared by
Estate Area
Are the grounds well-maintained, including landscaping and lawn care?
Are the drains in good condition?
Is the paving in good condition?
Is there any dumped rubbish or large items in the external areas?
Are there any abandoned vehicles?
Is the dock wall and its chains in a good condition?
Is the Estate lighting in a good condition?
Are the bins in a good condition?
Are the any missing lifebouys that need reporting to RoDMA?
Mechanical & Electrical Equipment
Is there CCTV?
Is the CCTV system in working order?
Is the CCTV control cupboard securely locked?
Are all CCTV cameras clean and free from obstruction?
Are the necessary CCTV signs in place?
Are there Lightening Conductors?
Do the lightening conductors appear to be in good condition?
Are the inspection pits free from obstruction?
Signage & Notices
Is there any Estate signage in place?
Meter Readings
Is there an electricity meter to read?
Meter number
Is there another electricity meter to read?
Meter number
Is there another electricity meter to read?
Meter number
Is there electricity another meter to read?
Meter number
Is there a water meter to read?
Meter number
Other Comments
Any other comments or observations?
Site Plan
Is the current site plan attached?