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Ethical Trade Audit Checklist

  • Use the checklist below to ensure your business is involved in ethical and fair trade. For every "No," include a note to explain the situation.

Governance and Policy

  • Is there a clear code of conduct established and communicated to all stakeholders and partners?

  • Is this code of conduct properly implemented within the supply chain and within the business itself?

  • Are existing practices and code of conduct compliant with legal standards set by the local government?

Labor Practices

  • Are occupational health and safety standards clearly communicated?

  • Are occupational health and safety standards properly implemented?

  • Do employee wages meet (or exceed) legal and industry standards?

  • Are workers' rights, including freedom of association and collective bargaining, respected by managers?

  • Are worker incidents, accidents, and injuries properly recorded and compensated for?

  • Are labor rights and duties regularly reviewed?

Supply Chain Proceedings and Practices

  • Are current and possible suppliers and customers chosen based on ethical practices?

  • Does the business conduct regular ethical trade audits on their partners?

  • Are suppliers transparent about how their materials are sourced?

  • Can the suppliers' products be easily traced back to the source for easy auditing, if needed?

  • Are supply chain practices reguarly reviewed?

Environmental Impact and Responsibilities

  • Are existing environmental protection practices effectively communicated and implemented?

  • Are existing waste management practices properly implemented and known by all?

  • Are resources used responsibly?

  • Are environmental laws and regulations adhered to at all times?

  • Are instances of noncompliance with environmental protection laws properly recorded and addressed immediately?

Social Impact

  • Are CSR initiatives properly and regularly implemented?

  • Does the partner business regularly engage with local communities and their environment to improve them?

  • Does the partner business regularly participate in charity efforts?

Reporting Practices

  • Are there thorough and easily accessible records of audit findings, corrective actions, and communications with stakeholders?

  • Are past audit results and ethical trade practices public to internal employees and stakeholders?

Continuous Improvement Policies and Practices

  • Is there a continuous improvement plan in place for different sections and employees?

  • Is there a system for receiving feedback from employees, suppliers, and stakeholders regarding ethical practices?

  • Are action plans developed based on audit findings to address any identified gaps or areas for improvement?

  • Additional comments, recommendations, suggestions

  • Accomplished by

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.