Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Date of Induction
Prior to your employee starting work ensure you have
Told the employee before their first day where,when and who they should report to and whether they need to bring any tools or equipment
Show employee where they can park
*Organised a security code number for Alarm System to enter Shop
Email Charter Comm Security Control Room at controlroom@ccsecurity.com.au to notify them of the new employee on the List or call 03 59848700
*Organised POS Access for the Till
Access REDCAT Polygon Back Office for Log in
Clothing and Uniform
The Employee must always be presented to work in a neat and tidy appearance, hair must be tied up and clothes washed clean for every shift
The Employee understands that black cotton pants that are NOT Nylon are accepted, shorts are not allowed unless approved by the Manager
The minimum requirement for shoes is that they are black in colour and are covered and comfortable
Long Shirt Size
Was Employee given 2 x Long sleeve shirts?
Call Grenada Promotions on 02 4956 6996 and place order
Once Shirts have arrived,get Employee to sign for the shirts and how many, ensure they understand teh shirts remain the property of Expresso and must be handed back when employment is terminated for whatever reason
Get Employee to sign for the shirts and how many, ensure they understand the shirts remain the property of Expresso and must be handed back when employment is terminated for whatever reason
Short Sleeve Shirts
Ensure employee understands that they can change and wash their work uniform here in the laundry
Was Employee given 2 x short sleeve shirts?
Call Grenada Promotions on 02 4946 6996 and place order
Once shirts have arrived,get Employee to sign for the shirts and how many, ensure they understand the shirts remain the property of Expresso and must be handed back when employment is terminated for whatever reason, the employees final pay will be withheld until the shirts have been returned
Get Employee to sign for the shirts and how many, ensure they understand the shirts remain the property of Expresso and must be handed back when employment is terminated for whatever reason
Employee Employment Details
Request Employee to download Dropbox for all their personal files plus Receipt File
*Share Receipt File to Dropbox with Employee
*Returned, signed copy of the letter of<br>engagement (or employment contract)
Employee Hourly Rate
Following your recent interview for the position at Expresso, the team at Expresso Drive Thru Coffee is pleased to offer you employment as classified below
Employment Status-This position also includes overtime hours as required, and subject to penalty rates as per Fair Work Ombudsman Fast Food Industry Award [ma000003].
By signing this i fully understand my employment status defined in the Fast Food Industry Award as agreed
Ensure the Employee understands that they cannot work for another coffee related business within a 10km radius of Expresso for up to 3 months from ceasing employment from Expresso Drive Thru Coffee
By signing here i understand that i cannot work for another coffee business or coffee related business within a 10 km radius and for atleast 3 months from ceasing of employment with Expresso Drive Thru Coffee
Select date
Record of Employee details
Employee Full Name
Employee Address
Date Of Birth
Tax File Number
Employment Commencement Date
BSB & Account Number
Provide Superannuation Fund Name
Provide Superannuation Employer Number
Provide Employee Super Number
Please ensure Employee has indicated if they wish to claim the Tax Free Threshold in their tax file declaration
Ensure the employee knows how to access a copy of the Fair Work<br>Information Statement
Fair Work Information Statement Link below
https://www.fairwork.gov.au/employee-entitlements/national-employment-standards/fair-work-information-statement -
Fast Food Industry Award Link https://www.fairwork.gov.au/ArticleDocuments/872/fast-food-industry-award-ma000003-pay-guide.pdf.aspx
*Share contact numbers of fellow employees
*Add employee I Safety Auditor Access
Share applicable templates with employee
Please allow the new employee time to watch these videos on how to use I Safety Auditor
Set up the Employees Phone with the following
Set Notifications up on employees phone for Deputy
Set Notifications up on employees phone for I Safety Auditor
Set time and date to be active on photos
Set up on employees phone for Do Not Disturb
Set up the Bedtime Alarm
*Add Employee to Deputy
On the first day (or soon after
To ensure your employee gets off to a good start, it’s important that they feel welcomed, well-informed and equipped to do their job.
Orientation and housekeeping:
Introduce the new employee to other staff
Show the new employee the outside table, toilet facilities and where to store personal items
Ensure you have given the employee copies of
Employee Handbook
Link to Handbook
https://www.dropbox.com/s/4yfqwumf8vc6q2a/Employee%20handbook%20for%20all%20Expresso%20Employees.doc?dl=0 -
Social Media Policy
Link to Social Media Policy
https://www.dropbox.com/s/0i86takps050qsl/Social%20Media%20Policy.doc?dl=0 -
Explain to employee that their Social Media notifications must be turned off prior to starting work
Mobile Phone Policy
Link to Mobile Phone Policy
https://www.dropbox.com/s/qjk5js94jx5m5nl/Mobile%20Phone%20Policy.doc?dl=0 -
Copy of Expresso Mindset Rules
Link to Mindset Rules
https://www.dropbox.com/s/542h9d62zn83xg4/Mindset%20Rules.pdf?dl=0 -
Ensure they have gone thru news feed on IPAD
Ensure they have been shown how to operate the headset including fitting battery and also removing it
Ensure you have discussed
The history of the Expreesso and its owner
Who the employee reports to
The employee’s duties and what training will be provided
Performance expectations and when and how performance will be reviewed
Hours of work and the procedure for recording hours of work
Explain to the employee what it means to be on standby
Explain what to do when attempting to add unavailability when Block Time Off comes up
Ensure you have discussed the expectation when starting work by being onsite ten minutes prior to the start of your shift
Meal breaks
Rules for Taking Breaks-see part 27
https://www.fwc.gov.au/documents/documents/modern_awards/award/ma000003/default.htm -
You must always clock in and clock out when taking breaks of any duration
Shown the applicable award or enterprise agreement, and where to find a copy
Fast Food Industry Award
https://www.fairwork.gov.au/find-help-for/fast-food-restaurants-cafes/fast-food-industry?gclid=CjwKCAiAob3vBRAUEiwAIbs5Tj0_dhzEXN4LCQga0MYDm8rjFiHgcnmKY-8nb_TxtVbY4_snjFAICRoC2SYQAvD_BwE -
What the payment method is, first pay date and how payslips are distributed
Any workplace policies and procedures
including: -
uniform or dress code (if any)
Discuss Security codes for the following
Roller Door-1012
Back up Lockbox Code-2811
Back Door Code- 2503
All Purpose Self Storage- *281116# for Access gate
Storage Shed Lock Code - 2811 in Number #74
Bin Enclosure-2811
Laptop Access- dtcs2811
Discuss Truth Honesty & Integrity with Employee
Discuss the Journaling system in Deputy will be used to provide a reference to future employers
Procedure if the employee is sick or running late
When running late, check your roster and attempt to call the opening Barista, if contact cannot be made, please leave a text message
Discuss procedure for setting alarms for waking up on time for work and utilizing two alarms
Procedure for submitting unavailability and when it needs to be put in
Rules regarding personal calls, visitors and/or use of social media at work
Ask Employee if they feel comfortable being filmed while at work for promoting the business on Social Media etc
Completed a workplace health and safety induction and Risk Assessment
Please sign
Employee Commitment Statement
Health & Safety
I will perform my duties in a safe and hygienic manner at all times
I will always present myself for work in a fit and healthy state and ensure I've had sufficient amount of sleep
I will always wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment when required
I will wear disposable gloves while handling food items at all times
I will wear cut proof gloves when using a box cutting knife to cut boxes
I understand its my role to acquire the most value out of each customer by providing informative information about menu items
I understand that it is part of my job to always offer an up sell and offer customers an item to compliment their purchase
I understand that TEAM means "Together Everyone Achieves More"
It is important to be efficient, i must always be thinking of ways to improve processes in the shop
I believe Its is important to deliver the customers order in a timely manner and me and my colleagues are focused on delivering orders the best quality in the least possible time!
I will always clean as I go and not leave a mess for my work colleagues to clean up
I will always provide 12 hours notice minimum if i there i any chance i may not be able to unable to attend work for my shift
I understand and am committed to be clocked on 10 minutes prior to starting my shift as this will enable me to be prepared to check items off my Checklist in preparation to starting work
I understand if i'm asked to work back when its busy, i will be available based on my unavailability to work.
I understand that i will be flexible with my working hours based on the needs of the business and to cover shifts that are unable to be worked by my colleagues when my unavailability shows i'm available
I agree that I will set my bedtime alarm and normal alarm as shown as part of my induction, this ensures I get the required amount of sleep to come to work healthy and also ensure that there is no excuse for coming to work late.
I will actively learn and improve my coffee knowledge to provide the best quality service to our customers
Delivering quality products is more important than speed of service, i will never sacrifice quality for speed of service
I will always follow procedures to ensure the customers order is right the first time
I understand that it is mandatory to put car colours on each order to ensure customer gets the correct products
I understand that is mandatory to read the customers orders back before taking their money
I understand that it is mandatory to read the customers order to the customer before handing out the products
I will be committed to ensuring the way i interact with customers is in line with providing a great experience (formal training will be provided)
I will always complete my checklist items as i go to ensure it is done effectively
I understand that starting my checklist within the 10 minutes of my start time is a condition of my employment
I understand that when "I Confirm" or "Acknowledge" a Deputy News Posts or a Heads Up by Management that it is understood and I will comply with the directive being communicated.
I understand that the timestamp on my checklist can and will be used as a start time of my shift if challenged about starting a checklist
I understand that if the checklist is unable to be started for any reason, I must notify the senior barista/manager or owner before starting work.
I understand that the checklist can always be completed on the IPAD in the event of the checklist app not being accessible.
Cost Control
I will also consider the cost of anything bought in for the business as if it was my money
I will always endeavor to up sell items that are going out of date to mimise wastage
I will always do my best to minimize wastage when constructing products by weighing and measuring items at all times
I will always have a proactive attitude by providing ideas on ways to get more value out of our sale able products
I will always pay for food and drink items in the store at a reduced rate of 10% and I understand that I cannot serve myself, you must have the senior staff member serve you.
I will always be adaptable to change, this means i will always be positive when processes are changed to improve the way we work
I will always be willing to use feedback to improve how i do things
I will always be open to constructive feedback about my performance while at work
I will actively participate in performance reviews to ensure im getting the best out of myself working at Expresso
I understand that customer feedback is what helps improve the quality of our products and provides positive steps towards improving the efficiency of our service
I will always display an open and honest relationship with my manager and work colleagues
I will always have a positive attitude towards my job
I will always bring my true feelings to the surface so my work colleagues understand how i feel about any difficult situation that may arise
I will make sure my appearance and presentation is neat and tidy at all times
I will not whinge, whine or complain about anyone, anything or any of the processes related to the way things are done at Expresso, the only caveat to complaining is that constructive feedback is provided straight after
I understand that give and take goes both ways. At Expresso we are very flexible with time management so should you be. If you want to play by the rules we will as well.
I will always treat my senior team members with respect and be open to learning new things
I will always treat Expresso shop equipment with care and respect
I understand that engaging in any form of harassment, victimisation or discrimination is grounds for instant dismissal
I understand that it is being disloyal if i do not speak up if i believe another employee is not doing the right thing
I will always display a friendly attitude with customers and listen to their feedback good or bad
I will not bring personal problems to work and or let it affect me emotionally , when i'm at work i will always endeavor to give my best effort.
I understand that Integrity is about truth,honesty and transparency and doing the right thing when no one is looking
I understand that my performance can be and will be monitored by CCTV anytime
Commitment to the Business
I will be committed to help grow Expresso as the demands increase in the Business
I understand that i will communicate in advance at least 2 Weeks in advance of my intentions to leave the business
I understand that if my employment does not last longer than 3 months all cost associated with training with be at the cost of the Employee and will be deducted from last pay
Select date
I understand by signing this that i will abide by the terms and conditions in this agreement
Roster Commitment Statement
Roster Agreement-nothing in this agreement will override the current award
To ensure the Roster is effective,I agree to covering my colleagues shifts when required
I agree that I will use a bedtime alarm to ensure i get the right amount of sleep that enables me to come to work healthy and on time for each of my shifts
I acknowledge that it is unacceptable to not provide reasonable explanation as to why you need to go home or cannot make your shift
In line with current FFAA industry award, i will work the hours as required by the business needs at Expresso
I agree that i will work back as required by the business needs for at least 3 hours when required, unless my unavailability shows im unavailable when requested to work back
An example of my commitment is as follows: If you are rostered on in the morning as Opening Barista and the closing Barista calls in sick or cannot make their shift, the closing Barista shift is your shift to cover, the only exception is if you can find a suitable replacement in your place.
An Example of the Food Delivery Person- If you are rostered on in the Morning and the afternoon person cannot make their shift then it becomes your responsibility to cover that shift proceeding your shift and vice versa. -
I agree that if my colleague covers my shift that my hours may be reduced to cover their hours lost
I understand that it is non negotiable to leave the shop for any reason leaving one person on their own prior to 1 hour before close unless approved by the manager
I understand that a shift swap/offer may be rejected at the manager/owners discretion
I understand that once the roster is published, i am committed to work the hours allocated to me, any changes must be approved by the manager in the event one person will be left in the shop
I understand that i am committed to being available all business hours that Expresso is open other than approved leave/unavailability which clearly shows on Deputy
I understand that if I require more than one day off on any given week, I MUST put in Annual Leave request in and it is required to be approved by the manager PRIOR to making any arrangements with booking holidays, travel tickets or any ticketed event where you may be out of pocket if the leave was not approved.
I understand that I must provide an explanation in the comments section of my unavailability why i need time off within Expresso business operating hours
I understand that my unavailability can be rejected based on too many people being off on the same day
Expresso will always where possible make every effort to ensure employees are able to get the time off they request.
I understand that based on my unavailability I can be put on standby or a standby roster to cover any shifts weekdays or weekend if someone cannot work due to sick leave
I understand that I must be contactable by phone while at work and at home for issues relating to Expresso
Contact will primarily be made using Deputy Newsfeed, if contact cant be made using Deputy, phone call and text messages will then be used.
A roster will be made up one month in advance that will clearly identify who has to make themselves available to work in the event someone is genuinely sick and cannot attend work, the roster will be fair so everyone has to cover regardless of your position at Expresso.
I understand that i am committed to adhering to all the above checklist items and not complying may result in a termination of my employment
If your employment entitles you to Sick leave, it will not be paid before or after a Public Holiday unless a Doctors certificate is provided, no exceptions.
By signing this agreement i will conform to my responsibilities of my role at Expresso and honour all items listed above
Select date
Golden Rules and Non Negotiable Behaviors
Expresso Golden Rules & Non Negotiable Behaviors.
1- Not complying with Safety Systems in place as outlined in our Risk Assessment.
2- Not using disposable gloves when handling any food or drink items.
3- Stealing Saleable Food items by not paying or being able to demonstrate you have paid.
4- Lying, dishonesty, deceitful or hiding the truth from the owner
5- Failure to follow any reasonable work instruction,
6- Failing to follow processes designed to minimize and eliminate giving a customer an incorrect order.
7- Checking off a Mandatory item on any of the checklists not completed.
8- Being disrespectful to a customer, work colleague or your supervisor or manager.
Add signature