Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location


  • Does kitchen have the prep list?

  • Is BOH tidy and Stocked?

  • Is the venue stocked?

  • Is all the equipment on?

  • Is the display fridge stocked and clean?

  • Is the drinks fridge stocked?

  • Is the Hardbite chip station full?

  • Is the milk condiment table stocked and clean?

  • Are the benches wiped and clean?

  • Is the merchandise for this venue stocked and presentable?

  • Milk fridge temp

  • Pastry fridge temp

  • Sandwich fridge temp

  • Display L/R temp

  • Drink case w fruit cups temp

Bridgehouse Cafe

  • Does kitchen have the prep list?

  • Is the cupboard for dry goods stocked and tidy?

  • Is the floor clear of stock in front of cupboard?

  • Are the benches wiped and clean?

  • Is the equipment on?

  • Is the display fridges stocked and clean?

  • Is the drinks fridge stocked?

  • Is the till area clean and organised?

  • Is the Hardbite chip station full?

  • Is the milk condiment table stocked and clean?

  • Is the merchandise for this venue stocked and presentable?

  • Milk fridge temp

  • Pastry back stock temp

  • Display L/R temp

  • Front display temp


  • Does kitchen have the van run list?

  • Does anything need to be delivered from kitchen ASAP?

  • Is the bunker tidy?

  • Are the dry goods in the Cabin from the Bunker for the day?

  • Are there no moldy cherries in the bunker fridge?

  • Is the equipment on?

  • Are the fridges stocked full with dairy products for the day?

  • Is the Hardbite chip station full?

  • Is the drinks fridge stocked?

  • Is the food display stocked?

  • Is the condiment station stocked and clean?

  • Is the baked food display case stocked and clean?

  • Is the merchandise for this venue stocked and presentable?

  • Is the Beaver Ball glass clean and wiped?

  • Milk temp

  • Drinks fridge temp

  • Bunker temp

  • Back up fridge temp


  • Is the walk-in fridge up to PAR levels? *if not remove products from freezer

  • Prep and Grill stations full and clean?

  • Condiment station full and clean?

  • Is the equipment on?

  • Is the pretzel machine stocked and clean?

  • Is the till area clean and organised?

  • Is the benches wiped?

  • Is the prep station stocked and clean?

  • Is the grill station stocked and clean?

  • Walk in fridge temp

  • Walk in freezer temp

  • Protein fridge temp

  • Expo fridge temp

  • Salad fridge temp

  • Prep fridge temp

  • Beer fridge temp

  • Fry freezer temp


  • Walk in fridge temp

  • Walk in freezer temp

  • Fudge temp

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.