Title Page
Work order number
Install Address
Conducted on
What type of quality audit is being preformed
Technician who completed Scope
Scope completion Date
Technician who completed Civils
Civils completion Date
Technician who completed Blow
Blow completion Date
Technician who completed Scope
Scope completion Date
Technician who completed Civils
Civils completion Date
Technician who completed Blow
Blow completion Date
Technician who completed install
Install completion Date
Technician who completed Scope
Scope completion Date
Technician who completed Civils
Civils completion Date
Technician who completed Blow
Blow completion Date
Technician who completed install
Install completion Date
To complete this Audit you will need some tools
Do you have a Shovel?
Do you have a Screwdriver set?
Do you have a No. 2 Tri-Wing screw driver?
Do you have a level?
Do you have a tape measure?
Do you have a ladder or "Snake scope"
What type of audit is being completed
- Civils
- Provisioning
Did Optrek do the boundary joint?
Is the network lead in joint buried in hard surface?
Has the hard surface been reinstated?
Do not re-break surface - Move onto the next section
Please take photo of reinstatement
Please take a photo of the boundary
Please refer to pages 26 - 31 of Service lead-in Installation Standard (IS037 V5)
Has the technician provided a boundary joint photo on WhatsApp or Simpro?
Upload a Photo from WhatsApp or from SimPro of the Boundary joint
Has the connection been completed to standard?
Please write a quick comment why the connection failed.
Why is there no photo uploaded to WhatsApp or Simpro?
Is there any slurry run off still visible around boundary cut?
Please take a photo of the boundary joint
Please refer to pages 26 - 31 of Service lead-in Installation Standard (IS037 V5)
Has the technician provided a boundary joint photo on WhatsApp or Simpro?
Upload a Photo from WhatsApp or from SimPro of the Boundary joint
Has the connection been completed to standard?
Please write a quick comment why the connection failed.
Why is there no photo uploaded to WhatsApp or Simpro?
Has the boundary dig site been left in a clean a tidy state?
Who did the Boundary joint?
Does the install have a fence line element?
Move onto the next section.
Take a photo of the fenceline.
Refer to Fence-Line Lead-in Installation Standard (IS045 V2)
Does the Fenceline install meet the standards?
Take additional photos of any parts of the fenceline that do not meet standard.
Any additional comments about the fenceline.
Is the trenching done in grass or soil (soft surface)?
What soft soil trenching method was used (select all that apply)
- Hand trench
- Terrasaw
- Turffed
Take a photo of where the tube was trenched
Is a Trench depth test required?
Choose 2 random points in the civil path to dig up the tube and measure the depth.
Take a photo of of the depth of the first hole
Does the first hole meet minimum standards?
Write a quick note as to why it does not meet standards
Take a photo of the depth of the second hole
Does the second hole meet minimum standards?
Write a quick note as to why it does not meet standards.
Is the trenching in hard surface? (i.e Asphalt, concrete) - Excluding slot cuts
Has the Trench been reinstated?
Take a photo of the reinstated trench
Take a photo of the trench.
Is a trench depth test required?
Pick a random spot in the trench and dig (gently) down to expose the tube.
Does the tube depth meet minimum requirements?
Take a photo of the tube in the hole meeting minimum standards.
Take a photo of the tube in the hole.
Write a quick note explaining why the tube does not meet minimum standards.
Is there any slurry run off still visible around trenching cut(s)?
Slot Cut
Was a slot cut done in the civils path?
Move onto the next section.
What type of surface has been slot cut
- Asphalt
- Concrete
- Aggregate
- Other
Take a photo of the slot cut(s)
Is the slot(s) cut straight?
Write a quick note about what is wrong.
Has to slot cut been reinstated?
Has the slot cut been reinstated to standard?
Take a photo of where the slot cut does not meet standard.
Write a quick message about what is not right with the reinstatement.
Is there any slurry run off still visible around the slot cut?
Civils Overall
Has the Civils path observed followed the scoped path?
Please write a quick description of where civils have deviated.
Is there a civils change of scope form to support the change?
Any further comments about the Civils that you fell important to mention (Good or Bad)
is this a GreenFeilds job?
Has conduit from the ground to the ETP been buried into ground of min depth of 100mm?
Take a photo of the condition of the conduit
Is the Manufactures description on the conduit Visible?
Take a photo of the label showing.
Is the conduit from ground to ETP an Optrek installed conduit?
Is the Manufactures description on the conduit Visible?
Take a photo of the label showing.
Is conduit aligned straight using a level?
Take a photo of the conduit with level
Is there a minimum of 2 saddles secured to wall preferably at both ends of conduit (Ground - ETP)
Was suitable fastening screws used for cladding/exterior surface type?
Add media
Would it have been possible to install minimum of 2 saddles of the conduit?
Was suitable fastening screws used for cladding/exterior surface type?
Take a photo of the saddles.
Is the ETP level?
Take a photo of ETP with a level next to the ETP
Have the correct "Tri-wing" screws been used to attach the lid?
Take a photo of the screws used.
Open the ETP and carefully observe the interior of the ETP.
Is the fibre management inside the ETP to the correct standard?
Please take a phot of the fibre managment
Has less than 3 screws been used to fix the ETP to the wall?
Take a Photo of the screw(s) used.
Is there a penetration hole into property from the back of the ETP?
Has the penetration hole been sealed with silicone?
Please take a photo of the penetration hole
Has the conduit to ETP hole been sealed with silicone?
Please take a photo of were Silicone is missing
Has gas block been fitted?
Please take a Photo of the missing Gas block
Has the 'laser warning' labelled been applied to external cover of ETP?
Take a photo of the ETP without the sticker
Has ETP been left tidy? (No fibre waste left in the area, no dirt marks, lead in/out conduit hard up against entry points so no open spacing.)
Please provide a brief description of what/where has not been left tidy.
Method of cabling work
- External ruggerdised
- External Conduit
- Back to Back
- Underfloor Cabling
- Ceiling Cabling
- Capping (Internal)
- Surfaced LowSmoke cable (internal)
Were the fastening screws used suitable for cladding/exterior/interior surface?
Please take a photo of the cabling that has not met standard.
Please write a short description about how it has not met standard..
Has penetration hole into property sealed with correct waterproofing sealant?
Please take a photo of the cabling that has not met standard.
Please write a short description about how it has not met standard..
Are the saddles evenly spaced & no greater than 450mm
Please take a photo of the cabling that has not met standard.
Please write a short description about how it has not met standard..
Has conduit been placed so manufacturers description is not visible?
Take a photo of the label showing.
Has penetration hole into property sealed with correct waterproofing sealant?
Please take a photo of the cabling that has not met standard.
Please write a short description about how it has not met standard..
Has penetration hole into property sealed with correct waterproofing sealant?
Please take a photo of the cabling that has not met standard.
Please write a short description about how it has not met standard..
Do you have access into the house to check Underfloor?
Has cabling been securely run/clipped according to standards underfloor?
Please take a photo of the cabling that has not met standard.
Please write a short description about how it has not met standard..
Do you have access into the house to check Ceiling?
Has cabling been securely run/clipped according to standards in the ceiling?
Please take a photo of the cabling that has not met standard.
Please write a short description about how it has not met standard..
Did the technician use a cable to pull the cable inside the wall cavity?
Have the Jackpoints used for the cable pull been reattached securely?
Are the Jackpoints used for the cable pull working? (cables reattached correctly)
Is there any visible signs of Damage due to the cable pull?
Take a photo of the damage
Do you have access into the house?
Is mini trunking fixed straight and where applicable elbows used?
Please take a photo of the cabling that has not met standard.
Please write a short description about how it has not met standard..
Do you have access into the house?
Were the fastening screws used suitable for cladding/exterior/interior surface?
Please take a photo of the cabling that has not met standard.
Please write a short description about how it has not met standard..
Overall - Is cabling external/internal of property completed to a satisfactory level?
Any additional Comments that you would like to add about the Internal/external cabling?
Do you have access into the house?
ONT location according to scope?
Write a quick description of where the ONT was meant to be installed
Was a change of Scope form completed?
Has ONT been placed level and flush?
Take a photo of the ONT with a level showing it is not level.
Has the Fibre been managed correctly inside the backing plate?
Take a photo of the fibre management showing the incorrect management.
Write a quick description of how the fibre has not been managed correctly.
Overall Job
Any additional comments
Is the customer/home owner available on site?
Any customer comments
Sign off
Name of Auditor completing Audit
Auditor Signature
Select date
Technician Sign off
Are there technicians on site?
Provisioning techs on site
Civils Tech onsite