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Fire Door Checklist

    Fire Door
  • Photo

  • ID Number

  • Fire Door Location

  • Fire Door Type

  • Fire Door Purpose

Internal Fire Doors

  • Internal fire door assessment?

  • Does the opening mechanism operate as required?

  • Does the door open and swing freely?

  • Has the correct signage been applied to the inside and outside of the doors?

  • Signage on the inside of final exit doors should indicate the operation of the opening mechanism. Signage on the outside of the doors should indicate that the door is an emergency exit and should always be kept clear.

Door Leaf

  • Can the door be identified as a fire rated door?

  • Is there reason to consider the door as being a nominal fire door?

  • FD Standard:

  • Door Manufacturer

  • Certification Number

  • Manufacturers guidance on installation and alteration

  • Is it free from excessive gaps and correctly hung?

  • Is it free from damage?

Door Frame

  • Securely fitted, free from damage with secure stops?

Intumescent/Smoke/Acoustic Seals

  • Are seals present in the leaf or frame?

  • Seal location?

  • Type of seal or seals in use?

  • Seal dimensions?

  • Are the type of seals in use correct for the application?

  • Are the seals securely attached, in continuous sections and free from damage?

  • The door or frame should be fitted with appropriate intumescent strips and smoke seals (if required). All strips and seals installed should be continuous in all areas, in a good condition and correct for the door type.


  • Number of Hinges:

  • Is this number correct for the nature of the door?

  • Are they CE or BS EN 1935 marked?<br>

  • All screws present?

  • Intumescent pads correctly fitted as required?

  • Are the hinges free from excessive signs of wear?

  • Hinge fitting compliant with manufacturers instruction?

  • All hinges on fire doors should be to the correct specification ( CE or BS EN 1935 marked). All screws should be present.

Door Closers & Hold Open Devices

  • Does the door have a self closing device?

  • Is securely attached and free from fluid leaks?

  • Does the door close fully from any angle within 25 seconds?

  • Is prioritisation correct on double doors?

  • Does the door have a hold open device?

  • Does the device trigger in response to manual test?

  • Does the device trigger in response to audible test?

Door Furniture & Signage

  • Are door furniture and locks appropriate for fire door use?

  • Is the fitting of the door furniture compliant with the fire rating?

  • Does the door display correct signage in good condition?

  • All fire rated doors should have signage which indicates that it is a fire rated door and should remain shut, and in the case of doors to services risers or plant rooms, shut and locked.


  • Does the fire door and/or framing panel have a vision panel?

  • Is all glazing marked as fire rated or is wired glass?

  • Are all glazing beads securely fitted and in good condition?

  • Is glazing secure in aperture and in good condition?


  • Further Actions Required

  • Door measurement if required

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.