
  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Location
  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by


Car Park

  • Is the car park clean, tidy and free from potential risk

  • Recommended improvement

  • Car park and vehicle / pedestrian segregation & welfare


  • Is the building free from asbestos in all known areas

  • Are the necessary asbestos control measures and documents in place

First Aid

  • Is there an allocated first aider on site

  • Full Name

  • Is there appropriate first aid equipment and signage in place

  • List additional required first aid equipment

  • Equipment
  • Additional required...


  • Does all glazing within the building appear to be in a safe state and good condition

  • List glazing risks or issues below

  • Risk/Issue
  • Issue

  • Photo


  • Has a general risk assessment for the building been carried out

  • Date of most recent general risk assessment

  • Are appropriate and necessary trip and slip prevention measures in place

  • Enter additional recommended slip and trip safety measures

  • Recommendation
  • Recommendation

  • Risk Item

  • Is all recommended safety signage or measures in place, e.g 'Mind You're Head'...

  • List all recommended signage or safety measures to be put into place

  • Recommendation
  • Recommendation

Water Testing

  • Are water risk assessments held & current

  • Water risk assessment next due date

  • Are monthly local water tests being carried out and up to date

Waste Management

  • Are all necessary waste management methods in place

  • List waste management issues below

  • Issue
  • Issue

Other H&S...

  • Other notes of H&S areas which require attention...

  • Identifying photos relating to the above

  • H&S Facility Site Audit... Signed


Air Conditioning

  • Does the building contain air conditioning or chiller systems

  • Are service records held for air conditioning / chillers

  • Last Service Date

  • Next service date

  • Air con recommendations / alterations / requirements / notes

  • Element
  • Note

Boilers & Gas Safety

  • Is gas safety report held

  • Last service date

  • Next service due date

Other HVAC...

  • Photograph of building gas boilers

  • Other notes relating to HVAC...

  • HVAC facilities audit signed...

DDA Compliance

Disability Access

  • Is the building DDA compliant?

  • Have appropriate checks been made after alterations

  • Have disability lifts been visibly checked for safety and in good working order

  • Photos to support the above

  • Are all areas free from excess furniture / waste which could otherwise restrict access for disabled guests

  • Area

  • Issue

  • Photo

  • DDA Facilities Audit... Signed


Periodic Inspection Certificate

  • Does the building have an up to date 5 yearly electrical safety inspection certificate

  • Date electrical safety inspection last carried out

  • Next periodic electrical inspection due within 1 year?

  • Date electrical safety inspection certificate next due

PAT Testing

  • Have all electrical items within communal areas been PAT tested

  • Date of last PAT test

  • PAT testing requires renewing within 6 months?

  • Date of earliest due required PAT test

  • Are clients PAT testing documents held on record

Other Electrical...

  • Notes relevant to the areas above

  • Identifying photographs relating to the areas above

  • Electrical Facility Site Audit... Signed

Fire Safety

Emergency Lighting

  • Are current and up to date annual service records for the emergency lighting held on file

  • Most recent emergency lighting service / inspection

  • Next emergency lighting annual inspection date

  • Is the emergency lighting weekly tested

  • Weekly testing information up to date and satisfactory?

  • Details of known faults or unsatisfactory emergency lighting test results

Fire System

  • Are current and up to date service records held on file for the fire alarm system

  • Most recent fire alarm service / inspection

  • Next fire alarm system annual inspection date

  • Is the fire alarm system weekly tested

  • Weekly testing information up to date and satisfactory?

  • Details of known faults or unsatisfactory fire alarm test results

Fire Doors

  • Do all fire doors have appropriate signage

  • Door and signs missing, damaged or required

  • Issue
  • Door Location

  • Sign Required

  • Are all fire doors fitted with for closures and are closing correctly

  • Fire doors with broken, missing or damage closures

  • Issue
  • Door Location

  • Fault

Fire Risk Assessment

  • Has a fire risk assessment been carried out

  • Date of most recent fire risk assessment

Fire Extinguishers

  • Does the building contain for extinguishers

  • What is the last service date shown

Other Fire Safety...

  • Notes relevant to the fire safety areas above

  • Identifying photographs relating to the areas above

  • Fire safety audit... Signed

Lifts & Elevation

Hydraulic Lifts

  • Does the building contain hydraulic lift/s

  • Number of hydraulic lifts

  • Are service records for these lifts held on file

  • When was this lift last serviced

  • Is an insurance certificate held and up to date

  • When is the insurance inspection next due

  • How often is this list serviced

  • Has an LG10 been carried out

  • Date of must recent LG10

Cable Lifts

  • Does the building contain came lift/s

  • Number of cable lifts

  • Are service records for these lifts held on file

  • When were the lifts last serviced

  • Is an insurance inspection certificate held on file for these lifts

  • When is the insurance inspection certificate next due

Other Lifts / Elevation...

  • Other notes relating to the above lifts

  • Lift Audit... Signed


Communal Areas

  • Are all communal areas in general good condition and free from damage

  • List the damaged or worn areas which requires attention below

  • Damage
  • Area

  • Damage

  • Photo

  • Are all locks / security mechanisms within the common areas in good condition and working order

  • List the areas and security mechanisms / locks which require attention

  • Security Issue
  • Area

  • Issue

  • Photo

  • Are all communal areas adequately furnished

  • Enter furnishing recommendations below

  • Recommendation
  • Area

  • Recommendation

  • Photo

  • Is all plumbing in good condition and working order

  • List of plumbing issues or areas requiring attention

  • Plumbing Issue
  • Area / Location

  • Issue

Vacant Office Space

  • Are all vacant spaces adequately dressed and decorated

  • Enter below all recommended improvements

  • Office
  • Office Location / Office No.

  • Tick recommendations

  • Supporting information

  • Photo


  • Other notes relating to the appearance of the building

  • Other supporting photographs

  • Aesthetics Site Audit... Signed

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.