Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Tap to enter information
Are all doors to the unit locked and monitored at all times?
Are automated components of our security equipment inspected for appropriate operation on a regular basis?
Is there alarm fatigue from false security alarms?
Are all visitors to the unit properly identified?
Is a visitor identification tracking system utilized?
Are security bands placed on all newborns peds and NICU patients immediately after birth and or admissions?
Are an adequate number of security bands available for all infant and peds patients?
Are patient identification bands placed on all newborn and peds and NICU patients immediately after birth and or admissions?
Do uniformed security officers patrol the unit regularly?
Is closed circuit television (CCTV) surveillance provided on the unit 24 hours a day?
Is the CCTV surveillance recorded?
Do clinical staff monitor the CCTV?
Do staff members conduct hourly checks an authentication such as counting infant and teens patience to verify there whereabouts?
Do staff members on the unit undergo training to recognize and remember physical characteristics of individuals scene on the unit?
Are infant and peds security processes designed with automatic prompts and less reliance on memory? For example, are there checklists for assessments and procedures?<br><br><br><br>
Are infant and peds management policies and procedures simple enough to ensure compliance, but complete enough to ensure safety?
Does our FMC, peds and NICU units have A culture that facilitates the reporting of errors/Security breaches?