Title Page

  • Client / Site

  • Location
  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

Transportation & Distribution - 3.2.2 -10

  • All foods are protected from contamination?

  • Potentially hazardous food (PHF) transported under time/ temp control?

STORAGE AREAS - 3.2.2 -6 & receival of goods - 3.2.2 - 5

  • Are floors clean, dry and in good condition?

  • Are aisles free of boxes or clutter?

  • Are all the ingredients / Packing material off the floor on the pallets?

  • Are receival goods protected from contamination?

  • Are potentially Hazardous PHF stored under temp control?

  • Are doors and latches working properly?

  • Are products or supplies properly stored? cooked product on top & raw products on bottom.

  • Are allergen stored separately?

  • Is shelving in good condition?

  • Are receival goods traceable & accurately identified?

  • Are potentially Hazardous food (PHF) received under control temperature?

  • Are day dot sticker available on display cabinet stock?

  • Are open date sticker available on open ingredients ?(chilled/ dry)

  • Are combustibles kept away from heat sources? (Heating unit, hot water tank, electrical boxes, etc.)

  • Are outlets, switches and electrical components working properly?

  • Are ladders in good condition and properly stored?

  • Are chemicals separated from foodstuffs?

  • Is first aid kit adequately stocked and accessible?

  • Are lights working properly?


  • Are floors clean, dry and in good condition?

  • Are aisles free of clutter?

  • Are practical measures in place to process safe & suitable food?

  • Foods protected from contamination

  • All foods processed adequately - in particular high risk foods?

  • Minimum amount of time PHF are out of temperature control zone?

  • PHF are cooled correctly (2/4 hour rules followed)?

  • Are drain screens being cleaned regularly?

  • PHF rapidly reheated to hold it hot

  • Are display foods protected from contamination? RTE self service food supervised and separate utensils provided?

  • PHF displayed under temp control or time limit not exceeded

  • Is food preparation and storage equipment in good repair?

  • Is grill and fryer exhaust system clean and in good repair?

  • Has fire extinguishing system been inspected and serviced within last 6 months? (Check tags)

  • Have portable fire extinguishers been inspected and serviced within last year? (Check tag and gauge.)

  • Are combustibles kept away from heat sources? (Ovens, grill, fryer, toaster,etc.)

  • Are outlets, switches and electrical components working properly?

  • Are lights working properly?

Premises and Equipment - 3.2.2 - 4 to 24

  • Accessible handwashing facilities used only for washing hands, face and Arms

  • Suitability & Maintenance of premises, are equipment & premise fit for purpose?

  • Are all fixtures, fittings and equipment fit for purpose

  • Adequate ventilation and lighting

  • Adequate toilet facilities

  • facilities provided for storage of personal / non food items

  • Adequate water supply

  • Adequate disposable for sewage & waste water

  • Adequate storage of garbage & recyclables

  • practicable pest exclusion & eradication measures used

  • No sign of pest activity

  • Accurate temp measuring device available

  • Single used item protected & disposed

Adequate cleaning of 3.2.2 - 17 to19

  • Premises

  • Fixtures, fittings & equipment

Adequate cleaning & sanitation of (3.2.2 -10 to 12), (3.2.3 - 17)

  • Food contact surfaces - including equipment (e.g. - benches / boards)

  • Eating & drinking utensils

Food handler must

  • Not handle food in a way that could make the food unsafe or unsuitable

  • Not handle food if suffering from foodborne illness

  • Wear appropriate clean clothing/ bandages and minimise personal contamination of food/ food contact surfaces

  • Not eat, sneeze, spit, cough, use tobacco or similar over food/ food preparation surfaces

  • Not eat sneeze, spit, cough, use tobacco or similar over food or food preparation surfaces

  • Wash & dry hands as directed

  • wash hand using soap, warm running water and dry hands appropriately

  • Demonstrate appropriate food handling skill & knowledge

  • sanitize temperature probe before and after usage


  • Are floors clean, dry and in good condition?

  • Are highchairs, tables and seating in good condition?

  • Are floor mats in good condition? (Lay flat, smooth edges)

  • Is product display equipment in good repair? (½ gallon cases, shelving, cooler doors, etc.)

  • Are exit signs illuminated?

  • Are outlets, switches and electrical components working properly?

  • Are fixtures in restrooms in good condition?

  • Are lights working properly?


  • Are walking surfaces clean, dry and in good condition?

  • Are tables and seating in good condition?

  • Are gates and access passage locked?

  • Is playground equipment in good condition? (No missing parts, holes or tears, sharp objects, clean, etc.)

  • Is playground equipment inspected on a daily basis?

  • Is playground area clean and free of debris or clutter? (Balls returned to pit area)

  • Are proper signs in place?

  • Are lights working properly?


  • Are sidewalks and curbs in good repair?

  • Is landscaping trimmed away from walks and to eliminate possible hiding places?

  • Is the parking lot free of pot holes or tripping hazards?

  • Is the dumpster area in good condition?

  • Is the garden hose properly stored?

  • Are outside lights working properly?


  • Do employees demonstrate a team approach in preventing accidents?

  • Are spills or dropped items cleaned up promptly?

  • Are “Wet Floor” warning signs displayed when needed?

  • Are employees wearing proper footwear?

  • Are employees instructed in proper lifting techniques?

  • Is cooking oil at room temperature before changing or straining?

  • Are knives cleaned safely? (Not left in soapy water)

  • Are slicers cleaned and stored properly?

  • Are employees instructed in the proper use of slicers?

  • Are all cleaning supplies properly labeled?

  • Do employees know where Material Safety Data Sheets are kept?

  • Do employees practice safe ladder usage?

  • Do employees use mechanical hand when changing marquee?

  • Have all maintenance issues been reported as required?


  • Have the issues or hazards that were identified last month been corrected? (If “NO”, specify which hazards below.)

  • Have maintenance-related items been reported, called in or informed concern person

  • Have unsafe practices been addressed with all employees?


  • Recommendations

  • Full Name and Signature of Inspector

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.