
  • Store Name

  • Store Number

  • Age of Store / Date of last refurb.

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

Executive Summary

Department Scores

  • Deli

  • Seafood

  • Bakery

  • Meat

  • Produce

  • Perishable

  • Grocery

  • Back Dock

  • Non Department Specific

Overall Store Rating and Summary

  • Rating

  • Summary




  • Rate appearance of department from a customers perspective.

Temperature Control

  • Are refrigerated products being maintained at or below 5 deg.

  • Is hot food being maintained at or above 60 deg.

  • Are all temperatures being monitored as required and recorded.


  • Are cleaning standards throughout preparation, storage and display areas acceptable.

  • Are cleaning records being completed to a satisfactory standard.

Product Contamination

  • Are there any potential areas for product contamination. Eg physical, chemical, biological, allergens.

Product Weight

  • Are weights of in store packed product compliant.

Stock Rotation

  • Are all products on display and in storage within expiry date.

Personal Hygiene

  • Are staff adhering to personal hygiene requirements.

Repairs and Maintenance

  • Is condition of equipment or surfaces acceptable.

Pest Control

  • Is there any sign of pest infestation within the department.


  • Are trace labels being applied as required.

  • Is country of origin labelling compliant.


  • Please specify details




  • Rate appearance of department from a customers perspective.

Temperature Control

  • Are refrigerated products being maintained at or below 5 deg.

  • Are all temperatures being monitored as required and recorded.


  • Are cleaning standards throughout preparation, storage and display areas acceptable.

  • Are cleaning records being completed to a satisfactory standard.

Product Contamination

  • Are there any potential areas for product contamination. Eg physical, chemical, biological, allergens.

Stock Rotation

  • Are all products on display and in storage within expiry date.

  • Are day dots being used correctly.

Personal Hygiene

  • Are staff adhering to personal hygiene requirements.

Repairs and Maintenance

  • Is condition of equipment or surfaces acceptable.

Pest Control

  • Is there any sign of pest infestation within the department.


  • Are trace labels being applied to products as appropriate.

  • Is country of origin labelling compliant.


  • Please specify details




  • Rate appearance of department from a customers perspective.

Temperature Control

  • Are refrigerated products being maintained at or below 5 deg.

  • Are all temperatures being monitored as required and recorded.


  • Are cleaning standards throughout preparation, storage and display areas acceptable.

  • Are cleaning records being completed to a satisfactory standard.

Product Contamination

  • Are there any potential areas for product contamination. Eg physical, chemical, biological, allergens.

Weight Control

  • Are weights of in store packed product compliant.

Stock Rotation

  • Are all products on display and in storage within expiry date.

Personal Hygiene

  • Are staff adhering to personal hygiene requirements.

Repairs and Maintenance

  • Is condition of equipment or surfaces acceptable.

Pest Control

  • Is there any sign of pest infestation within the department.


  • Are trace labels being applied as appropriate.

  • Are best before and use by dates being applied to correct products.


  • Please specify details




  • Rate appearance of department from a customers perspective.

Temperature Control

  • Are refrigerated products being maintained at or below 5 deg.

  • Are all temperatures being monitored as required and recorded.


  • Are cleaning standards throughout preparation, storage and display areas acceptable.

  • Are cleaning records being completed to a satisfactory standard.

Product Contamination

  • Are there any potential areas for product contamination. Eg physical, chemical, biological, allergens.

Weight Control

  • Are weights of in store packed product compliant.

Stock Rotation

  • Are all products on display and in storage within expiry date.

  • Are primals removed from carton appropriately labelled.

Personal Hygiene

  • Are staff adhering to personal hygiene requirements.

Repairs and Maintenance

  • Is condition of equipment or surfaces acceptable.

Pest Control

  • Is there any sign of pest infestation within the department.


  • Is country of origin labelling compliant.


  • Please specify details




  • Rate appearance of department from a customers perspective.

Temperature Control

  • Are refrigerated products being maintained at or below 5 deg.

  • Are all temperatures being monitored as required and recorded.


  • Are cleaning standards throughout preparation, storage and display areas acceptable.

  • Are cleaning records being completed to a satisfactory standard.

Product Contamination

  • Are there any potential areas for product contamination. Eg physical, chemical, biological, allergens.

Stock Rotation

  • Are all products on display and in storage within expiry date.

Personal Hygiene

  • Are staff adhering to personal hygiene requirements.

Repairs and Maintenance

  • Is condition of equipment or surfaces acceptable.

Pest Control

  • Is there any sign of pest infestation within the department.


  • Is country of origin labelling compliant.


  • Please specify details




  • Rate appearance of department from a customers perspective.

Temperature Control

  • Are refrigerated products being maintained at or below 5 deg.

  • Are all temperatures being monitored as required and recorded.


  • Are cleaning standards throughout preparation, storage and display areas acceptable.

  • Are cleaning records being completed to a satisfactory standard.

Stock Rotation

  • Are all products on display and in storage within expiry date.

Repairs and Maintenance

  • Is condition of equipment or surfaces acceptable.


  • Please specify details




  • Rate appearance of department from a customers perspective.


  • Are cleaning standards throughout area acceptable.

Stock Rotation

  • Are all products on display and in storage within expiry date.


  • Please specify details

Back Dock

Back Dock

Temperature Control

  • Are temperatures of refrigerated products being checked upon receipt.


  • Are cleaning standards throughout area acceptable.

Repairs and Maintenance

  • Is condition of equipment or surfaces acceptable.

Pest Control

  • Is there any sign of pest infestation within the department.


  • Please specify details

Non Department Specific

Non Department Specific.

Recall / Withdrawals

  • Are quarantine tubs in place and appropriately identified.

  • Have all recall / withdrawals been actioned as required.

Temperature Device Accuracy Checks.

  • Has the 6 Monthly Ice Point Check been completed to scedule.

  • Has the monthly accuracy check been completed to schedule.


  • Has the Store Manger completed Food Safety Supervisor Training.


  • Please specify details

Action Plan

Action Plan

  • Issue

  • Action to be completed by store

Sign off

  • Food Safety Specialist

  • Store Manager / Duty Manager

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.