Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
GEMBA WALK IS NOT AN AUDIT!!! Go to Where the Actual Work Is Being Done A means of gathering real-time first-hand information on the status of the processes by walking around the site or plant and observing what is happening. Be interactive with the people doing the job, look for areas of improvement. Don't be about just ticking the boxes.
Pre-Visit Planning
What are the specific objectives from the trip?
Have you contacted the Site Manager and organised the visit in such a way as to minimise disruption for the site?
Have you got the latest Leadership Team elevator speeches handy to talk about key business issues?
Have you gone into SHAERS and looked at current incidents and actions so you can check progress while you are there?
Are there any recent achievements to celebrate?
Pre-start Meeting
Participate in Pre-start meeting and stretching. Advise employees of your agenda; speak about any business issues if appropriate.
Is the Safe Days board being used?
Visual Management Board
Gemba walk must always start at the Visual Management Board (VMB). Review the VMB. (Discuss the link between the measures and the organisations strategic goals)
Is the Visual Management Board up to date?
What is being measured? Do staff understand their KPIs? Can they be impacted by the team?
How are they doing? How do they know?
What KPIs are staff most proud of?
Observing Tasks (Learn from the staff)
Ask employees about the risks and rules for task being performed e.g., smoking restrictions; PPE requirements; MPU rules, vehicle driving.
Ask employee - how they use Take 5!s to consider risk in their work areas. Review Take 5!s for quality
Ask employee - how do they know what they are doing is being done well?
What is getting in the way? What barriers do they face? (Underlying causes? use the 5 Whys)
HSEC and 5S
Have there been Incidents/High Potential Incidents reported in the past week/month? Have they been investigated? Have remedial actions been successfully implemented?
Ask employee how well things are fixed after bringing them to management’s attention?
Are established 5S standards being sustained?
Audits completed and visual boards updated?
Are 5S actions current?
Are items where they should be?
How do I know if something is missing?
Standardised work displayed and being followed?
Is the Housekeeping satisfactory?<br>• Chemicals labelled, segregated.<br>• Area clean & tidy, no trip hazard, no spills<br>• Fire extinguisher, fire hoses, 1st aid kit correctly marked and accessible.<br>• Signs current, correct, and legible<br>
Check QC record, Prestart checks, Safety shutdown system inspection.
Other Comments / Observations / Commendations (Ensure Feedback is sent to Site Manager/Supervisor)