Description of audit
Conducted on
Prepared by
1.0 - Previous inspection
1.1 - Has the last inspection been reviewed?
1.2 - Are there no outstanding actions?
2.0 - Lift Lobby
2.1 - Ceilings
2.1.1 - Are all the lights working?
2.1.2 - Are all the ceiling tiles there with no visible damage?
2.1.4 - Is the ceiling grid as it should be with no damage?
2.2 - Doors
2.2.1 - Main entrance doors to office and kitchen
- - Are the handles secure?
- - Are the doors closing as they should be?
- - Is the access control working?
- - Are the doors closing fully?
2.2.2 - Doors to stairwell
- - Are the handles secure?
- - Are the doors closing as they should be?
- - Are the doors closing fully?
2.3 - Flooring and Carpet
2.3.1 - Do all the carpet and rubber tiles have no visible damage?
2.3.2 - Are all the carpet and rubber tiles in place and fitted as they should be?
2.4 - Signage and Fixture
2.4.1 - Are the sockets in working order?
2.4.2 - Are the lift controls secured to the wall?
2.4.3 - Are the lift control side and bottom panels in place?
2.4.4 - Is all the signage in place and correct?
2.4.5 - Is the signage clean?
3.0 - Toilets
3.1 - Ladies
3.1.1 - Locks on toilets all working?
3.1.2 - Toilet seats ok and working?
3.1.3 - Do the toilet flushes work?
3.1.4 - Toilet roll holders working?
3.1.5 - Door stops fitted/working?
3.1.6 - Hand dryers working?
3.1.7 - Taps all working?
3.1.8 - Hand soap working?
3.1.9 - Are there any visible leaks?
3.1.10 - Are the walls clear of marks or cracks?
3.1.11 - Do all doors open and close as they should?
3.1.12 - Are all the lights working?
3.1.13 - Are all the ceiling tiles all there and not damaged?
3.2 - Gents
3.2.1 - Locks on toilets all working?
3.2.2 - Toilet seats ok and working?
3.2.3 - Do the toilet flushes work?
3.2.4 - Toilet roll holders working?
3.2.5 - Are the urinals working?
3.2.6 - Door stops fitted/working?
3.2.7 - Hand dryers working?
3.2.8 - Taps all working?
3.2.9 - Hand soap working?
3.2.10 - Are there any visible leaks?
3.2.11 - Are the walls clear of marks or cracks?
3.2.12 - Do all doors open and close as they should?
3.2.13 - Are all the lights working?
3.2.14 - Are all the ceiling tiles all there and not damaged?
3.3 - Main Disabled
3.3.1 - Lock on toilet all working?
3.3.2 - Toilet seat ok and working?
3.3.3 - Does the toilet flush work?
3.3.4 - Toilet roll holder working?
3.3.5 - Door stop fitted/working?
3.3.6 - Hand dryer working?
3.3.7 - Tap working?
3.3.8 - Hand soap working?
3.3.9 - Are there any visible leaks?
3.3.10 - Are the walls clear of marks or cracks?
3.3.11 - Does the door open and close as it should?
3.3.12 - Are all the lights working?
3.3.13 - Are the ceiling tiles all there and no visible damage?
4.0 - Kitchen
4.1 - Ceilings
4.1.1 - Are all the lights working?
4.1.2 - Are the ceiling tiles all there and no visable damage?
4.1.3 - Is the ceiling grid as it should be with no damage?
4.2 - Doors
4.2.1 - Entrance doors to office
- - Are the handles secure?
- - Are the doors closing as they should be?
- - Are the doors closing fully?
4.2.2 - Door to patch room and store room
- - Is the handle secure and working?
- - Is the door closing as it should be?
- - Is the door closing fully?
- - Is the access control working?
4.3 - Flooring and Carpet
4.3.1 - Do all the carpet and rubber tiles have no visible damage?
4.3.2 - Are all the carpet and rubber tiles in place and fitted as they should be?
4.3.3 - Are all the floor boxes and sockets in working order?
4.4 - Fixtures, equipment and appliances
4.4.1 - Are the smoke curtains fully up in the ceiling?
4.4.2 - Are the boilers and zip taps working?
4.4.3 - Are the taps in the sink working?
4.4.4 - Are the fridges working?
4.4.5 - Are the microwaves working?
4.4.6 - Are all the blinds working?
4.4.7 - Is the TV working?
4.5 - Walls and columns
4.5.1 - Are the walls and columns clear or marks and damage?
5.0 - Office Area and meeting rooms
5.1 - Ceilings
5.1.1 - Are all the lights working?
5.1.2 - Are the ceiling tiles all there and no visable damage?
5.1.3 - Is the ceiling grid as it should be with no damage?
5.2 - Doors to meeting rooms
5.2.1 - Are the handles secure?
5.2.2 - Are the doors closing as they should be?
5.2.3 - Are the doors closing fully?
5.3 - Flooring and Carpet
5.3.1 - Do all the carpet and rubber tiles have no visible damage?
5.3.2 - Are all the carpet and rubber tiles in place and fitted as they should be?
5.3.3 - Are all the floor boxes and sockets in working order?
4.4 - Fixtures, equipment and appliances
4.4.1 - Are the smoke curtains fully up in the ceiling?
4.4.2 - Are the water machines working?
4.4.6 - Are all the blinds working?
4.5 - Walls and columns
4.5.1 - Are the walls and columns clear or marks and damage?
Sign Off
Managers signature
Auditor's signature