Title Page
Document No.
GFI Name
Class type
Prepared by
Conducted on
Track (if known/relevant):
Was the track filmed?
Areas to consider
GFI Strength
What is the GFI doing well?
Class Observations
What is the ‘feel’ in the room?
Does this match the program essence?
What does the voice sound like? (pitch, pace, volume, contrast)
Does the voice match the need of the program?
Is the GFI connecting with the class as a whole? (looking at the class, using inclusive language)
Is the GFI connecting with individuals in the class? (eye contact, names, before/during/after the class)
Does the GFI demonstrate role model technique?
Is the GFI encouraging & motivating?
Is the GFI teaching to everyone in the room? (Progressions, regression & corrections)
Action plan?
Quick fix – one thing to work on immediately
Long-term goal
Other comments?
Follow-up required?
Follow-up date and time