
  • Document No.

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Station address code
  • Aircraft Tail Number

  • Aircraft Flight Number

  • Arrival, Departure, Both - select one

All ramp personnel- General Ramp Safety

  • Hearing protection being worn

  • Safety vest being worn

  • Proper body mechanics being utilized to reduce potential injuries ( lifting,pushing,pulling)

  • Tractors make safety stop (1) when entering OSZ. RSM chapter 2 pg 6 and Chapter 6 pg 18

  • 3' no drive zone is observed while positioning GSE

  • GSE is operated at a walking speed while in the Aircraft Buffer Zone

  • Vehicles with limited vision utilize a guide person in aircraft buffer zone

  • Safe movement of baggage carts (string size <4, curtains closed)

  • Occupants keep all body parts inside the profile of the vehicle when driving

  • Brakes are set and functional on all parked ground equipment ( carts, dollies, vehicles, GPU, Conditioned Air etc.)

  • United Airlines Vehicle operator(s) and occupants utilize seat belts when installed outside of OSZ

  • Only vehicles and equipment necessary to service the aircraft are operated within the OSZ

Ramp Personnel Belt Loader Operation

  • Belt loader completed safety stop entering into OSZ ( 1 stop) RSM Chapter 2 and Chapter 6

  • Belt loader positioned properly to aircraft for arrival process a minimum of 1 inch from bumper and door sill

  • Belt loader positioned properly to aircraft for departure process - Belt loaders that have been specially modified may be placed inside the compartment on mainline aircraft - must have D style bumpers and plastic protective guards on the bottom of the boom RSM chapter 6 pg 22

  • RSE stop movement of the belt loader to adjust boom height

  • Safety hand rail in down position (except fixed rail) when positioning belt load to aircraft

  • Safety hand rail in down position (except fixed rail) when removing belt load from aircraft

  • Safety handrail in down position when belt loader is in motion

  • Belt loader hand rail in up position when personnel is on belt transiting into or out of cargo compartment

  • Belt loader chocked/brake set/ gear lever in neutral when positioned at aircraft

  • RSE observe requirement to not ride on moving belt

  • Hand rail lowered and belt loader moved away from aircraft before closing door ( exception 757 boom and safety rail must be in down position, belt may be repositioned at aircraft to operate door

Ramp Personnel - Container Loader Operation

  • Container loader made full safety stop while entering into OSZ

  • Container loader positioned correctly at aircraft (1 inch gap)

  • Container loader driven with all platforms fully down

  • Safety handrail in down position when driving the loader

  • Safety hand rail down when operating the cargo door

  • Safety hand rail in up position and extended while loading / unloading aircraft ( extension arm (if applicable) not greater than 6 inches from aircraft)

  • Platform guard rails up and aligned with aircraft lateral guides

Ramp Personnel- Loading

  • Allowed 2" clearance between top of cargo/bags and ceiling of pit. ( Airbus A319/320 and ER170)

  • RSE adhere to orientation markings (this side up)

  • Pit nets secured inside cargo compartment when windy or aircraft unattended

  • DG cargo secured to prevent shifting or movement

  • Live animals secured from shifting or movement

Bag Runners/ Cargo Personnel

  • Bag runner wearing hearing protection

  • Bag runner wearing safety vest

  • Bag runner wearing seat belt as required

  • Bag runners observe the 3' no drive zone

  • Bag runner performs safety stop before entering OSZ

  • Cargo runner wearing hearing protection

  • Cargo runner wearing safety vest

  • Cargo runners observe the 3' no drive zone

  • Cargo runner performs safety stop before entering OSZ

  • Cargo runners wearing seat belt as required

Catering Operations/ Personnel

  • Catering personnel wearing hearing protection

  • Full safety stop made prior to entering the OSZ

  • Personnel wear safety belts (as applicable per company standard)

  • Catering truck observe 3' no drive zone

  • Catering truck operated in aircraft buffer zone <walking speed

  • Catering truck positioned to aircraft properly (>6" not touching)

  • Removed any FOD dropped on ground by catering personnel

  • Safety rails and platforms used maximum

Cleaning Operation/ Personnel

  • Cabin service employees wearing hearing protection while in exposure area (ramp)

  • Fully safety stop made prior to entering the OSZ

  • Personnel wearing seat belts as required

  • Cleaning truck observed 3' no drive zone

  • Cleaning truck operated in Aircraft buffer zone <walking speed

  • All FOD dropped on ramp by cleaning personnel picked up

  • Passenger doors opened / closed from outside of aircraft, safety check performed before opening and after closing

Customer Service Operation/Personnel

  • Customer service agent operating jet bridge does not move from designated parking spot until the all clear, clear to approach signal is given

  • Customer service personnel wearing hearing protection while on the ramp or positioning jet bridge

Flight Operations

  • Flight crews wearing hearing protection while performing duties on the ramp

  • Flight crews wearing safety vest while performing duties on the ramp (as applicable)

  • Flight crews do not step over tow bars, cart tongues, or between carts while performing duties on the ramp

Fueling Operations/ Personnel

  • Fueler wearing hearing protection

  • Fuelers wearing seat belts as required

  • Full safety stop made prior to entering the OSZ

  • Fuel truck observed the 3' no drive zone

  • Fuel truck operated in aircraft buffer zone <walking speed

  • Fuel truck observes the 10' safety zone (no parking) around fuel vent

  • Fuel truck daily users check completed

Lavatory Servicing / Personnel

  • Lavatory service personnel wearing hearing protection

  • Lavatory service personnel wearing appropriate PPE ( gloves, face shield etc. )

  • Lavatory service vehicle observed 3' no drive zone

  • Lavatory service vehicle conducts full brake stop before entering OSZ

Potable Water Servicing / Personnel

  • Potable water service personnel wearing hearing protection

  • Potable water service truck observe the 3' no drive zone

  • Potable water service vehicle conducts full brake safety stop prior to entering the OSZ

  • Potable water service personnel wearing seat belts as required

Technical Operations Personnel

  • MX personnel wearing hearing protection

  • MX personnel perform full safety stop prior to entering OSZ

  • MX vehicles observe the 3' no drive zone

  • MX vehicle operated in aircraft buffer zone < walking speed

  • MX man lifts positioned to aircraft properly (>1" / not touching

  • MX personnel use appropriate fall protection on man lifts or working from heights

  • Remove any FOD/ items dropped during servicing of aircraft

  • MX personnel wearing seat belts as required

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.