Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location



  • Are any areas containing asbestos identified, marked and an up-to-date record kept?

  • Is all the asbestos in good condition/sealed in and monitored?

  • Has the risk of exposure to asbestos dust and fibres been assessed and an up-to-date written record kept?

  • Are there arrangements in place to inform any contractors about any asbestos presence, or locations where it is not known if that area is clearof asbestos?

  • Is there a plan for specialist removal of asbestos?


  • Are all containers clearly labelled with contents, hazards warnings and the precautions to be taken?

  • Are there safety data sheets for all chemicals including cleaning and other materials?

  • Is training provided in safe use of chemicals and on what to do in an emergency (spillage, poisoning, splashing etc.)?


  • Are all work surfaces, walls and floors kept tidy and regularly cleaned?

Electrical Safety

  • Are all electrical equipment, fittings, and tools regularly checked and maintained?

  • Is access to live high voltage equipment restricted to authorized people only?

Fire Precautions

  • Are there separate storage arrangements for flammable materials?

  • Are bins regularly emptied and rubbish safely disposed of?

  • Are cigarettes and matches disposed of separately from other rubbish?

  • Are clear fire instructions displayed throughout the workplace?

  • Have sources of ignition (portable heaters etc.) been replaced with safer alternatives?

  • Are fire drills carried out regularly and at least once per year?

  • Are fire alarms and smoke detectors checked and tested weekly?

  • Are the alarms capable of warning employees throughout the building?

  • Are there other forms of fire warning for the hearing-impaired?

  • Are all employees given information, instruction and training on fire risks and precautions, as well as what to do in the event of a fire or fire alarm?

  • Is emergency lighting provided and tested regularly?

  • Are fire escape routes clearly signed, kept clear and wide enough to prevent a crush, and do they lead quickly and directly to a safe area?

  • Are fire doors and exits clearly marked, kept clear on both sides at all times, never left open, and do they open easily and quickly in the direction of escape and lead quickly to a safe area?

First Aid, Accidents and Illness

  • Is there a first aid box and is it fully equipped and accessible to staff?

  • Is there a trained first aider or appointed person on the premises?

  • Is it clear who the first aider(s)/appointed person is/are and how they may be contacted?

  • Is a clean and properly equipped first aid room available?

  • Are all accidents, near misses and illnesses caused by work reported and recorded in an accident book?

Gas Safety

  • Are gas appliances regularly checked and serviced by qualified people?

  • Do staff know what to do if there is a gas leak?


  • Is the lighting bright enough, especially over workstations?

  • Are stairs and corridors etc properly lit?

  • Are light bulbs replaced promptly?

  • Are windows clean on both sides and free from obstructions?

Lifting and Manual Handling

  • Have all staff who are at risk from lifting or moving been trained in manual handling?

  • Is mechanical equipment used whenever possible, have staff beentrained in its use, and is there enough space to use it?

  • Where mechanical assistance is not possible, are staff trained in safe lifting techniques and is there enough space to use them?

  • Are heavy items stored at a convenient or adjustable height to suit the user?

  • Is the weight of loads known and clearly marked, and are they small and light enough?

  • Are unbalanced, uneven, slippery, sharp or too hot or too cold loads avoided?

  • Are loads securely packed to avoid them shifting or spilling?

  • Are work surfaces at a comfortable or adjustable height to suit the user and at compatible heights to reduce lifting from one to another?

  • Is frequent or prolonged stooping, stretching or reaching above shoulder height, or sideways twisting of the body avoided?

  • Are lifting and handling needs included in patient/client care plans?

  • Do uniforms, protective equipment and other clothing that is provided allow easy movement?

Machinery and Equipment

  • Are all staff trained to use, clean and adjust equipment safely?

  • Is all equipment regularly inspected and maintained?

  • Is there a procedure for reporting faulty equipment and for taking it out of use until repaired?

  • Are all guards in place on machinery?

  • Are potentially dangerous machines only operated by properly trained staff aged 18 and over?


  • Are noise levels below the recommended maximum (rough guide – you should be able to talk with someone a metre away without shouting)?

  • Have the causes of noise been tackled?

  • As a last resort, are suitable earmuffs or plugs provided, and are they regularly checked, cleaned and maintained, and stored in a clean and safe place?


  • Is there enough space for staff to work safely?

Protective Clothing

  • Is proper and appropriate protective clothing provided free of charge?

  • Is it effective, comfortable and well fitting?

  • Is it replaced as soon as they are worn out or damaged?

  • Are clean overalls provided regularly?

Slips, Trips and Falls

  • Are floors and stairs in good condition, free from obstructions and nonslip?

  • Are spills cleared up immediately?

  • Is non-slip footwear provided free of charge where needed?

  • Do all staircases have securely fixed handrails?

  • Are trailing leads and cables secured or covered?

  • Is there enough storage space?

  • Has a risk assessment been done on all work from heights and are the measures required being implemented?


  • Do risk assessments include stress?

  • Has your employer done a stress audit?

  • Are there measures in place to avoid or minimise the risk?

  • Has the employer introduced the HSE Stress Management Standards?

Temperature (Working Indoors)

  • Is the temperature comfortable all year?

  • Does the temperature reach at least 16°C within one hour of starting work?

  • Can breaks be taken away from hot areas?

Temperature (Working Outdoors)

  • Is warm clothing provided in cold weather?

  • Are there facilities for warming up and making hot drinks when cold?

  • In hot conditions, is cool drinking water provided and can breaks be taken in the shade?

  • Can the work be organised so that it takes place in the shade or not during mid-day when the sun is at its strongest?

Toilets, Wash and Rest Facilities

  • Are there enough toilets, and are they clean and in good repair?

  • Are washing facilities (hot water, soap and towels) provided?

  • Are sanitary disposal facilities provided in women’s toilets?

  • Are lockers (or something similar) provided for staff?

  • Is there a rest room, and is it clean, properly lit, and ventilated?

  • Are there suitable facilities for pregnant and nursing mothers to rest?

  • Are there facilities for workers to eat meals?


  • Are fumes, steam and stale air removed?

  • Is there a supply of fresh air without draughts?

  • Are special precautions taken when working in confined spaces?

VDUs (Computer Users)

  • Are workstations and seating fully adjustable, and are staff trained and encouraged to make adjustments?

  • Does seating give proper back support?

  • Are footrests provided where needed?

  • Is furniture and equipment checked and maintained regularly, with faulty items taken out of service and replaced?

  • Can users easily read screens, and are they flicker and glare free?

  • Is the pace of work comfortable and can breaks be taken?

  • Are users offered full free eye tests?

  • Are reports of aches, pains, numbness or tingling in limbs investigated?

  • Is the work free from awkward postures, movements and very repetitive work?

  • Is training provided about the use of equipment, methods of work, and how to avoid repetitive strain injury (RSI)?


  • Has a risk assessment on violence or the threat of violence been conducted (physical, verbal abuse or intimidation)?

  • Are they encouraged to report all incidents, including intimidation?

  • Are there preventive measures in place to avoid or minimise the risk?

  • Are there panic buttons, do they work, and are they quickly and reliably responded to?If name badges are worn are only forenames given?

  • Is there a policy and procedure for home visits, lone working and community based working, and is this work avoided if it is unsafe?

  • Is information about potential incidents or clients which may present a risk passed on?

  • If staff have to make home visits or work through an isolated or threatening area, do they have alarms?

  • Can public waiting areas be improved to reduce tension and stress?

  • Can appointments be arranged to avoid long waiting times?

  • Do interview rooms allow easy escape whilst giving privacy to the client?

  • Are staff trained in what to do and how to diffuse potentially/violent situations?

  • Is counselling and support for the victims and witnesses of violence provided?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.