Site Photograph:
Audit conducted by:
Audit date and time:
Business Continuity Plan dated:
Electrical Installation Condition Report dated:
Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) dated:
Landlord Gas Safety Certificate (CP12) dated:
Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) dated:
Fire Panel servicing dated:
Emergency Lighting testing (plus record of draindown test) dated:
Fire extinguisher / fire blanket servicing dated:
Extract system commercial clean dated:
Legionella Risk Assessment dated:
Asbestos Survey dated:
Basement present - Radon Survey dated:
Health and Safety
Have actions from the previous H&S audit been completed?
Have any outstanding repairs been closed satisfactorily?
Is an in-date Employers Liability insurance certificate on display in the site office?
Have CCIA's relating to H&S been closed (includes any actions arising and contact with other departments)?
Is the business continuity plan accurate and in date?
Is the EICR dated within the last 5 years and SATISFACTORY?
Has PAT been carried out within the past year?
Is there evidence of weekly fire panel / smoke or heat detector checks?
Is there evidence of 6 monthly fire door checks?
Is there evidence of regular, planned fire evacuations? (Including one weekend and one night time evacuation)
Are external walkways / escape routes in good condition (not slippery, handrails secure, paving uneven etc)?
Has the FRA been completed in the past year?
Has a GEEP been developed for this site?
Where relevant, are there PEEPs in place and regularly reviewed?
Where relevant, are PCFRAs in place and regularly reviewed?
Are legionella checks being completed and recorded?
Where an asbestos survey has found asbestos containing materials (ACMs), has a condition report been completed within the past year?
Have lone worker risk assessments available and kept up to date? Mark as N/a where lone working is not permitted.
Bodily Fluids and Clinical Waste
The policy on safe management of bodily fluids and clinical waste removal is communicated to all employees.
All equipment, PPE and cleaning materials are available for the safe management of bodily fluids.
There are colour-coded clinical waste bags provided for separating hazardous biological matter.
A system is in place for handling and separation of soiled laundry.
Environmental Health
Safer Food Better Business pack is maintained on site and completed according to the level of control over purchase, preparation, storage and disposal of food.
Safer Food Better Business packs are available for caterers, residential care homes and retailers - see link for further details.
All foods (fridge / freezer and dry store) are within use by / best before dates.
Temperature records are maintained according to HACCP requirements.
Hazardous substances are stored following COSHH guidelines.
COSHH assessment available for all cleaning tasks.
PPE required by assessment available.
Cleaning rota in place and signed off daily.
Suitable and sufficient cleaning materials available.
Cloths, mop heads, sponges etc., are clean and changed regularly.
Separate cleaning cloths/mops available for kitchen and toilet areas (preferably colour coded and separately stored.
Allergy risks have been clearly communicated and are available to view in kitchen area with menu planner/allergen control record in use.
Medication / First Aid
First Aid Box(es) are available & stocked and have been checked monthly.
Has a first aid needs assessment been completed for this site?
Is the needs assessment still valid and appropriate for new staff?
Are measures in place to ensure medication kept below 25 degrees?
Where medication fridges are required, are these kept between 2-8 degrees?
Accessibility - mark as N/a if not present
Where a passenger lift is present, is a record of Thorough Examination available, dated within the last 6 months?
Where lifting aids are present, is a record of Thorough Examination available, dated within the last 6 months?
Are pull cords set with bangles at floor level and 900 - 1100mm above ground level?
Are bathroom alarm systems tested regularly?
Are temporary ramps checked regularly and free from damage?