Title Page

  • Date of Inspection

  • Location of Inspection
  • Name

  • Confirm Branch before you begin:

Health and Safety Field Inspection

Health and Safety Field Inspection

  • Customer Name

  • What Line of Business is this Inspection for?

  • TS / Retail / Insite Task Being Inspected?

  • Has the SOP been reviewed and JHA signed?

  • Has a Front Line Risk Assessment (FLRA) form been completed as required?

  • Are sufficient number of appropriate fire extinguishers present?

  • Are all fire extinguishers inspected with tags attached?

  • Is grounding / bonding in place with acceptable ground source?

  • Has grounding / bonding been checked for continuity?

  • Has the Power Inverter been isolated at the battery?

  • Has the compatibility bucket test been performed successfully?

  • Is the total volume to be poured less than 5 gals? if not, has H&S been contacted?

  • Other comments

  • Containers and bags are closed and free of obvious hazards before handling/transporting?

  • Needlestick resistant gloves available and in use when sharps risk is present?

  • Waste consolidation/transfer limited to MAA only? (only rigid container handling in customer hallways and SAA’s)

  • Employee avoiding using hands to manipulate bagged waste as much as possible?

  • Cut resistant arm guards and cut resistant apron available and in use for bagged waste transfer?

  • Drum and container integrity assessed before handling?

  • Drums and containers free of gross outer contamination?

  • Pinch points avoided by using tools for drums with ring closures?

  • Are Clean Harbors Cut/puncture resistant gloves being worn for the task?

  • Drum carts or dollies available and in use?

  • Drum spinner tools available and used for drum positioning in truck?

  • Drums flat and level while being transported on lift gate?

  • Liftgate capacity not exceeded?

  • Employee standing to the side or top when operating liftgate?

  • Bulging drums not handled, isolated and call made to Health & Safety?


  • Is the work area clean?

  • Is material and equipment properly stored?

  • Are walkways and passage's clear?

  • Are slip, trip and fall hazards eliminated?

  • Are appropriate warning signs and barriers in place?

  • Are mobile equipment wheels chocked?

  • Company Vehicles are organized and clean?

  • Housekeeping Comments

Emergency Preparedness

  • Is the site prepared for an emergency?

  • First aid Kit onsite and available?

  • Are at least two First Aid Trained personnel onsite?

  • Safety Shower or eye wash available? (10ft) within working area

  • Emergency Numbers documented on Permits / JHA?

  • Location of nearest hospital documented?

  • Are Fire Extinguishers present?

  • Fire Extinguisher(s) are in compliance and tag is attached?

  • A site evacuation procedure has been documented and is understood by the crew?

  • Safe house / area has been identified when dangerous weather occurs?

  • Emergency Preparedness Comments

Job Related Safety Items

  • Have appropriate smoking / Eating areas been designated?

  • Is the proper equipment onsite to complete the project safely?

  • Is a GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupter) used on all equipment and in good condition?

  • Are extension cords in good condition?

  • Have decontamination zones / areas been established?

  • Is the crew's system of communication sufficient?

  • Is the worksite secure?

  • Is the lighting safely illuminating the work zone?

  • Are approved safety knives being used?

  • Job related Safety Items

PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

  • Is the head, face, eye and neck protection appropriate for the hazard?

  • is the hearing protection appropriate for the hazard?

  • Is the hand protection appropriate for the hazard?

  • Take a picture of the hand protection

  • Is the foot protection appropriate for the hazard?

  • Are the chemical protective suits appropriate for the hazard?

  • is special equipment appropriate for the hazard? (Hi-vis, FRC, PFD, tape and barrier cream)

  • Is the PPE being used match what is documented on the permit?

  • Is respiratory protection being used?

  • Are the employees clean shaved?

  • Fit test is Complient?


  • Is the work area clean?

  • Is material and equipment properly stored?

  • Are walkways and passage's clear?

  • Are slip, trip and fall hazards eliminated?

  • Are appropriate warning signs and barriers in place?

  • Are mobile equipment wheels chocked?

  • Company Vehicles are organized and clean?

  • Housekeeping Comments

  • Site Safety Lead established and held pre-job safety meeting with all staff?

  • Heat stress being managed with cold water, shade or AC available and work/rest cycles established?

  • Vehicle traffic safety managed with use of spotters for supply vehicles and designated lanes for customer vehicles?

  • Customers instructed to put car in park and stay in their vehicles?

  • All containers checked for labels prior to removal and questionable materials brought to supervisor attention?

  • Spill supplies, first aid kits, fire extinguishers and safety shower/eye wash all readily available in sorting area?

  • Ergonomics managed with carts for material transport, mechanical assistance or team lifting for heavy/awkward items?

  • Dump and sort techniques or remote handling tools used to eliminate hand injuries?

  • SKE Task Being Inspected


  • Is the work area clean?

  • Is material and equipment properly stored?

  • Are walkways and passage's clear?

  • Are slip, trip and fall hazards eliminated?

  • Are appropriate warning signs and barriers in place?

  • Are mobile equipment wheels chocked?

  • Company Vehicles are organized and clean?

  • Housekeeping Comments

Emergency Preparedness

  • Is the site prepared for an emergency?

  • First aid Kit onsite and available?

  • Are at least two First Aid Trained personnel onsite?

  • Safety Shower or eye wash available? (10ft) within working area

  • Emergency Numbers documented on Permits / JHA?

  • Location of nearest hospital documented?

  • Are Fire Extinguishers present?

  • Fire Extinguisher(s) are in compliance and tag is attached?

  • A site evacuation procedure has been documented and is understood by the crew?

  • Safe house / area has been identified when dangerous weather occurs?

  • Emergency Preparedness Comments

Job Related Safety Items

  • Have appropriate smoking / Eating areas been designated?

  • Is the proper equipment onsite to complete the project safely?

  • Is a GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupter) used on all equipment and in good condition?

  • Are extension cords in good condition?

  • Have decontamination zones / areas been established?

  • Is the crew's system of communication sufficient?

  • Is the worksite secure?

  • Is the lighting safely illuminating the work zone?

  • Are approved safety knives being used?

  • Job related Safety Items

PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

  • Is the head, face, eye and neck protection appropriate for the hazard?

  • is the hearing protection appropriate for the hazard?

  • Is the hand protection appropriate for the hazard?

  • Take a picture of the hand protection

  • Is the foot protection appropriate for the hazard?

  • Are the chemical protective suits appropriate for the hazard?

  • is special equipment appropriate for the hazard? (Hi-vis, FRC, PFD, tape and barrier cream)

  • Is the PPE being used match what is documented on the permit?

  • Is respiratory protection being used?

  • Are the employees clean shaved?

  • Fit test is Complient?

  • Has a Front Line Risk Assessment (FLRA) form been completed as required?

  • Are spotters used when navigating close quarters or areas of restricted access?

  • Slip and trip hazards addressed or eliminated?

  • Environmental extremes (heat, cold noise, etc.) addressed or eliminated?

  • Ergonomic issues (access, lifting, push/pull, etc.) addressed or eliminated?

  • Are sufficient number of appropriate fire extinguishers present?

  • Are any prohibited activities (confined space entry, expired profiles, etc.) being performed

  • mechanical assistance (PIV, dolleys, etc.) available/used for heavy loads?

  • Containers are in shippable condition (Dirty, bulging, no labels, not closed)?

  • Are spotters used when navigating close quarters or areas of restricted access?

  • Slip and trip hazards addressed or eliminated?

  • Environmental extremes (heat, cold noise, etc.) addressed or eliminated?

  • Ergonomic issues (access, lifting, push/pull, etc.) addressed or eliminated?

  • Are sufficient number of appropriate fire extinguishers present?

  • Has grounding / bonding been performed?

  • Have overhead hazards (awnings, trees, cables, doors) been mitigated?

  • Has traffic (vehicle, equipment, pedestrian) been mitigated?

  • Are there uncontrolled hazardous operations (hostile persons/fire/health) in the area?

  • Are any prohibited activities (confined space entry, expired profiles, etc.) being performed

  • Is there sufficient volume in truck compartment?

  • Have safety cones and hose protection been deployed?

  • Has a Front Line Risk Assessment (FLRA) form been completed as required?

  • Are spotters used when navigating close quarters or areas of restricted access?

  • Slip and trip hazards addressed or eliminated?

  • Environmental extremes (heat, cold noise, etc.) addressed or eliminated?

  • Ergonomic issues (access, lifting, push/pull, etc.) addressed or eliminated?

  • ChlorDtect or ph checked?

  • Fall hazards (pits/trenches/manholes, etc) addressed?

  • Are any prohibited activities (confined space entry, expired profiles, etc.) being performed?

  • Hoses secured to prevent jumping and whipping?

  • Proper tools available/used when removing grates and man hole covers?

  • What Field Service task is being Inspected?

CSE Permit

  • Entry Supervisor, Attendant and Entrant named on the Permit?

  • All sections of the permit completed or marked NA?

  • Safety Meeting Documented?

  • Entrant in/out times are documented?

  • FS Work Permit completed along with CSE Permit? (FS Work permit authorizes the work outside of the space)

  • Document the deficiencies from the permit (take picture of Permit)


  • Ventilation set up is appropriate (exhausted away from employees or other personnel)?

  • Air flow is being exhausted not forced?

  • Does the ventilation equipment provide adequate Air Exchanges for the space? (8-10 Per air changes/hr and 3 air changes prior to entry)

  • Is equipment bonded and grounded?

Air Monitoring

  • Is the proper Air Monitoring equipment onsite?

  • Are action levels understood and documented?

  • Bumped checked (daily) / Calibrated (weekly)?

  • Monitoring frequency is appropriate for the hazard? (Readings are documented for: 15 Min Periodic "Gastec/Dragger Tubes", 30 min for continuous "4/5 Gas Meter")

  • Pre entry readings have been conducted and documented on the permit?


  • Are required Harnesses being worn by all entrants and designated rescue personnel?

  • Are horizontal/Vertical lifelines attached?

  • Are additional hazards present that make wearing the lifeline more dangerous?

  • Did H&S approve the removal of Lifeline?

  • Is CHES Rescue being utilized?

  • Is the Rescue teams training up to date?

  • Can all entrants be seen?

  • Rescue plan on Permit is complete? (Section 10)

  • First Aid / CPR is in compliance?

  • Is a Mechanical extraction device being used for spaces greater than 5 ft?

  • Confined Space Entry Comments

  • If manual HPWJ is being performed (shot gunning, hand lancing, etc), has Critical HPWJ Approval Form been completed?

  • HPWJ Checklist completed?

  • Hoses are hydro tested and marked per CHES standard?

  • Are all hoses and fittings rated for 1.5X Maximum pressure?

  • Have hoses been inspected prior to use and appear in good condition?

  • Are we Shot Gunning?

  • Is a protective hose shroud (10ft Minimum) in place on the shot gun?

  • Blast Boots and Metatarsal/shin guards are being worn?

  • Appropriate wand length (48 inches not including handle) per CHES standard?

  • Is manual flex lancing taking place?

  • is Anti Withdrawal Device in placed?

  • Does flex lance have a warning mark 3 Ft from the tip?

  • Is the flex lance fitted with a rigid stinger 1.5X the inside diameter of the pipe?

  • Body Armor is worn while flex lancing?

  • HPWJ comments

  • Is the pressure washing wand 48" long?

  • Are all hose connections threaded? (no quick connects)

  • Are whip checks used between the pump hose and between individual hose lengths?

  • Are metaltarsal and shin guards being worn?

  • Pressure Washing Comments

  • Has bonding and grounding been performed and checked for continuity?

  • Hands and Feet are kept 2 ft away from hose end?

  • Safety T is in place, being utilized and manned for jobs with more than 20ft of hose?

  • Is the flex hose secured to eliminate whipping action?

  • Double Hearing protection worn by crew?

  • Does the crew have line of sight on the employee working the end of the hose?

  • Task Description

  • Substance of Concern

FS Work Permit / Supporting Documents

  • All sections of the FS Work permit completed or marked NA?

  • Has Health and Safety reviewed Sections 1-3 prior to day of the job?

  • What required support documents are onsite?

  • Has JHA been approved by Health and Safety?

  • Has JHA been reviewed and signed off by field crew prior to job starting?

  • Has the HASP been approved by Health and Safety?

  • Has the HASP been reviewed and signed off by field crew prior to job starting?

  • Chapter 13 is onsite and completed by supervisor?

  • Chapter 13 has been reviewed / signed off by crew?

  • SDS available and reviewed when specific chemicals are present?

Site Hazard Assessment

  • Tailgate safety meeting completed and documented?

  • Have the hazards of the job site been communicated / identified / controlled?


  • Is material and equipment properly stored?

  • Are walkways and passage's clear to and from the truck to the work area?

  • Are slip, trip and fall hazards eliminated?

  • Are appropriate warning signs and barriers in place?

  • Are mobile equipment wheels chocked?

  • Company Vehicles are organized and clean?

  • Are safety cones in place?

  • Has all critical safety equipment been inspected prior to use (Harnesses, Lifelines, DBI's etc..)?

  • Housekeeping Comments

Emergency Preparedness

  • First aid Kit onsite and available?

  • Are at least two First Aid Trained personnel onsite?

  • Safety Shower / eye wash / fresh water source available and functioning with in the general work area?

  • Emergency Numbers / Nearest hospital location documented on Permits / JHA?

  • Are Fire Extinguishers present?

  • Fire Extinguisher(s) are in compliance and tag is attached?

  • A site evacuation procedure has been documented and is understood by the crew?

  • Safe area has been identified when dangerous weather occurs?

  • Emergency Preparedness Comments

Job Related Safety Items

  • Have appropriate smoking / Eating areas been designated?

  • Is the proper equipment onsite to complete the project safely?

  • Is a GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupter) used on all equipment and in good condition?

  • Are extension cords in good condition?

  • Have decontamination zones / areas been established?

  • Is the crew's system of communication sufficient?

  • Is the worksite secure?

  • Is the lighting safely illuminating the work zone?

  • Are unapproved safety knives not present on the jobsite?

  • Job related Safety Items

PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

  • Is the head, face, eye and neck protection appropriate for the hazard?

  • is the hearing protection appropriate for the hazard?

  • Is the hand protection appropriate for the hazard?

  • Is the foot protection appropriate for the hazard?

  • Are the chemical protective suits appropriate for the hazard?

  • is special equipment appropriate for the hazard? (Hi-vis, FRC, PFD, tape and barrier cream)

  • Is the PPE being used match what is documented on the permit or JHA?

  • Is respiratory protection being used?

  • Are the employees clean shaved?

  • Fit test is Compliant (Proof of fit test completion available onsite or at branch location)?

  • Is bonding and grounding in place and been verified?

  • Have all ignition sources been eliminated?

  • Is LEL area monitoring been conducted?

  • Is there a Excavation Competent Person onsite?

  • Has the daily trenching & excavation checklist been completed?

  • Have all utilities been identified and marked by Dig Safe?

  • Has a "NO MAN's LAND" been established 3/4 of the excavations depth away from the edge?

  • Has the excavation been evaluated for potential confined space hazards?

  • Does this task involve trenching?

  • For excavations greater than 4ft are sloping or shoring options in place?

  • Is a ladder available in the excavation every 25ft?

  • Are excavation spoils located at least 2 ft from the edge of the excavation?

  • Is standing water in the excavation being controlled?

  • Is work on scaffolding being performed?

  • Scaffold erected according to guidelines?

  • All personnel "scaffold user" or "aerial lift" trained?

  • All scaffold components are in good condition?

  • Daily inspection is documented?

  • Is there a Scaffold Competent Person on site?

  • Is a Aerial Lift being utilized onsite?

  • Required fall protection equipment is being utilized?

  • Are you working from Heights?

  • Is fall prevention being used instead of fall protection (Barriers 6ft from edge)?

  • Tie off / Anchor points are appropriate and rated for 5000lbs or higher?

  • Appropriate Lifelines (lanyards, SRL's) have been selected based on Fall clearance?

  • Fall protection equipment has been inspected prior to use?

  • Are you utilizing a Motorized water craft?

  • Is the boat operator certified by Clean Harbors?

  • Has a boating checklist / float plan been completed?

  • Are USCG approved

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.