Title Page

  • Assessor Name

  • Supervisor Name

  • Contractor

  • Sub-Contractor

  • Location
  • Conducted on

  • Inspection I.D

Inspection Guidance

  • Definitions (For Reference when Scoring an Audit Question)

  • C - Compliant - Item meets or exceeds the required standards as determined by the Contractor, Gigaclear, Contract/Order, Asset Owner or Legislative requirements.

  • Refer - Item has not been provided, utilised or utilised correctly or does not meet the requirements or standards as determined by the Contractor, Gigaclear, Contract/Order, Asset Owner or Legislative requirements. Breach may have the potential to cause harm or injury or risk of notices or prosecution from Local Authorities, the HSE or OR. Item must be rectified and Inspector informed when complete.

  • I/R - Improvement Required - Item does not meet the required standards as determined by the Contractor, Gigaclear, Contract/Order, Asset Owner or Legislative requirements.

  • N/A - Not Applicable - Item is not applicable or relevant to the works/project or individual assessment.

  • Contractors Rules and Requirements

  • Code of Conduct

Assessor Checks - TASKS

Pre-site Survey, validation, advance warning, permit conditions

  • Has the Supervisor performed a pre-site survey or joint validation to ensure the build plan is feasible

  • Does the Supervisor understand the permit requirements and can provide permit information

  • Has the Supervisor liaised with the public/ residents, or can provided evidence to show advance Warning of works taking place

Site Specific Risks Assessment

  • Has the Supervisor checked the completion and content of the SSRA

  • Has the Supervisor communicated / confirmed the gang are aware of any significant risks from drawings, surrounding environment, or DRR

Protective Clothing

  • Does the Supervisor have appropriate PPE, and have they checked the gang to ensure suitable and correct PPE is being worn

Equipment Check

  • Has the Supervisor checked all plant and equipment onsite is ready for use via service date, thorough examination, condition, and function check

Training and Accreditation

  • Has the Supervisor got the appropriate training and accreditations

  • Has the Supervisor checked the gang has appropriate training and accreditations

  • Has the Supervisor flagged up with back-office training needs for those who require it

Site-setup and Storage (Adheres to the chapter 8 and the SROH statutory guidance)

  • Has the Supervisor checked the site has been setup correctly I.e., CDM area established, barriers weighted and clipped, permit boards displayed, closed compounds, correct f/w c/w boards, pedestrian provision etc

  • Has the Supervisor checked the correct reinstatement materials are available and adequately stored

  • Can the Supervisor advise what welfare arrangements are in place. Are they adequate?

  • Has the Supervisor ensured all Traffic Management set ups comply with Chapter 8 legislation

Utility Plans, Network Build, and build specifications

  • Has the Supervisor got, checked, and provided the gang with utility plans which are legible and in date.

  • Can the Supervisor point out current position in relation to the plans and dig areas

  • Can the Supervisor identify boundary lines

  • Can the Supervisor use the key and identify pipe, size, cable types, and material

  • Performed a visual walk with the Gang Lead observing street/ property furniture noting possible utilities/ services?

  • Is there a copy of the GC Network Build plans

  • Does the Supervisor have engineering specifications to hand/ have these been provided to the gang

Environmental considerations

  • Has the Supervisor considered NJUG guidance/ digging in close proximity of trees or under canopies, and has the Gang been informed of the requirements

  • Has the Supervisor checked whether any wildlife or waterways is located/or can be affected within the area, and has the gang been informed of the risk


  • Can the Supervisor identify or do they know possible causes of signal distortion, and have these been communicated to the gang


  • Can the Supervisor demonstrate the C&G has been used in all three modes and can be supported with C&G Data

  • Has the Supervisor confirmed all services have been marked out in accordance with utility drawings

  • Supervisor checked floor markings are clear, regular, state depth, and follow the service path

  • Supervisor checked the gang performed a blind induction sweep to identify unknown services and successfully identified, marked and/or nulled out

  • Has the Supervisor confirmed suspected and / or PE services feeds have been identified and marked/ trial holes conducted

  • Supervisor prompting/ observing C&G use throughout the excavation process

Permit to Dig

  • If there is a permit to dig in place, has it been completed and signed off correctly prior to dig

Excavating/ digging

  • Supervisor checked a spotter is observing excavation activities and is wearing correct PPE

  • Checked Insulated hand tools are available and in good condition

Incident Investigation Process

  • Can the Supervisor advise on what the process is to report incidents such as utility strikes, injury, and near misses. Includes time frames for reporting

  • Ask the Supervisor what evidence is gathered to support an incident investigation, and how

Problem Solving

  • Has the Supervisor been seen prioritising problems onsite in a logical manner, and has the Supervisor addressed the issues onsite


  • Does the Supervisor have good site presence, is seen as a competent authority figure with clear communication/ instructions given to the gangs

  • Has the Supervisor formally declared their whereabouts, or has reviewed their whereabouts to highlight any discrepancies

  • Accurately record all work completed for each gang

Assessor Signature

  • Assessor Signature

  • Individual Signature

Please Note

  • Unsafe activities or situations that pose a significant risk of harm to workers or members of the public are to be ceased, rectified or made safe immediately. Any good actions or behaviours that should be recognised please report them via Intelex as a Good Observation. Site audits and inspections for permitted works should also be audited under Aurora where access to this system is available. Please contact Gigaclear HSEQ for advice or support.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.