Title Page
Location / Site
Please list any interface communication today if any.
Prepared by
Conducted on
CDM Area
CDM Area
Is fuel storage secure?
why not?
Are spill kits readily available?
Why is it not on site.
Is there a fire extinguisher in the welfare unit?
Does the notice board contain relevant information?
Are the emergency contact details up to date?
Is there an in date PAT test certificate?
When was the last TBT issued?
Are waste transfer notes being collected and sent to the office?
Is site lighting adequate?
Welfare van
Welfare van
Is it clean and clutter free?
Is the AED stored inside?
Where is it?
Does it have an in-date fire extinguisher?
Does the welfare van have a spill response kit?
On Site
On Site
Has everyone signed in?
Have inductions been carried out?
Have helmet stickers been issued?
Personal details form has been filled out?
All personnel to be inducted on site.
why not?
Do all operators hold CSCS and task specific certification?
CSCS is mandatory
Have they read and signed onto the relevant RAMS?
all operators must be signed onto the RAMS
Full PPE being worn?
COSHH assessments and SDS available and on site?
Are chemicals on site.
Do you have a constraints map?
Are existing service, drainage and utilities shown on it?
A map is required on site.
Is there additional first aid in either the car or welfare van?
Is the point of work relevant to the task?
Why not?
Is signage required?
Are you breaking ground?
Has a permit to dig been issued to the competent person?
Reasons for no signage.
Do you require additional communication devices?
What type?
Are exclusion zones required?
How are you implementing this?
Have felling boundaries been marked?
Has the ecologist visited the site?
Are any constraints marked out?
Is silt netting required?
Has it been placed correctly?
Are measures in place to prevent contact with overhead cables?
Why not?
Is the GS6 information being displayed correctly, with contact details visible?
Is waste being suitably managed?
Are substances on site being used, stored and disposed of in line with the information provided on the COSHH assessment?
Is noise being suitably managed?
Chainsaw work
Are chainsaws being used?
Have all operators filled out their daily inspection sheets?
Do all operators have relevant and in date first aid kits?
Will they be refueling?
Are spill trays being used?
Is fuel being stored at least 50m away from water courses and ditches?
Will operators be working from height?
Do operators hold additional certification for the task?
Has all lifting equipment been inspected for use?
Do you hold a harness register?
Plant / Machinery
Is plant required on site?
Has the daily inspection sheet been completed?
Are seatbelts being worn?
Is there a green flashing beacon?
Is there a fire extinguisher?
Is the operator suitably trained to operate the plant on site?
Is there a competent banksmen / Plant vehicle marshal available?
Have keys been removed when the plant is not in use?
Is additional spill kits available?
Are thorough examination certificates available for the plant being used?
Additional comments