Audit Details
- Telford
- North West
- Nottingham
- Reading
- Essex
- Devon
- South East
- Newport
- Yorkshire
Conducted on
Prepared by
Van Condition
Is the van presentable, clean and looked after inside?
Is the van in good working condition?
Risk Management & Risks Assessments
Have the installers completed a pre job risk assessment?
Why not?
Ensure the fitters complete the RA's!
Have the installers put in place all safety measures to minimise risk whilst onsite?
Are there any other safety concerns you have with the site?
First Aid
Do the Installers have a first aid kit available?
Action immediately!
Stock Management
Have the installers set out the stock on site in safe condition ensuring efficiency and quality of work?
General Safety
Do teh installers understand how to raise any near miss concerns?
Action immediately!
Are tools & equipment stored correctly?
Action immediately!
Is the workspace including external areas well lit with adequate lighting?
Action immediately!
Are the fitters dressed presentably and representing the company in the correct way?
PPE/RPE & Workwear
Do the installers have the relevant PPE/RPE stock and is it worn correctly?
Action immediately!
Is PPE/RPE stock stored correctly?
Action immediately!
Are the FLT's in good working condition?
What is wrong with the FLT?
Asbestos Management
Is Asbestos managed correctly?
Action immediately!