Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Raw materials purchasing/Supplier approval
Supplier list up to date?
Choose 5 Raw material suppliers and 2 hauliers (from the site audit traces), make note of accreditation/date.
Certificates for non-AIC Suppliers - present and up to date?
FEMAS suppliers with no schedule published - confirmation from KIWA obtained?
Timely access to samples agreement - list up to date, all in place?
Medicated feeds - procedures present and up to date?
Training records present?
Medicated feeds Supplier approval list in place and up to date?
Transport/Customer services
Inventory up to date?
Any new vehicles/trailers added in the last 12 months? If yes, last 3 loads details/cleaning records/invoice available?
Any vehicles/trailers sold/scrapped?
Any inactive periods? If yes, are records available?
Cleaning records in place (sanitising required every 6 weeks)?
Drivers - Training records in place?
Choose 3 drivers (from the site audit traces), make note of feed safety relevant training.
Customer services - Training records in place?
Pick 1 person, who put an order on (from the site audit traces), make note of feed safety relevant training.
Quality Control, Complaints
Labs used/which tests?
QC schedules in place? Being followed?
Certificates of analysis being checked against the matrix and signed off?
Any out of scope certificates being signed off by Technical Director?
Mixer dispersion tests done every 6 months? (all sites)
Any positive Salmonella results in the last 12 months? (provide details)
Action taken?
Any very high Enteroes results in the last 12 months? (provide details)
Communicated to site?
Calibrations for the Technic office moisture meter available?
Complaints spreadsheet up to date?
Is the full process being followed and recorded? Choose 3 different types (details required)
QC file checks
HACCP studies checked and up to date?
HACCP Management review done?
Complaints and Recall procedure in place? Management and emergency contacts up to date?
Recall test done in the last 12 months? (date)
Organisational charts up to date?
Training up to date?
Feed Safety + NOPS training presentations - latest version?
Water quality checks up to date?
MSDSs available for Disinfectant/Grease?
Job descriptions - in place?
Quality Control (App.4) - management and emergency contacts up to date?
Any new Raw materials introduced in last 12 months?
Completed NOPS questionnaire received back?
Risk Assessment performed and RM list updated?
Annual Suppliers audit - questionnaire sent and received back?
Any changes? If yes, Risk Assessment updated accordingly?
Internal Audits, D&H Merchant only
Internal audits done?
Correctives closed off?
Dodson and Horrell - Approved suppliers list up to date?
Training records up to date (Customer Services, Export, Helpdesk)?
Complaints - choose 3 different types - all recorded fully and closed timely?