Title Page
Site conducted
Site Name
Operator Ref
Date and Time
Prepared by
General Information
How many antennas are installed?
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
How many dishes are installed?
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
How many operator cabinets are on site? (excluding the EMC)
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
Is any other equipment installed on site? (e.g. RRU's, MHA's)
Please list any additional equipment.
PPM Visit Report
1 - Site Access
Please include pictures of the access route
1.1 - Can the site be accessed following the access route shown on the drawings?
1.2 - Is there adequate lighting and emergency lighting along the access route?
Please provide further information on why this has failed?
1.3 - Is the access route to site/roof top clear of obstacles?
1.4 - General Comments
2 - Rooftop
Please provide pictures of the site/rooftop
2.1 - Is there a fall arrest system fitted on the roof top?
2.2 - Is the system in good working order?
2.3 - Has the system been maintained as per the manufactures instructions?
2.4 - Are all barriers/handrails and ladders in good condition?
What remedial action is required?
Please include photos.
2.5 - Has the integrity of of the bolts and fixings on any grillage, support steelwork, feeder gantries, cable trays and plinths been checked?
2.6 - Is the site free from slips, trips and fall hazards?
2.7 - Is the site free from waste, vermin/pest infestations?
2.8 - Is the equipment installed as per the drawings?
2.9 - Are covers/step overs fitted to cable ladders/trays where cables are likely to be stepped across?
2.10 - Are there cable management systems installed and used correctly?
2.11 - Are there any ICNIRP issues to report?
2.12 - Are there any antennas pointing towards walkways to equipment?
2.13 - Are there any antennas pointing towards nearby buildings?
2.14 - Is there an exclusion zone marked out where required?
2.15 - General Comments
2.16 - What is the condition of the weatherproofing in and around all points where the steelwork penetrates the building/roof?
2.17 - What remedial works are required?
Please provide photos.
2.18 - General comments
3 - Operator Cabinets
Please provide pictures of the cabinets
3.1 - Are all cabinet doors & panels secure and locked?
3.2 - Is the cabinet cage / enclosure secure and in good condition?
3.4 - General comments
4 - Electrical Installation
Please provide pictures of the meter and/or roof top meter cabinet.
4.1 - Sub meter reading:
4.2 - Meter serial no:
4.3 - Are there any signs of water ingress into the AC distribution enclosure?
4.16 - General comments
5 - Lightning Protection
Please provide pictures of the LP installation
5.1 - Is there LP bonding to all cable trays?
5.2 - Is there LP bonding to the antenna structures?
5.3 - Is there LP bonding to all grillage?
5.4 - General comments
6 - Structure
Please provide pictures of the antenna support poles.
6.1 - Does the galvanising/painted finish appear in good condition?
6.2 - Are there any visible signs of damage on the antenna structures or fixings to the fabric of the building?
6.3 - Are there any signs of damage / fatigue or points of failure on any antenna shrouds?
6.4 - Are the structures designed to be a climbable structure?
6.5 - Is the system(s) tagged & in date?
6.6 - What is the condition of the FA system / cable?
6.7 - Are all antennas, MHA's, RRU's and combiners correctly secured?
6.8 - Are all dish brackets in good working order with no visible signs of corrosion?
6.9 - General comments
7 - Signage
Please provide pictures of all signage
7.1 - Has the H&S signage been installed on the AC distribution cabinet?
7.2 - Has the H&S signage been installed on the structures?
7.3 - Has the H&S signage been installed on the roof top door?
7.4 - Is all operator signage installed as per the drawings?
7.5 - General comments