Title Page

  • Yacht

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

  • The Non conformity notes (if any) should be raised in C&N Connect and do not need to be attached to this report. The navigation chapter of the yacht specific manual now relies heavily on the Bridge Procedures guide so most questions relate to this, passage plans format is no longer a specific form allowing use of various passage planning tools available but the minimum information to be included within is specified in the SMS. Many ECDIS procedures are governed by BPC or Admiralty best practice guidance. This template is designed as the onboard element and the ISM/MLC template is more focused on the certification & records.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's) & tenders / water toys

  • Yacht Certificates are organised in a binder & correspond to those held in C&N Connect?

  • Yacht certification can be checked remotely, the organised presentation of these onboard matching those held in C&N connect to verify those on board correspond.

Flag law & procedure knowledge

  • (CI - Law and Procedure (LAP) Manual & Yacht Master's guide; MI - Flag Law & Procedure MN-1-004-1 & MI 105A; IOM - Yacht Masters Guide; Malta - Consolidated M-Notices) available appropriate to flag?

  • Have the officers required to sign acknowledging they have reviewed & understand requirements done so?


Hours of Work & Rest.

  • Are non conforming hours reported to CNI?

  • Is adequate compensatory rest given when hours of work rest do not meet ILO minimum?

  • Are records of hours of work/rest maintained in accordance with ILO?

Muster List

  • Is the muster list available in the crew area and at the gangway?

  • The muster list is approved by flag (passenger yachts only)

Tenders & Water toys Operating procedures SMS Yacht Specific manual Ch 7.11 & 7.12

  • Have crew designated to drive tenders completed the SMS familiarisation?

  • Are the records of tender driver's familiarisation maintained?

  • These can be added in C&N Connect in the crewmembers profile by selecting other & adding Tender Fam + specific type or records maintained onboard.

  • Are measures in place and used for the briefing and supervision of guests using water toys?

  • Are measures in place for leisure diving e.g onboard procedures and crew member holding dive master or external company?

  • Is diving equipment serviced annually by a competent person?

  • Does the yacht have a valid RYA training centre certificate (or equivalent)

Navigation (Applies to Paper Charts & ECDIS)

(Refer to SMS section Yacht Operations - Navigation Ch 7.10)

  • The instructions below are aimed at assisting with auditing ECDIS systems.

  • Masters standing orders adequately cover SMS requirements e.g. navigation in restricted visibility, coastal waters, shallow areas, when to use of manual steering – when to use (restricted areas, large changes of course) daily testing at sea when in autopilot etc.?

  • Are onboard navigation assessments carried out by the captain and officers of the watch to review onboard navigational practice and identify improvements?

  • Does the yacht use ECDIS as primary or secondary means of navigation?

  • Have navigating officers completed the bridge equipment familiarisation?

  • Does the yacht keep records of compass error checks?

General navigation

  • Pilot poster & manoeuvring characteristics details available?

  • Navigating officers are familiar with the bridge systems and how to operate them?

Charts & publications, are the following available & up to date?

  • List of Radio Signals (+ ITU lists IV & V); List of lights, Sailing Directions, Nautical Almanac, Tide Tables,

  • Log of chart corrections is maintained (NP 133a for paper charts and NP 133c for electronic charts)

  • Admiralty NP 294 (keeping Admiralty products up to date) available on board & followed?

  • Paper charts produced by a government hydrographic office & updated to latest T&P status?

Passage planning

  • Is the passage plan made in accordance with Bridge Procedures Guide & SMS Ch 7.10?

  • Is all the information required to be contained in the passage plan (SMS Ch 7.10) included?

Checks during execution of passage plan

  • Emergency steering gear tested before departure (note USCG require this 48 Hrs prior to arrival in addition) – noted in OLB?

  • AIS operational and set correctly (vessel static & dynamic data)

  • Cross track error and waypoint alarms correctly configured, cho Sounder operational, alarm settings reflect minimum required under keel clearance?

  • Is there evidence of position fixing being done throughout voyage? (frequency of fixes adjusted to suit hazards passage stage?)

Navigation (Additional ECDIS Navigation questions)

  • Does the record of safety equipment indicate ECDIS as primary or secondary means of navigation?

ECDIS Units:

  • Proof of Type approval documents and classification society/flag approval checklist available?

  • Critical ECDIS alarms identified in captains standing orders and actions to take specified in the same?

  • Is the ECDIS updated to the latest hydrographic office library standards?

  • Is the passage plan represented on all ECDIS units & does it follow the requirements of SMS Ch 7.10?

  • Is Admiralty Information Overlay (AIO) or equivalent used?

  • Is route checking correctly configured and used to check the route, are identified hazards recorded in the passage plan?

  • Are the safety settings correct and complying with settings required in standing orders?

  • when crossing the safety contour is the recommended protocol used (Method 2; SMS Ch 7.10)

Charts & publications, are the following available & up to date?

  • ENC charts for the passage updated, Are ENC update errors recorded and notified to the Captain?

  • Note for ePNM’s (electronic T&P’s) these are either integrated into the ENC using Automatic Information Overlay (AIO) or by adding manual amendments into the electronic chart overlay

Deck department planned maintenance

Planned Maintenance System (PMS)

  • The deck PMS is recorded in

  • Does the PMS cover include the items listed in the SMS?

  • Is critical equipment identified in accordance with SMS procedure (includes cyber connected systems)?

  • Is maintenance of the fire fighting and life saving equipment correct?

  • Are defects recorded with evidence of rectification action taken?

  • Are fresh water tanks opened cleaned and super chlorinated annually?

  • Does the planned maintenance for taps, shower heads, ice machines, fresh water bunker hoses etc. follow sanitation guide requirement?

  • Have there been any infection outbreaks onboard? (Gastro/respiratory etc.)

General walk round & Crew questions


  • H&S policy posed up in place accessible to crew?

  • Hours of work rest schedule posted up and follows ILO requirement?

  • Are SOP's posted up with the relevant equipment?

  • Are passage ways, escapes etc. kept clear and un-obstructed?

  • Are guards placed around open hatches?

  • Is all signage marking the position of fire & safety equipment in place?

  • Are rubbish bins non combustible type in accommodation spaces

  • Are garbage bins labelled in the galley & crew areas?

Crew Questions

  • The below are a sample set of questions, many others can be asked!

  • Crew have access to MSDS sheets for products used, can they describe what the MSDS sheets are for?

  • SOLAS Fire & safety manual available to crew?

  • Are crew aware of SOP's and their purpose?

  • Are crew aware of fire safety and escape routes?

  • Are the crew aware of their emergency duties as stated on the muster list?

  • Can crew describe how to safely pass through watertight doors when closed from bridge/in normal & emergency conditions?

  • This can be their duties in fire, abandon ship, medical situations etc.

  • Are crew aware of their security duties as stated on the muster list?

  • Chef's and laundry staff are aware of the particular safety & fire prevention measures in thier areas of work

  • This covers security watchkeeping, security levels 1 2 & 3, baggage, spares or food deliveries, stow aways, suspicious persons etc.

  • Can crew identify the DPA and know where their contact details are?

  • Do all crew have their original certificates with them?

Does the yacht follow the MLC 2006 convention?

  • Complaints procedure posted up?

  • Do all crew have a fully executed SEA available (may be soft or hard copy)

  • MLC Certificates for insurance repatriation & contractual claims posted up?

  • Are crew aware of the MLC complaint procedure?

  • Copy of MLC convention available?

  • Do crew understand they can contact the DPA for confidential advice regarding MLC items?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.