Title Page
Conducted on (Select Date and Time)
Prepared by (Name of Auditor)
Location (Select Location subject to Audit)
Serial Number of ISO Audit (From audit schedule - Item ID)
Audit Scope and Criteria
ISO 9001 - Audit Scope
ISO 9001 - Audit Criteria
Audited Person Name and Appointment (If Process or Document - Write the name of the document and file location or upload copy of document concerned)
Do you know what the Scope of your management system is?
Can you find it in your system?
Enter the scope of the IMS here once found (Screenshot to media / cut and paste)
4.1 Understand your organization and its unique context
Can you tell me about the context of your organization?
Can you show me documents that support the context of your organisation?
Can I have a copy of these documents / Take a screen shot?
4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties
Do you have interested parties identified for your business?
Can you show me the records?
Can you tell me are their requirements?
Can you tell me who in your business manages the interested parties list?
Who is it what is their position in the company?
5.1.1(c) Leadership
How has the QMS been integrated into the organization’s business processes?
Is there a Leadership Policy?
Do you know where the policy can be found?
Is the Policy dated?
Is the Policy signed?
Has the policy been distributed?
Does the policy feature in any form of document control?
5.1.2(b) As part of Customer Focus
Do you know where to find the risks and opportunities that affect conformity of the organisations products or services?
Can you show me where they are (Screenshot or upload)?
5.1.2(c) Enhancing Customer satisfaction
Can you show me an example of maintaining customer satisfaction?
What evidence / records do you have of maintaining and enhancing customer satisfaction
Have plans been put in place to achieve quality objectives?
Can you show me?
5.2 ISO 9001 Policy
Has the business has a published ISO 9001 Policy?
Can you show me where it is kept?
Has it been published to the staff?
Is it appropriately signed?
6.1.1 Planning for Risks
Have risks and opportunities been identified?
Do you know where they are listed?
What is being done to manage the Risks?
7.2 Competence
Are there records of competence?
Can you show me where they are maintained
Can you show me copies of some of the certificates of competence.
7.4 Communication
Is there a communications policy?
Can you show me where the policy is?
Is the policy under document control?
What is the date of the policy?
Is the policy signed? (Who by)
do you maintain IMS (ISO 9001) communication records
Can you show me where they are?
Can you tell me how you maintain document control (IMS and Projects)?
Can you show me the records?
How many records are showing on the IMS record
How many records showing for the selected project under audit?
8.5.6 Control of changes
Is there a process for Change Management?
Is there a process map or flow for change management?
Can you explain how it works?
Are there change management records?
9.3 Management reviews
Are management reviews conducted?
Are the management reviews scheduled?
What is the frequency of the MR's?
Is there a standing agenda?
Is there a regular attendance group?
List the routine attendance group?
Are minutes created
Can you show me the latest minutes in your records
Who controls the action points from the meetings
10.1 Continuous Improvement
Does the organisation identify opportunities for improvement?
Are the improvement opportunities recorded
Are the Improvement opportunities reported to the leadership team
Do the CI opportunities feature on Management reviews?
Is there a process for raising continuous improvement opportunities
10.2 Nonconformity and Corrective action
Does the organisation record Nonconformity (NCR's) is any way?
Can you explain your Corrective action methodology?
Do you have a process for recording and managing NCRs?
Is there evidence of NCR's being raised with corrective action and RCA being conducted?