Store :
Conducted on
Security Gates
Are security gates operational?<br>test with a RF tagged product
Are display computers and cameras alarmed?<br>Check all computers and photograph any missing, pull a few to make sure alarms are working
Are alarm remotes and cabinet keys out of customer reach?<br>Remotes and keys should not be left unsupervised on the floor.<br>If you find one left unsupervised take a photo
Surveillance Cameras
Are all cameras operational and unobstructed?<br>Check the office monitor and take a photo if not working or obstructed
Stock Security
Is all high risk stock red locked?<br>(Area CK - all headphones over $150 minimum)<br>(Area KC - all headphones over $300 minimum)
Is all high risk stock RF tagged?<br>All portable power, headphones, home security and portable audio as a minimum
Product Merch and Storage
Is the store using slicks for all agreed products?<br>Fitness and HDD
Is excess of high risk stock kept in secure locations?<br>Is risk stock not on reachable up tops.<br>Fitness and hdd back up stock not accessible for customers
Are all phones stored securely according to risk?<br>Cages or cupboards
Back of House security
Are Managers sighting rubbish before it is disposed of?
Are all cages locked and secure?
Are back doors closed and locked when not in use?
Are there clear defined areas in the storeroom for JBRL, customer pickups, transfers in/out and manual credits?
Are staff bags/backpacks being stored in lockers/office?
Are storeroom door policies being enforced?
Telco Rolling Stocktake
What is the variance from the last telco rolling stocktake?<br>Take a photo
Have all faulty and unsellable phones been processed?
Does the store have any transfers over 7 days outstanding?<br>Take a photo
Does the store have any repairs over 25 days? If yes how many?<br>Take a photo of Solvup 25 days tab
Are computers, telco and visual invoices being reconciled by both a storeperson and a manager? (Two signatures and two QTY checks)<br>
Is there invoices on the EDI list are over 15 days? If so how many
Check the manual credit log, are credits being followed up?<br>Take a photo of the credits bay and the credit log
Are items designated for JBRL up to date? (hardware and media)<br>Take a photo of the JBRL bay
Negative SOH
Are there less than 10 negative SOH items?In the notes write how many units are in negative and what is the combined total dollar amount?
Take a photo of the managers desk
Take a photo of the sink / kitchen area
Take a photo of the main rubbish location in the storeroom
Is there adequate space around the fire sprinklers?<br>Provide a photo
Are fire doors clear of stock and rubbish?<br>Provide a photo
Are fire hydrants clear of rubbish and stock?<br>Provide a photo
Is the storeroom floors and aisles free from clutter?<br>Take a photo of the storeroom aisles
Sign Off
Manager signature