
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • Is smoking only allowed in designated areas?

  • Are MSDS's maintained and up to date ?

  • Is all environmental paperwork such as monthly paint and solvent usage being maintained and recorded?

  • Are main gas shutoffs labeled and marked? Is location of main shut off known by employees?

  • Are manifests for hazard materials maintained on site?

  • Are general trash, metal, wood collection sites separated and properly marked with only said contents in those collection sites?

  • Is the yard area maintained in regards to no erosion issues and no weeds are present?


  • Has the back flow been tested?

  • Is a copy of the annual test kept on file at the facility?


  • Do visual inspections include the observation of opacity during daylight hours where the inspector records whether the emissions are clear?

  • Are logs kept to record all visual inspections, including cause and corrective action taken for any abnormal emissions, maintained for a period of five (5) years and made available upon request?


  • Are out falls clear of trash, debri and are the pipes clear of dirt build up on the inside?

  • Are the areas around the out falls and the designated area for water catchment to flow clear of stored materials, trash and debri that could contaminate city water.


  • Are fuel tanks double walled or equipped with containment in the case of tank leakage?

  • Are fuel tanks marked with proper hazmat stickers and equipped with spill kits?

  • Is area around fuel tanks and fuel stations free of storage, trash and debri that pose a fire hazard?

  • Are parts and materials that are being stored on permeable ground, free of grease and oil or placed on such a containment to keep any run off of grease or material from making contact with the permeable ground?

  • Are hazmat storage areas identified and signage posted?

  • Are labels present and legible on all hazmat materials?

  • Are all barrels labeled with the contents and date?

  • Is hazmat stored in such away that if the original container failed, the contents would not make contact with permeable surfaces and can be cleaned up quickly?

  • Are compressed gasses stored at the proper distance from and hazmat storage area?

  • Are light bulbs and batteries disposed of properly?


  • Is the main paint/sandblast area maintained and kept clean of material on a daily basis when in use?

  • Are the log books for the paint/ spray booth kept updated as the booth is used on the products used, amount used and time of start and finish and stored in an area accessible to person assigned to use the booth?

  • Are filters inside the paint/sandblast booth maintained, replaced when needed and disposed of properly?

  • Are all lights maintained and replaced when broken?

  • Is the fire sprinkler system installed in the paint/ sandblast building maintained and inspected annually?

  • Is the sandblasting material maintained and housekeeping kept to keep the product from having prolonged contact with permeable surfaces ( more than 8 hours)?


  • Is the shop paint booth maintained, replacing filters when needed, filters disposed of properly, all lights protected?

  • Is the paint log book maintained on a daily basis when in use with the products used, amount used, start and end times and are meter readings being done every 8 hours?

  • Is the fire sprinkler system on the shop paint booth maintained and inspected annually by a certified contractor? Are records maintained for these inspections?


  • Are the fire sprinkler/ fire suppression systems maintained and tested as required and records kept at facility?

  • Are logs for use of ovens updated and maintained?


  • Safety Issues

  • Employee Behavior


  • Remarks

  • Remarks


  • Completed audit/inspection needs to be sent to the assigned Manager and Supervisor of the area for corrective actions to be addressed and to the Health and Safety Department for record keeping.

  • On Site Representative

  • Auditors Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.