Document No.
Employee Name
Issue No:
Date of last survey
Conducted on
Conducted by
Reviewed By HR / Director's
How do you rate the uniform & protective equipment issued to you
How do you rate the payment structure
How would you rate the communication between the supervisor team and the management
How would you rate the induction and training you received
How would you rate the effectiveness of the supervisor team when they conduct site visits
How would you rate senior management effectiveness when conducting site visits.
How would you rate the check call in system effectiveness made to control and and or supervisor
How would you rate the way we handle queries when contacting our office
How do you rate the environment where you work
Sign Off
If you the employee has scored "POOR" or "VERY POOR" please expand in order for us to analyse your concerns. Please make comments if you wish to provide information to enhance the appraisal process.Corrective Action to be taken
Positive Feedback comments
Employee Name
Conducted By