
  • Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Contractors present


  • Company

  • Is there existing damage to the lease gate and/or cattle guard?

  • Is there means to properly sign in/out upon entry/exit of location?

  • Is the location EAP posted?

  • Is proper safety signage posted at entry of location?

  • Is a designated smoking section assigned?

  • Are windsocks in place around location?

  • Additional Comments

Frac Tanks

  • Company

  • Quick connect pipe from fresh water source free of leaks or damage.

  • Water manifold to tanks free of leaks, all valves to operate present , and in containment if re-use water is used. Ref. I.S.

  • All lines from manifold into tank secured to tank.

  • Tanks set level.

  • Stairs, handrails, and walkways pinned, connected and not damaged, with no open holes. Ref. RP54 9.3.8, 1910.24(h)

  • Frac tanks grounded, if required. Ref. RP2003 4.5.2

  • Valves double blocked when not in use.

  • Additional Comments

Hydration Unit

  • Company

  • Suction hoses from frac tank to hydration unit free from abrasions, cuts, and gouges. Hose rated to 100psi. With factory ends. Ref. RP54 16.1.7/OEM

  • Stairs and walkways free of clutter and undamaged. Hand rails up and pinned. Ref. RP54 9.3.8, 1910.24(h)

  • SDS of all chemicals on site. Ref. 1910.1200

  • Chemicals are properly labeled. Ref. 1910.1200

  • All personnel wearing proper PPE per SDS. Ref. 1910.1200, CHK Policy, 1910.132

  • F.E.'s charged, inspected and ready for service. Ref. RP 54 20.3.4, 1910.252(a)(2)(ii)

  • Hydration unit free of leaks.

  • Hoses from hydration to blender free from abrasions, gouges, and cuts. Hose rated to 100 psi with factory ends. Whip checks installed properly. RP54 16.1.7/ OEM

  • Additional Comments


  • Company

  • Is the blender within containment?

  • Containment free of holes and sides are up.

  • Hydraulic hoses in vicinity of turbo sheathed. Ref. RP54 16.1.7

  • Blender free of leaks.

  • Radiation source (densitometer) labeled, closed, and locked. Ref. 1910.1096(j)

  • All personnel wearing proper PPE per SDS. Ref. 1910.1200

  • Valves double blocked when not in use on suction and discharge side.

  • Hoses on discharge side of blender to missile free from abrasions, gouges, and cuts. Are hoses rated for the anticipated pressure? Ref. RP54 16.1.7, RP54 9.13.3

  • Are restraints in place on all hoses, and are they properly rated for the application?

  • F.E.'s charged, inspected and ready for service. Ref. 1910.252(a)(2)(ii)

  • Stairs and walkway free of clutter and undamaged. Hand rails are up and pinned. Ref. RP54 9.3.8, 1910.24(h)

  • Rotating equipment at sand screw appropriately guarded ref. 1910.219(c)(2)(i)

  • Are the blender, hydration unit, and silos caution taped off? Ref. API 5416.1.10

  • Additional Comments

Silos/Sand Haulers

  • Company

  • Are the silo generators grounded properly?

  • Rotating equipment and belts have all guards. Ref. 1910.219(c)(2)(i)

  • Are wheel chocks being used properly by sand haulers?

  • Is respiratory signage in place near the silos?

  • Is there a spotter located at front of silos to assist haulers in backing?

  • F.E.'s charged, inspected, and ready for service. Ref. 1910.252(a)(2)(ii)

  • Appropriate PPE worn, P-100 respirators or better. Ref. 1910.132

  • Additional Comments


  • Company

  • Is only 1 authorized person in the high pressure area during operations to look for leaks while testing or pumping? Ref. API 5416.1.10

  • Hoses on missile free from abrasions, gouges, and cuts. Are hoses rated for the anticipated pressure? Ref. RP 54 16.1.7, RP 54 9.13.3

  • Are restraints in place on all hoses? And are they properly rated for the application?

  • Do all valves have handles. Ref. industry standard

  • All brackets on missile have bolts and tightened. Ref. industry standard

  • All iron on missile certified and banded within last 4 months.

  • Hammer unions clean and dressed free of mushrooms. Ref. RP 54 12.5.1

  • Are all valves not in use capped?

  • F.E.'s charged, inspected, and ready for service. Ref. RP 54 20.3.4, 1910.252(a)(2)(ii)

  • All iron between missile and pumps certified, tested, and banded (last 4 months). (Min. 4 chicksans) blocked under chiks. Ref. API 54 12.4.2

  • Bars available for isolation valves.

  • Additional Comments

Pump Trucks

  • Company

  • Wheel chokes in place. Ref. industry standard

  • F.E.'s charged, inspected and ready for service. Ref. RP 54 16.1.10

  • Is only 1 authorized person in the high pressure area during operations to look for leaks while testing or pumping?

  • Is there caution tape up or no go zone designated?

  • Guards in place over transmission and drive shaft. Ref RP54 16.1.7

  • Hydraulic hoses in vicinity of turbo sheathed.

  • All iron brackets in place and bolted down tightly.

  • All iron on pumps certified, tested, and banded in last 4 months. Ref. RP54 12.5.1

  • Hammer unions clean and dressed free of mushrooms. Ref. RP54 12.5.1

  • Bars for isolation valves readily available.

  • Are all Tri-Max units functional?

  • Additional Comments

Treating Iron to Well Head

  • Company

  • Is only 1 authorized person in the high pressure area during operations to look for leaks while testing or pumping?

  • Is there caution tape up or no go zone designated?

  • All iron certified, tested, and banded in last 4 months.

  • All hammer unions dressed and ready for service. RP 54 12.5.1

  • All treating lines to well head have flapper style check valve, isolation valve, manifold or tree, and pressure recording device. Ref. RP54 16.1.4 BMP

  • All iron and chiksans and blocked to prevent digging into ground. Ref. RP54 12.4.2

  • Isolation valves have bar readily available. Ref. Industry Standard

  • 3" wheel valves have handles.

  • Where treating iron crosses is the iron rubbing together.

  • Down joints are anchored together with 10k strap.

  • Additional Comments

Well Head

  • Company

  • Area around hydraulic lines for BOP or hydraulic valves free of leaks. Ref. Manufacturer Recommendation

  • All valves have handles installed and number of turns to open and close on trees.

  • Frac stack has platform installed or man lift on location. Ref. RP54 5.5.1

  • All flanges have all bolts and not short bolted. Ref. RP54 6.4.10

  • Cellar has been cleaned out filled in to CSG valve less than 4 ft. And properly guarded. Ref. API 54 7.1.9, API RP 54 6.7.2

  • Flow back tie in(see FB Checklist)

  • Hydraulic valves have 1 male and 1 female fitting.

  • BOP hoses have crush proof sheaths. Ref. RP53 12.5.2

  • Is the frac head, hydraulic valve, BOP, and B section accompanied with test chart. Ref. RP 53 17.3.7

  • Additional Comments


  • Company

  • Unit chocked, positioned 50ft. From well head, and grounded. Ref RP54 13.8.6, RP67 2.9.1, 3.7, RP54 13.2.1

  • F.E.'s charged, inspected, and ready for service. Ref. RP54 16.1.10

  • Lower wire line sheave secured to well head. Ref. RP54 13.4.5

  • Wireline BOP tested in open and closed position. Ref. RP54 13.6.2 & 13.6.3

  • Wireline unit caution taped off. Ref. RP54 12.1.7

  • Wireline personnel maintain 75 ft. Rule from wellhead when testing or pumping. Ref. RP54 16.1.10, BMP frac standard

  • Are wireline personnel giving crane operator clear signals?

  • Additional Comments


  • Company

  • Lubricator marked with permanent serial number. Ref. RP54 13.6.5c

  • Lubricator tested, banded, and inspected on annual basis. Ref. RP54 13.6.2

  • Weight of lubricator marked on lubricator. Ref. Manufacturer Recommendation

  • Lubricator has 2 bleed valves. Ref. RP54 12.5.2

  • Personnel check for pressure prior to removing lubricator. Ref. RP 54 12.5.4

  • Lubricator bleed valves cycled after pressure bleed off. Ref. RP54 12.5.11

  • Are personnel using tag lines and staying out from under suspended loads. Ref. RP54 6.2.12

  • Are tag lines being inspected prior to use and free from any damage?

  • Additional Comments


  • Company

  • Cr/Op certified and knowledgable. Ref. 1910.180(b)(3)

  • Provide Certification # and Expiration Date:

  • Cr/Op has performed a documented daily inspection. Ref. 1910.180(d)(2)(i)

  • Annual inspection on crane is up to date. Ref. 1910.180(d)(2)(ii)

  • Has all rigging equipment been inspected and is it properly rated for the task? (check all wire ropes, sheaves, drum rigging, hardware and attachments) Ref. Industry standard

  • Outriggers out and pads under them. Ref. 1910.180(h)(3)(i)(a)

  • Is the approriate boom angle being used for the weight of the load? Ref. 1910.180(h)(1)(i)

  • Cones out to identify swing path. Ref. 1910.180(h)(3)(iii)(b)

  • Crane is free of leaks. Ref. manufacturer recommendation

  • Cr/Op remains at controls while lubricator is unsecured. Ref. 1910.180(h)(4)(i)

  • Cr/Op clear of area when testing or pumping. Ref. Rap54 16.1.10

  • F.E.'s charged, inspected, and ready for service. Ref. RP54 16.1.10

  • Additional Comments


  • Company

  • Accumulator is free of leaks.

  • Are Accumulators grounded?

  • Are fire extinguishers in place at each unit?

  • Connections have 1 male end & 1 female end.

  • Are restraints in place on all hoses? And are they properly rated for the application?

  • Open/Close clearly marked on handle. Ref. RP54 7.2.2, RP53 12.5.3f

  • Valve hand waits for signal before operating handle.

  • Accumulator 50 ft. Min. From well head. RP54 7.2.2

  • Valve hand has direct line of sight to well head.

  • Closing unit has crush resistant over hoses. Ref. RP53 12.5.2

  • Additional Comments

Light Plants/Generators

  • Company

  • Rig lighting and fixtures shall be of appropriate electrical classification for the area in which they are located. Ref. RP54 9.14.6, RP 500

  • Light fixtures should be placed Nd maintained to provide illumination for work areas. Ref. RP54 9.14.7

  • Light plants/generators shall be placed 100ft. From well. Ref. RP54 9.14.2

  • All electrical extension cords shall be properly insulated and plugs shall be in good condition. Ref. RP54 9.14.5

  • Light plants are grounded. Ref. RP 2003

  • Repairs shall not be made on light plants unless LOTO is performed and person is qualified. Ref. RP54 9.14.9

  • Additional Comments

Eye Wash Trailer

  • Company

  • Personnel know where eyewash trailer is located. Ref. 1910.151, Z358., RP54 4.4.1

  • Trailer clearly marked. Ref. Z358.1 5.4.3, 1910.145(c)(2)(i)

  • Tanks are full and have been tested daily. Ref. Z358.1 4.1.4

  • Water flows freely from eye wash and shower. Ref. Z358.1 5.1.6 & 4.1.4

  • Is the eye wash trailer charged and ready for use at all times?

  • Additional Comments


  • Is all personnel on location wearing the proper PPE for the tasks being done?

  • Are all SSEs assigned a mentor? Ref. RP54 6.1.7

  • Are all personnel H2S awareness trained? Ref. API RP 49 5.1

  • Are all personnel operating equipment trained and certified on that equipment? (manlift, forklift, etc.)

  • Does each company on location have a JSA for their job and it is readily availble in their work area? Ref. RP54 6.1.7

  • SIMOPS is being coordinated through Co/Man. Ref. RP54 6.1.7

  • Personnel using spotters when backing.

  • Are personnel using tag lines and are they being inspected prior to use? . Ref. 1910.180(h)3()(vi), RP54 6.2.12

  • Is the proper fall protection being used while operating the manlift?

  • Is a 3ft lanyard being used while manlift is in motion?

  • Are all personnel signing in and out when entering/exiting pad? Ref. 1910.38(c)(4)

  • Are personnel using the designated smoking area? Ref. RP54 7.1.2-3

  • General housekeeping good (overall organization, free of trash, cigarette butts, etc.) Ref. RP54 6.5.1, 1910.22(a)(1)

  • Additional Comments


  • Company

  • Acid transport and all other tote tanks in containment.

  • Are all chemicals clearly labeled? Ref. 1910.1200(b)(1)

  • Are SDSs readily available for all onsite chemicals?

  • All personnel wearing proper PPE per SDS. 1910.1200(b)(i)

  • Are all transfer lines rated for use of chemicals? Ref. manufacturer recommendation

  • Are all transfer lines properly attached? (camlock handles secured)

  • Acid transport grounded. Ref. RP 2003

  • Additional Comments

Fuel Trucks

  • Company

  • Discharge valves, hose, and nozzles in good condition. Nozzle equipped with auto shut off. Ref. 1910.106(b)

  • Piping and fuel lines in good condition. Ref. 1910.106(b)

  • Fuel tanks properly labeled on all sides. Ref. RP54 8.4.1d, 1910.1200(f)(4-5)

  • Fuel lines not ran under equipment when not in use.

  • "No Smoking" signs erected on all sides. Ref. RP54 7.1.2-6

  • Vapor release vents elevated & away from ignition source. Ref. 1919.106(b)(2)(iv)(c)

  • General housekeeping. Ref. 1910.22(a)(1)

  • B/C class fire extinguisher available and identified. Ref. 1910.157(c)(1)

  • Splash filling prohibited.

  • Fill line & discharge velocity limited.

  • Grounded.

  • Contents on NON-FLAMMABLE storage tanks identified on all sides of tank(s). Ref. 1910.145(c)(2)(i)

  • Additional Comments

Misc. Equipment

  • Was a thourough inspection of the Forklift and Manlift completed (w/ pictures) upon arrival to the frac location? (by on-site supervision)

  • Has this inspection been submitted to HSE management?

  • Has a daily inspection been completed for the forklift?

  • Has a daily inspection been completed for the manlift?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.