
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Region

  • Contractor/s

  • Audit Scope

  • Certified Systems

  • Date

  • Time

1. Policy and Management Systems

  • Is there a signed HS Policy in place and is it regularly reviewed?

  • Is there a certified OH&S or an Environmental management system in place?

  • Is there evidence of alternative management systems, including implementation and review of systems?

  • Is there a signed Environmental & Sustainability Policy in place and is it regularly reviewed?

  • Is there evidence that management regularly monitors the system through management reviews?

  • Is there evidence of any legislative penalties?

2. Legal Requirements

  • Has the business identified and documented safety and environmental statutory requirements and applicable industry standards?

  • Does the business have a method of monitoring changes to legislation and standards?

3. Document and Data Control

  • Is there evidence of a document control system including the preparation, review, approval, issue, distribution, revision, cancellation and archiving?

  • Is there evidence of ensuring currency of documentation?

  • Is there evidence of records management in accordance with legislative requirements?

4. Responsibilities and Consultation

  • Is there evidence of documented, Quality, Health, Safety, Environmental and Sustainability responsibilities for all employees and managers?

  • Is there evidence that consultative arrangements are in place, including representation, meeting schedules and minutes?

  • Is there evidence of a clear process for communication between employees, managers, sub-contractors and where applicable members of the public?

  • Is there evidence of issue resolution procedures?

  • Is there evidence of employee involvement in the creation of the various programs/initiatives?

5. Induction

  • Is there evidence of an induction process?

  • Is there evidence of employee, contractor and subcontractor induction into the company, including company specific requirements?

  • Is there evidence that all induction topics are read and understood by employees, contractors and sub-contractors?

  • Is there evidence that the induction covers site familiarisation, safety, environment, rules, procedures and other company specific information?

  • Is there evidence that new employee qualifications and training records are provided?

6. Training and Competency

  • Is there evidence of a training and competencies system for employees, managers, contractors and sub-contractors that include HSE skills, relevant competencies and refresher training?

  • Is there evidence that the training program meets legislative, VESI, ESI, EPA, DPI and OHS requirements?

  • Is there evidence that qualifications, training, authorisations, registration and licences are current and meet task requirements?

  • Is there evidence of a training and competency register or data base that details evidence that training expiry dates are being monitored against the training program?

  • Is there evidence of training records that verify the trainning register or database?

  • Is there evidence that competency assessments are conducted by an appropriate trainer?

  • Is there evidence of re-training as a result of non-conformances?

  • Are Network Authorities identified for employees and sub-contracting employees and their records maintained?

  • Do employees have relevant high risk work licenses, permits, etc. appropriate to the tasks they are to perform?

  • Is there evidence of a training management system for apprentices and trainees that addresses mentoring, apprentice welfare and performance management?

  • Is there a process in place for issuing and monitoring of employee passports?

7. Risk Management

  • Is there evidence of licences and permits required by the business?

  • Is there evidence of a risk register and its alignment to the company risk model?

  • Is there evidence that risk assessments required by legislation are completed? (e.g. Design, Hazardous Facility, Dangerous Goods, Manual Handling, Plant, Confined Spaces, Asbestos, Prescribed Industrial Waste, Noise).

  • Is there evidence of risk assessments completed for the site? (e.g. forklifts, traffic, pedestrians, waste management )

  • Is there evidence that risk assessments are reviewed by management & re-assessed as required?

  • Is there evidence that JSAs and SWMS are used by all groups of field workers?

  • Is there evidence that JSA's are reviewed by management to assess trends as required?

  • Is there evidence that new procedures and work instructions undergo risk assessment prior to adoption?

  • Is there evidence that identified risks are mitigated?

8. Job Planning and Supervision

  • Is there evidence that there is a project handover process?

  • Is there evidence of appropriate job planning?

  • Is there evidence of audit completion to schedule?

  • Is there evidence that project data is recorded or returned on completion?

9. Contractor Management

  • Is there evidence that there are subcontractor and supplier management systems?

  • Is there evidence that subcontractors and suppliers capabilities and resources are evaluated in the tendering process?

  • Is there evidence that all subcontractors carry WorkCover, Public & Product liability insurances?

  • Is there evidence that all subcontractors have the correct qualifications and authorisations to meet task requirements?

  • Is there evidence that all subcontractors performance is monitored including Health, Safety and Environmental measures?

  • Is there evidence of an approved subcontractor and supplier list?

10. Auditing

  • Is there evidence that an audit schedule exists and progress is reviewed?

  • Is there evidence that audits and inspections are documented?

  • Is there evidence that all results and required actions are recorded and followed up?

  • Is there evidence that the management team review audit outcomes?

  • Is there evidence of the competency of auditors?

  • Is there evidence that systems have been externally audited?

11. Incident and Emergency Management

  • Is there evidence of incident and reporting systems?

  • Is there evidence of incident investigation processes?

  • Is there evidence of first aid systems e.g. trained first aiders, appropriate first aid equipment and facilities?

  • Is there evidence that where required incidents are notified to appropriate external authorities?

  • Is there evidence of emergency plans and procedures that are accessible to all personnel?

  • Is there evidence that employees are aware of their roles and responsibilities in an emergency?

  • Is there evidence of documented emergency drills and exercises?

  • Is there evidence that clear emergency responsibilities have been outlined & assigned?

12. Reporting and Performance

  • Is there evidence that business KPIs including Health, Safety and Environmental items are set and that KPIs are monitored?

  • Is there evidence of KPIs being included in management performance measures?

  • Do review statistics provided include audit results, action items, lot time injuries, environmental & vehicle incidents, mandatory training, penalties and damage to property or equipment?

  • Is there evidence that statistics are analysed, trends identified and follow up actions completed?

  • Is there evidence of a customer complaints process?

  • Is there evidence that employees are aware of the organisations business performance?

13. Plant, Equipment, Goods and Materials

  • Is there evidence that plant, equipment, goods and materials are appropriate for the task?

  • Is there evidence that plant, equipment, goods and materials are evaluated for Health, Safety and Environmental risks prior to purchase?

  • Is there evidence that plant & equipment is tested, inspected, labelled and a register kept?

  • Is there evidence that unsafe plant & equipment is identified and withdrawn from service?

  • Is there evidence that PPE is available for identified work practices, plant, equipment, goods and materials and condition audited where appropriate?

  • Is there evidence that reference manuals and guidance notes are available?

  • Is there evidence that maintenance records exist and test results are actioned as required?

14. Dangerous Goods, Hazardous Materials and Prescribed Waste

  • Is there evidence that dangerous goods and hazardous substances are assessed, identified, labelled and stored in accordance with regulations?

  • Is there evidence that MSDSs are available and accessible?

  • Is there evidence that training and information for dangerous goods, hazardous materials and prescribed waste is provided to employees and contractors?

  • Is there evidence of industry specific items being identified, assessed and communicated e.g. PCB, timber preservative, lubricants, pesticides, SF6

15. Workers Compensation

  • Is there evidence of workers compensation insurance

  • Is there evidence of an injury management system and early intervention strategies?

  • Is there evidence of a claims management system including interface with the insurer and rehabilitation?

16. Health

  • IS there evidence of identification and control of health and hygeine issues?

  • Is there evidence of health assessments and medical examinations being completed where required?

  • Is there evidence of an employee assistance program?

17. Environment

  • Is there evidence that environmental aspects & impacts have been identified and evaluated?

  • Is there evidence the company has clearly defined roles and responsibilities for environmental management, including field staff?

  • Is there evidence of current environmental permits or licences, as appropriate, to undertake contracted services e.g. waste transport permitting, EPA licensing, etc?

  • Does the business have standard operating procedures or work instructions to maintain control over environmental impacts?

  • Do the operating procedures address the highest priority environmental impacts?

  • Are the operating procedures regularly updated to incorporate changes including changes to plant and machinery, changes in process and work methods, changes in materials used and organisational changes?

  • Are the procedures accessible and used by relevant personnel?

  • Are there approvals from local councils or the DPI for native vegetation works or works impacting cultural heritage?

  • Comments

  • Overall Audit Rating

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