Title Page
Site conducted
Audit Conducted on
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Name of person being interviewed
Can you take a picture of their badge?
11.2.4 Questions Specific training for persons directly supervising persons implementing security controls, supplementary to the competencies that the persons that they are supervising (Duty Managers)
Explain why the effective supervision of persons implementing security controls is important
Describe the measures which should be taken upon discovery of a prohibited article
Identify to whom should this be reported
Identify if appropriate contingency plans are in place in case of a failure of screening equipment
Identify Who is the appropriate contact(s) in the case of an emergency
Identify how those implementing security controls should be best managed to prevent fatigue
Identify how those implementing security controls at the screening checkpoint should rotate through their respective roles
Identify how should complacency be rectified
Explain, why internal quality control is carried out
Identify who is responsible for internal quality control
Describe how you would ensure that internal quality control measures are being implemented
Describe how internal quality control information is recorded and stored
Explain if evidence of an internal quality control programme needs to be provided to the appropriate authority
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