
  • Site/ Location

  • Conducted on

  • Auditor


  • Are all medication storage areas, trolleys, and cupboards<br>clean and tidy?

  • Were the medication cupboard/cabinets locked?

  • Are daily stock checks of medication carried out?

  • Is there written evidence of medication audits and spot checks?

  • Has action been taken to rectify any issues found during audits?

  • Are daily temperature checks made and recorded for all clinical fridges, using a max/min thermometer?

  • Are the clinical fridge temperature checks within the correct range of 2-8C? If not, has action been taken to rectify this?

  • Is the medication room temperature checked (no higher than 25C)

  • has action been taken to rectify this?

  • Are there written records of weekly checks and cleaning of all emergency equipment such as LM breathing mask??

  • Are the medication keys held by the person in charge at all times?

  • Are the medication charts completed correctly (no gaps and correct codes)

  • Is the medicine trolley secured to the wall when not in use?

  • Are internal medicines stored separately from external<br>medicines?

  • Is the medication room and storage areas for prescribed items, such as dressings, kept locked when not in use?

  • Do all clinical fridges have working locks and keys? Are they kept locked when not in use?

  • Is there an up to date signature list of medication trained staff

  • Are the boxes containing medication clean and in a good state of repair ?

Topical Medications

  • A Topical Medicines Application Record (TMAR) and body map is completed for each topical medication prescribed.

  • Each TMAR has a body map alongside to indicate where the cream/ointment is to be applied by placing an X on the body area.

  • The TMAR clearly states what is to be applied, the frequency and how to apply, e.g. apply emollient liberally to dry skin on legs, or apply steroid cream thinly to face as shown on body map.

  • Does the Topical medication have a date of opening on it?

  • All topical medication are in date?

  • The TMAR is stored in the area where the topical medicine will be applied, e.g. the Residents’ room.

  • Care staff sign the EMAR at the time they apply a topical medicine in line with the prescription<br>instructions

  • Each resident has a Care Plan written for each topical medicine applied.

  • A risk assessment is in place to consider the safe handling and storage of the creams/ointment (including the risk of fire)

  • Care staff ensure the relevant topical medicines Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) is kept and is available.

Covert and self administering

  • There is evidence that Residents are encouraged and supported to self-manage their medication?

  • Do current Residents who self administer have safe, lockable storage facilities for their medication?

  • Do all Residents that self-administer have an assessment in place?

  • Do all Residents who self-administer have a detailed Care Plan in place?

  • Is discreet monitoring and reassessment being carried out?

  • Have all Residents who are having their medication administered covertly been assessed under the Mental Capacity Act 2005? A capacity assessment is in evidence?

  • Do all Residents who are having their medication administered covertly have a detailed Care Plan in place?

  • Are regular reviews taking place of the decision to give medication covertly?

Ordering and returns

  • Are all medications brought into the service and disposed of within the Home recorded?

  • Are medicines that are no longer in use returned and not retained for other Residents, or beyond the "use by date"?

  • Are the staff responsible for medication aware of the procedures for ordering medication out with normal hours?

  • Are all unused medications returned to pharmacy and is the reason for any returns stated in the returns book?

  • Are stock rotation procedures followed, especially for PRN medications, homely remedies, and any non-blistered items

  • Does the Home have an adequate supply of medication for each Resident, with no evidence of overstocking medicines?

  • Do all records show that medicines are NEVER out of stock?

  • Are repeat prescriptions obtained in a safe and efficient manner?

  • Is there an agreed method for requesting repeat prescription orders from GP practice(s)?

  • Are there any ordering/stock problems?

  • Are medicines ordered in advance, so Residents do not miss any dosages of their medicines?

  • Are records kept of medicines ordered?

  • Are records kept of medicines received?

  • Are discrepancies in the above raised with the MOCH Team and/or GP?

  • Are all medicines checked in correctly?

  • Are medicines clearly labelled by the Pharmacy?

  • If a medication is out of stock, is there a process for notifying the GP so an alternative can be prescribed if necessary?

  • Is there a process for ordering prescriptions in the middle of the ordering cycle, e.g. for acute medicines or new medicines?

Homely Remedies

  • Is there a register of all homely remedies purchased, with a record of administration?

  • Have receipts of purchase been kept with the homely remedy record?

  • All homely remedies purchased are in line with the self care toolkit?

  • Where a homely remedy is bought by a Resident (that is not covered by policy) is there is separate written consent obtained from the GP?

  • Are all homely remedies stored within the medication room?

  • Does the running total in the homely remedies register match with the stock balance?

  • Are all homely remedies within their expiry date?

  • Is there a separate individual record of administration of homely remedies for each Resident kept with their medication administration records?

  • Have more than two consecutive doses of any homely remedy been administered without medical advice being sought?

Controlled Drugs

  • Are all received medications clearly recorded in CD register?

  • Are all returned medications clearly recorded in CDregister and returns book?

  • Are Weekly checks of CDs are being carried out and recorded by an appropriate person?

  • Are CD’s stored securely within a separate locked CD cupboard?

  • CD keys always carried by the person in charge and kept separate from other medication keys?

  • Do quantities in the CD register match actual stock in the cupboard?

  • Are all current-controlled drug registers locked in the CD cupboard when not in use?

MARR Charts


  • Are all the details on the medication EMARR completed?

  • Is there a current and clear photo of the client on their MARR chart?

  • Has the Residents photo been updated in the last 12 months

  • Does the chart cover clearly state any known allergies

Regular Medication


  • Is the clients name and D.O.B. clearly identifiable on each medication?

  • All medications have an opening date clearly legible

  • Have all ceased regular medications been signed off and dated (with Dr's name)

  • Does the label on the medication match the Doctors orders in the MARR?

  • Are all non packed medications easily identifiable on the medication charts?

  • Are all non packed medications in date?

  • Have all regular medications been signed for?

  • Where a Resident has refused medication, it is clearly recorded on the MARR?

  • Where a resident has refused there medication 3 or more times GP advice has been sought and followed?

PRN Medication


  • Are there individual containers that are clearly identifiable to store PRN medications?

  • Are all PRN medications in date?

  • Are all PRN medication placed in individual containers?

  • Each PRN medication has a Protocol in place- describing the desired outcome, when to administer and dose.

  • The reason for the administration of any PRN has been recorded on the PRN Protocol

  • The effect of any administered PRN medication has been recorded

  • The amount given has been recorded for any variable doses

  • Persistently required PRN Medications or those not achieving the desired outcome are reviewed by the GP

  • PRN protocols are reviewed monthly and changes made as they occur



  • How many NON-CONFORMITIES are in this audit

  • Additional Information


  • Are there any Actions to Remedy Non-CONFORMITIES?

  • Due By

  • Persons Responsible


  • Add signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.